A Dom is Forever (Masters and Mercenaries #3)

He was certainly better at pleasing her. It was his job in life.

Avery laughed, her eyes rolling. He bloody loved that. It was her way of telling him she was amused. He was also very good at amusing her. “Listen to him. He’s so arrogant.”

He wasn’t arrogant. He just knew his place. It was by Avery’s side, and she was the smartest damn woman in the world. She was also pregnant. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise. He was on top of her most of the time. “Do you think our kid is going to be that wrinkly?”

Grace frowned from her hospital bed. The room was filling up fast. Grace had given birth just twenty-four hours before, but she was already back to smiling and beautiful as she held her tiny girl. “She’s not wrinkly. She spent a lot of time in the womb. Give her a little credit.”

Serena stepped up. “Baby Carys isn’t wrinkly. She’s gorgeous. Look at those little fat baby legs.”

Adam moved behind his wife, his hand covering her slightly rounded belly. “She is beautiful, sweetheart.”

Jake took his place at her side, too. “Our son is going to be gorgeous, too.”

Jake and Adam were sure the baby in Serena’s belly was a boy, but Liam didn’t give a shit. He just wanted a healthy baby. It sort of freaked him out. He still wasn’t sure he was father material, but he loved his wife so much he had to try. That baby would be a part of Avery. The baby would get all her goodness. The baby would be the best thing he could put into the world. While he was scared out of his mind, he was also okay because Avery was with him. Avery was his strength. He pulled her close, nuzzling her hair. This was where he lived. Avery O’Donnell was his home.

“She’s awful cute, love,” Liam offered.

Avery gave him a big grin. “She is.”

The door opened behind him and Ian, Alex, and Eve walked in. The gang was all here. Ian had a wary look on his face as he entered the room. He was a little awkward carrying a massive teddy bear.

Sean stood up straighter, his jaw going just a little hard. He hadn’t forgiven his brother yet, but he dealt with it for Grace’s sake. Liam had talked a little to Sean about Rory. He was kind of hoping that his good-for-nothing, arms dealing, rapist, killer brother would make Ian look good. Sean needed to know that he had it easy when it came to blood family.

Grace gave her brother-in-law a glorious smile. “Do you want to meet your niece?”

“Yes.” The answer came out in a rush, Ian flushing slightly. He shook it off. “But she’s so…little. I think I might break her.”

Big Tag stood over the tiny infant looking utterly helpless. Carys kicked her baby legs and managed to break free of the bunting they had wrapped around her. One tiny fist came free, and there was no way to miss the proud little smirk that hit Ian’s face.

“Just pick her up, man,” Sean said, sighing. “She’s tough. She’s a Taggart.”

Liam had never seen Ian flush before, but he did as he looked down at that little day-old girl. His big ass paws came out to lift the infant up.

“She’s beautiful. I think that’s from Grace, though. Not you, Sean,” Ian said, looking down at his niece.

A broad smile broke over Sean’s face. “Yeah. She looks like her momma.”

Liam hated this part, the part that made his eyes water and his stomach roll. Emotion. It still kind of made him want to puke, but he would do anything for these people. His real family. He was a bloody lucky man. He’d gotten to pick his family, and they were amazing. He pulled Avery close. His wife. His better half. He’d lost his brother, but he’d found his soul.

Ian smiled down at the girl. “I’m going to meet all of your boyfriends.”

Grace shook her head. “The poor girl. She’s never going to date. Sean already has plans.”

Ian gave the baby to Sean, handing her over carefully. The baby was precious. He turned to Liam, gesturing to the door.

Liam followed him out. “What’s up, boss?”

It had been a quiet couple of months. His marriage to Avery and the birth of Carys had been the big events in their lives. It was a wonderful way to live.

The door closed, and Ian turned to him. “I already told the others, but MI6 just apprehended the first of Nelson’s buyers.”

A fierce satisfaction flooded his veins. His wife had made that happen. She’d taken down a terrorist with smarts and good sense. She hadn’t backed down. She was a warrior, his girl. “Fucking brilliant. Did they get Nelson?”