Sacked (The Alpha Ballers#2)

The rain had stopped by the time we pulled up into the Pinewood Apartments - the name still made me smile at how completely unimaginative it was. Still, the place looked big and friendly even in the low light of the evening. It was late August, so we still had longer days, but the evenings were starting to get a little colder. I pulled my jacket a little tighter as I got out of Sandy’s car and pulled the couple bags I had brought with me out of her trunk.

I had decided to pack super light at first, just in case things didn’t work out here. Same with the apartment, I had a month to month lease so I could get out of things without too much hassle or lost money. It wasn’t that I didn’t think things at the new job or state would work out, but I just liked to be a little cautious with these things.

You never knew what might happen.I might hate the new job, or hate living in New England, despite all the wonderful things I had heard about it, mostly from Sandy. For whatever reason, if I wanted to be able to run back to Wichita, it was good to know that was a possibility.

Not that I was the type to run away when things got tough, mind you. I knew how to grit my teeth and get things done when necessary. But I also didn't believe in continuing to throw myself into worthless causes, not when there were so many beautiful and wonderful things to see out there.

Sandy led me into the complex, and to the third floor. It was bare and not too exciting, but for the amount I was paying, that was A-OK with me. Despite the salary increase, I definitely wasn’t trying to live in luxury yet. Maybe someday, but certainly not now, now was for roughing it and figuring out just how tough I was.

We came to unit #307 and Sandy presented the door with a flourish, striking a pose. “Welcome to your new home, Charlotte! You’re gonna love it here.” I fumbled for a second, getting the keys out of the envelope before unlocking the door and stepping inside.

The apartment was much like the outer areas in tone - drab and impossible to recognize or remember, but clean and cozy all the same. And, as a bonus, it was already furnished, which was perfect for me, considering I came halfway across the country with very little furniture stuffed into my two suitcases.

It was a small studio, just the way I liked it. There was a small kitchenette off to the right, and a little alcove with a table and chairs. On the left side was a bed, closet, and the door to the bathroom.

There wasn’t much space, but for the next few months I really didn’t anticipate spending too much time here. I plopped myself down on the bed to take in the entire thing, such as it was, you know, get used to my new home. New home. That had a funny sound to it.

Sandy stood near the fridge, watching me, her hands on her hips, expectantly. “Yes?” I asked, smiling, already knowing where this was going. “Can I help you?”

“You ‘may’ help me, yes, indeed. Get up and get ready.”

I furrowed my brow. “Where are we going? I just got here.”

“You’re not going to spend your first night here moping about at home.”

I got indignant. “Excuse me!? I do not mope!” There was a smile on my face, and I knew I would cave. This was a game Sandy and I had played many times before, I wanted to stay in and relax, get used to the place, and she wanted to do something wild.

“You brought a dress, right?”

“More than one, yes.” I had a weakness for dresses - I couldn’t wear them to work, but aside from that, I would rather be wearing one.

“Good.” She stepped toward the door. “We’re going to a club. More of a lounge, really. Dress appropriately. I’ll be back in 45 minutes to get you, yeah?”

“You know I have work tomorrow, right? First day and all? I can’t stay out too late.”

Sandy sighed, exasperated. “I know, I know, it’s all you’ve talked about for months now! You’re gonna be working hard for the next few months so I need to make sure you have at least a little fun before you go and do that thing you do.”

“What thing I do?”

“Oh, honey, you know how it is, something at school or work comes up and you just go heads down, oblivious to the world again. I’m gonna make sure you have at least a little bit of a social life, OK?”

I withered and caved in, like I knew I would. It wasn’t that I was weak, it was just that Sandy was really good at making sense, occasionally, and this was definitely one of those times. “I can’t stay out too late, you know. I have to be at the facility pretty early tomorrow morning.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll make sure you get back here with enough time to sleep it off. 45 minutes?”

“Fine, fine. I’ll be ready. Also, I hate you.”

“The feeling’s mutual.” Sandy opened the door, but turned back to me first. “It’s really good having you here, Charlotte. I missed you lots.”

I beamed back at her. “Likewise, babe, this is gonna be so fun!”

“See you soon.” She closed the door behind her and I was alone in my new place for the first time, thousands of miles away from home.

I looked around again and sighed before standing up and lifting my suitcases onto the bed. I didn’t have time to unpack, just enough to get my clothing and makeup out.

Lucy Snow's books