Sacked (The Alpha Ballers#2)

Now was as good a time as any to investigate the shower, but I had better be quick about it if I was going to be ready to go out in less than 45 minutes.

I wondered about this lounge Sandy was taking me to. Did she expect me to meet someone on the first night? Of course, that might be nice, but also it would be way too much too fast. I mean, I had just gotten here, and I was about to start a new job tomorrow!

I gathered the dress I was going to wear and started to get ready.

…And THAT is how I found myself at the club. It wasn’t at all like a lounge and Sandy was a dirty liar and I hated her. Of course I didn’t really hate her - how could I hate one of my best friends when she was so clearly having such a good time?

At the same time, though, this place was almost impossible to move around in. And that was even before you tried to talk to someone.

OK, that’s enough rewind. We now rejoin our program already in progress…

“That’s a good one,” he said, his eyes crinkling with his smile. His voice was deep and rich and warm and I wanted to dive into it and swim forever.

“Why thank you, I pride myself on knowing how to return a greeting.” I closed my eyes and nodded to myself, not an easy feat when your entire being is saying, ‘stare this guy down, memorize what he looks like so we have fantasy material for the rest of your life!’ “It’s not a skill that gets enough credit these days.”

“And well you should, that was better than most I get. A good 8 out of 10, at least.”

I smiled back. “Only 8 of 10?” I looked around and motioned to the masses around us. “Tough crowd tonight.”

“Yeah, you got the hanging judge around here.”

I wrinkled my nose at him. It was tough to even look directly at him he was so blindingly gorgeous. I wondered if it would become easier in time, or would I always have to look at him indirectly, like with a mirror or something. Might still be worth it. “So you’re the hanging judge? Harsh and cold, taking an absurd amount of glee in cutting people down to size?”

He paused, then smiled. “I think you mean the headsman.”

I took a sip of my drink. “Factually correct, I guess.”

“Factually correct is the best kind of correct, I always say.”

I smiled back, saying nothing.

“No, really,” he continued, “my friends are always telling me I say that too often. Also,” those brown eyes nearly ate me up, and I was A-OK with that, “this conversation started out getting a little dark.” He held out his hand. “I’m Parker.”

“Parker? I’m Charlotte.” I took his hand in mine, looking down and marveling at how my hand looked tiny compared to his. “Nice to meet you.”

“The pleasure is all mine.”

“Even with only an 8 out of 10 greeting response?”

“We can work on that.” He looked at me hungrily, and while for any other guy that would have me heading for the hills immediately, with Parker it felt almost comfortable. I could tell already that he wasn’t the kind of guy who hid his desires, and I found that so refreshing. Too many guys tried to keep themselves in check, scared that girls would reject them.

Parker, I could tell, didn’t experience rejection very often.

It was then that I realized we were still holding hands. Parker must have realized it at the same time, because both of us stared at our hands together. He smiled and pulled me in a little closer, reaching around my back with his other arm.

“Easier to hear each other this way.”

I took a small sip from my drink. “You’re right. Especially since we have such important diplomatic discussions to get to!”

“The fate of the free world truly is in our hands,” he continued, playing along with my word games expertly, to my delight. This was so rare, to meet a guy who could jump around in a conversation so quickly. I never would have thought I could meet a guy like that at a club. Maybe New England men were better?

“I’m Charlotte,” I whispered, taking in his manly scent as the hulking man took up most of my vision. I got hints of vanilla and sandalwood, two things that made my toes curl in anticipation. Down, girl, you just met him. Don’t get ahead of yourself!

“I know, you said that already. I’m still Parker.” Ugh, I was being so weird. Parker? That was a funny name. His first name was a last name! I giggled.

He furrowed his brow a bit, which somehow managed to be an even sexier look on him than before. “What?”

I couldn’t help but laugh more. “It’s-it’s nothing, I’m sorry.”

Parker stared at me intently, a small smile forming on those perfect lips. “Tell me, Charlotte. Don’t start keeping secrets from me already.”

Lucy Snow's books