Sacked (The Alpha Ballers#2)

I, on the other hand, was completely flummoxed. Just who was it that was speaking for me this evening?

Here I was in the middle of a new state on the other end of the country, on my first night, at a club, asking a guy I had just met, a complete stranger who I had just let stick his tongue down my throat, if he wanted to get out of here?

What was I thinking?

I knew what I was thinking just as I asked myself the question. I was thinking that this was all new to me and that I might as well make the most of it. Enjoy myself and throw myself completely into it.

Parker took me by the hand, giving me a look that could melt stone, and I followed as he headed toward the exit without delay. It was as if the throngs of people around us parted and let us through, like they knew we had somewhere else important to be.

I pulled my phone out of my bag and texted Sandy that I was heading out. She replied almost immediately, telling me she had been watching Parker and I for a few minutes and was jealous as all hell that I had met a guy like that. The way she worded it, it was like she knew who this guy was or something. Just as I was about to ask her what was up Parker and I got outside, and the wind rushed through my hair, and I put my phone away to have a hand free to keep my dress under control.

Parker turned to me outside, shielding me from the wind. “Got any ideas for where we can go?” There was a twinge of hope in his voice.

“My place?” I asked, hesitatingly, again shocked at my own boldness. Who was this new Charlotte? I didn’t know whether I liked her or not yet. “Only thing is, I don’t have a car.” We had come in Sandy’s car, and she was definitely not invited back to my place just yet. Though, to be fair, she lived in the same building.

Parker’s smile was wry and inviting. “We’re in luck. I have a car, but my place isn’t the best for guests.”

I stopped cold. “You’re not married, are you?”

“No, no, nothing like that. It’s just a little complicated, is all.”

I wasn’t about to let a complicated living situation get in the way of a good night with a man who looked suspiciously like the man of my dreams. “We’ll go to my place.” I pulled my phone back out and got the address, which I hadn’t memorized yet, and I showed it to Parker.

He nodded. “I know that area. Let’s go.” He took my hand again, and I realized I didn’t mind it at all when he held it like that. We walked to the parking garage next to the club and a couple minutes later we stopped in front of a sleek, black, sports car. I didn’t know anything about cars, and so I couldn’t name it if my life depended on it, but all I could tell was that it was expensive and looked fast.

Parker took out the keys and unlocked it, the sound ringing out in the quiet parking garage. “Get in,” he said, thrusting his chin toward the passenger side. I nodded and got in, settling back into the cold but incredibly soft leather of the interior. Parker got in the driver’s side and turned the key, bringing the exotic beast to life with a roar that almost made me crane my head around looking for the wild animal chasing us.

Parker noticed my reaction and laughed. “Yeah, it has that effect.” He reached over and took my hand in his again, and stared into my eyes. “Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to you tonight.”

“I know,” I said back, and I meant it. Still, this was so unlike me that I was more than a little hesitant.

Parker slid the car out of the parking spot and the garage and we were off into the night. He asked me for the address again and I pulled out my phone and gave it to him, updating Sandy on where we were going at the same time. She asked if I was going to put a sock on the door when we got home and I could feel myself turn crimson, for the first time wondering if this was such a good idea after all.

No, Charlotte, don’t do that to yourself. You’ve come so far, spreading your wings to take a job thousands of miles away from home. Parker seems like a really nice guy, don’t let yourself get in the way of a good thing. Just enjoy yourself for once, rather than try and find reasons not to. If it blows up in your face, well, you’ll be OK. You’ve been through worse.

As if to allay my fears right then and there, Parker took his hand from the shifter in the center of the car and rested it lightly on my leg. It was warm to the touch, and I shuddered involuntarily with how good it made me feel. I couldn’t believe the effect this man had on me, and I barely knew him. He just seemed so…so elementally male that I couldn’t resist. Just looking at him gave me visions of houses and babies and long nights making passionate love to each other.

Yeah, I had a habit of getting a little ahead of myself. But this time I wasn’t going to let it stop me from having a good night.

Lucy Snow's books