Some Girls Do

Chapter Thirteen

Slavish Love

Mr Bossy is a dominant, and though I don’t think of myself as a submissive, I do have a strong desire to submit when I’m with him. There’s something about him that makes me want to obey; to serve and please him. I crave his praise. When he tells me I’m a ‘good girl’, the words alone are almost enough to make me come.

So yesterday we’re out in his car, tootling along in the fast lane, surrounded by other Sunday drivers, when he asks me to take off my knickers. Well, he doesn’t ask really – it’s more of an order than a request. So I do as I’m told, eager to please. I’m totally his bitch, and I don’t even care. I’m already excited as I wriggle them off under my skirt and toss them into the footwell.

‘Show me,’ he says. ‘Lift up your skirt.’

I look around, not sure I can do it. We’re on a busy road – there are cars whizzing by on both sides.

‘No one can see,’ he says, understanding my anxiety, and I realise it’s true. Other drivers can only see my top half. No one will know if I’m naked from the waist down. ‘Show me,’ he coaxes again, in that commanding voice of his.

So I grab the hem of my skirt and pull it up slowly, teasing him, finally bunching it up around my waist and turning in the seat to give him a full visual. He takes his eyes off the road for a second to glance over at me, and his little gasp is gratifying.

‘Spread your legs,’ he says, and I scooch down a little in my seat and spread myself open. I tell you, I’m like a little puppy that’s aced obedience school around this guy. If he told me to roll over and play dead, I’d probably do it.

He takes one hand off the wheel and reaches over to grope me a little. ‘You’re so wet already,’ he says, as he strokes me. ‘Does this game excite you?’

‘Yes,’ I whisper. My voice is shaky as his fingers work me and I feel myself getting wetter.

‘Good girl,’ he says, as he withdraws his fingers. He sticks them in his mouth, sucking absentmindedly. ‘Do you need to come?’ he asks, as he places his hand back on the wheel, and I feel bereft.

‘Yes,’ I gasp. I sound like I’m choking.

‘I’d like to do that for you, but I have to concentrate on the road,’ he says, giving me a wicked smile. ‘Put your feet up on the dash and touch yourself.’

I kick off my shoes and plant my feet as instructed.

‘Good girl,’ he coos, as I stroke myself, and I can feel myself getting closer at the sound of his voice. ‘You’re always such a good girl for me. I want you to make yourself come now. And let me hear you.’

I’m just climaxing, my body bucking off the seat, straining against the seatbelt, when we pull up at a set of traffic lights. A young guy in a black BMW pulls up beside us and glances over. I don’t know if he guesses what’s going on, but he grins and winks at me. I turn to Mr Bossy in panic, and he reaches out and strokes my hair, soothing me as I come down from a juddering orgasm. I’m whimpering as little aftershocks ripple through me.

‘Ssh, it’s okay,’ he says, and tells me I’m a good girl again. ‘You did great,’ he says. ‘I’m very pleased with you.’ I don’t even care then that a total stranger has just seen my sex face.

When the lights change and we pull away, I reach down for my knickers.

‘Don’t,’ he says, and I straighten up again. ‘Leave them off. I think you deserve a reward for being such a good girl. When I find some place to pull in, we’ll stop and you can have my cock. Would you like that?’

I know – it sounds like a dad offering to stop for ice-cream as a treat for his little girl. But I nod eagerly, like a child gagging for that ice-cream, because I really would like that very much, and he knows it. I love having his big, thick cock in my mouth. I love how helpless and vulnerable I can make him with my hands and mouth, how powerful it makes me feel, even when he grabs my hair and controls my movements. And I love it in my cunt, moving inside me, filling me up until I don’t know where he ends and I begin.

We pull into a lay-by, and he cuts the engine, turning to me as he unclicks his seatbelt. I don’t know if he wants me to undo mine, so I wait. He smiles and I know he’s pleased that I’m waiting for his instructions. He leans over and kisses my forehead, then my mouth as he releases my seatbelt himself.

‘I’d like you to take your top off,’ he says, as he pulls back, looking into my eyes. This isn’t a command, it’s a request. Sometimes he does this. I think he’s making allowances for the fact that I’m new to all this, and I’m not as into it as most of the submissives he’s been with. I’m touched that he’s so considerate and patient with me, and it just makes me more eager to please him. Still, I waver, glancing towards the window. He sees my slight hesitation, but he’s not displeased. This is a request, not an order.

‘Please. I won’t let anyone see you,’ he says.

So I say yes, his favourite word, and pull my top off over my head.

‘Thank you,’ he says, kissing me on the forehead again.

I know my trust means a lot to him, and I feel good, knowing I’ve pleased him.

‘Is it warm enough?’ he asks, stroking my arm as I unhook my bra.

‘Yes.’ I smile, touched by his consideration. It’s cold outside, but he’s had the heating running and it’s cosy and warm inside his car. I toss my bra onto the floor.

‘Such a beautiful girl,’ he says, pulling me into his lap. His hands run up and down my naked torso, over my bare breasts, and they feel amazing on my skin. He leans down and suckles my breasts, first one, then the other, taking my nipples into his mouth. Then he undoes his fly and bunches my skirt up around my waist and we f*ck right there in the lay-by.

He pulls out at the last minute and comes over my breasts. When we have both recovered, he rubs his spunk all over my chest, massaging it into my skin with slow, firm movements. As his palms pass over my nipples, they harden and excitement spikes again deep inside me. He smiles, and I think he knows that he’s getting me worked up again, but he just continues methodically massaging his cum into my breasts and belly.

‘There,’ he says, with a smile of satisfaction when he’s done and I’m coated in a fine layer of his jizz, drying on my skin. He taps my waist to indicate that I can get off him, and I’m disappointed because I’m ready to go again. ‘You can put your top back on,’ he says, as I slide across to the passenger seat. ‘But I’ll keep those.’ He nods to my knickers on the floor. ‘Put them in the glove compartment for me.’

I do as I’m told and he drives me back to my place.

‘Thank you for a lovely day,’ he says, when he’s parked outside my building.

‘Thank you.’ I smile. I’m hoping he’ll come inside. I want more.

‘I won’t come in,’ he says, answering my unspoken question. ‘I have an early flight in the morning.’

I’m disappointed, but I console myself with the thought that I can have a wank as soon as I get in. I’m eager to get out of the car now.

‘Don’t have a shower tonight,’ he says. ‘I want you to go to bed covered in my cum. I want the smell of me all around you, so you think of me all the time.’

No problemo, I think – all the better for getting myself off to thoughts of him.

‘And don’t touch yourself,’ he says then, as if he’s read my mind. ‘Don’t let anyone else touch you either. Your next orgasm will come from me. Is that clear?’

I nod, dismayed. He’s going away on business tomorrow and he’ll be gone for a week. My only hope is that he’ll call for phone sex and let me come then. Otherwise, I’m looking at a whole week without an orgasm. Still, I know I’ll do it. The desire to please him is overwhelming.

‘Yes,’ I say.

He gives a little groan of satisfaction. ‘You’re such a good girl,’ he says. ‘You please me very much.’ Then he leans over and kisses me again, his hand cupping my breast. His thumb flicks over the nipple, deliberately teasing, and I jump, already desperate to come again.

I didn’t get much sleep that night. Every time I turn in the bed I smell his musky scent all around me. It’s agony not touching myself, and I wonder how I’m going to hold out for a whole week. But I do. Because I’m such a good girl for him.

Holy shit! Luca thought, closing the laptop and trying to ignore the semi he had got while he read. It was a good thing he’d decided to check out Claire’s blog, he thought, struggling to reconcile what he’d just read with the Claire he knew. He couldn’t believe she’d written that stuff – she had trouble even saying ‘f*ck’. At least now he knew what they were up against. If this was who Claire’s publisher dude thought he was dealing with, it was no wonder she was worried about living up to his expectations. He’d probably dump her as soon as she refused to have a three-way or to let him tie her up. Or, worse, she might feel pressured into doing stuff she wasn’t comfortable with to keep up the pretence.

It just reinforced what he had said to her yesterday. He could teach her techniques, give her experience, show her how to please a guy, and help her discover what she liked, so she could ask for what she wanted in bed. But, more than anything, they needed to work on building up her confidence so she could handle herself in any situation. She needed a bit of this NiceGirl’s ballsy attitude. But the fact that she had written this stuff gave him hope. It must be in there somewhere – it was just a matter of drawing it out.

On Friday evening, Claire raced home from work and packed her overnight bag. Her mother’s friends were relocating their usual weekly card game to the nursing home, so Espie would have plenty of company for the night. Claire had the whole weekend off work, and was going to stay with Luca. Deciding what to bring was worse than packing for a holiday. She didn’t want to freak Luca out by taking too much, but there was a certain amount of stuff she needed. Going through her clothes the previous night, she had realised she was ashamed of her underwear, and had dashed around at lunchtime buying new bras and knickers – not overtly sexy, but pretty and feminine. She made sure to cut all the tags off before packing them in her case. She didn’t want Luca to know she had bought them specially for him. She toyed with the idea of buying new nightwear too. She usually slept in a ratty old oversized T-shirt or pyjamas that were built more for comfort than to get a man’s pulses racing. But in the end she decided nightclothes wouldn’t be required when she was staying with Luca, so she decided not to bother bringing any.

After work she went to Marks & Spencer and bought thick peppered steaks, huge baking potatoes, fat brown mushrooms, crème fra?che and chives, bags of salad, punnets of raspberries, thick double cream and a couple of bottles of red wine. She was on a mission. She suspected Luca didn’t usually eat very well, and she wanted to cook him a really good dinner. He had done something so nice for her, and it seemed only right to return the favour.

She got a bit carried away when she started food shopping, picking up blueberries, Greek yoghurt, eggs, sourdough bread, orange juice and coffee for the morning. She felt a little frisson of pleasure as it dawned on her that she was shopping for a lovers’ tryst – a seduction dinner and a morning-after breakfast. She was finally taking part in life, instead of sitting on the sidelines watching it pass her by.

She took a taxi to Luca’s and arrived laden with shopping bags and her wheelie case, hoping it didn’t look too much like she was moving in. Luca grinned at her as he opened the door.

‘Ready for your sleepover?’ he asked, grabbing her case and waving her inside.

‘I brought some stuff for dinner,’ she said, holding her shopping bags aloft as she followed him up the stairs. ‘I don’t know if you had any plans …’

‘I hadn’t thought about it, really,’ he said absently. ‘I figured we’d just get a takeaway or something.’

‘Well, I thought I could cook,’ Claire said. ‘I brought lots of food.’

‘I’ll leave this here for now,’ Luca said, leaning her case against the couch when they got into the flat. He led her through to the kitchen and took one of the bags from her. ‘Steak, cream, raspberries, wine,’ he said, as he unloaded it onto the counter. ‘Are you trying to seduce me?’ He grinned at her.

‘If you’d rather get a takeaway …’ She hoped he didn’t think she was acting like a girlfriend – buying groceries, offering to cook for him.

‘God, no. This looks amazing! I can’t remember when I last had steak. You can come and stay anytime. But you know I’m a sure thing, right? You don’t have to spend your money on me.’

For a second the unspoken words hung in the air between them – more than you’re already spending.

‘Well, I have to eat too,’ Claire said.

‘Okay,’ he said breezily. ‘Let’s get the oven on. I take it you were planning to bake these?’ he said, holding up the potatoes.

She nodded, grateful that he wasn’t going to make an issue of it. Luca put the potatoes in the oven, and they stashed the rest of the food in the fridge.

‘They’re going to need a head-start,’ Claire said, waving at the oven. ‘Maybe we could discuss our arrangement while we’re waiting. We still haven’t hammered out the details properly.’

‘Or we could have a quickie?’ Luca said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Claire smiled. But she wanted to get some things straight before going any further. She didn’t want any more uncertainty. ‘Let’s discuss our arrangement.’

‘Suit yourself, it’s your dime.’ He took her hand and led her back into the living room, pulling her down onto the couch beside him.

‘OK, we need to sort out what times I come here, and how long I can stay.’

‘We can play it by ear,’ Luca said.

‘I don’t want to intrude on your life.’

‘I’ll let you know if you’re in the way,’ he replied drily.

‘As long as you promise to tell me the minute you feel I’m crowding you. I don’t want you to be afraid of hurting my feelings.’

‘No need to worry about me being too much of a gentleman.’

‘Okay. Now, about the timeframe – I know you said you’d give me as much time as I needed, but this can’t go on indefinitely.’

‘Right. And this Mark dude won’t wait around for ever. Presumably you’re putting off sleeping with him until you feel you’ve achieved the desired sex-bomb status?’

‘Until I feel I’m ready, yes,’ she said primly. ‘I don’t want him to be disappointed.’

‘So basically your deadline is before Mark’s balls turn blue.’ He chuckled.

‘Well, he lives in London, so that’s not so much of an issue – at least for now. Plus I told him I have a five-date rule so—’

‘A what?’

‘A five-date rule. You know, I won’t sleep with a guy until we’ve been on five dates.’

‘Seriously? Girls have those?’

‘Apparently, yes. Yvonne told me about it. Lots of girls have them. Sometimes they’re three-date rules.’

‘Huh! No one’s ever used that on me,’ he said smugly.

Claire ignored him. ‘Anyway, that gives me more time, but I’d like to get as much done as possible in the next couple of weeks. I’ll have more free time while my mother’s still in the nursing home.’

‘Okay. You can come over as many nights as you want to for the next two weeks – as long as you check with me first.’

‘You’re sure that’s not too much? I’d pay you more.’

Luca shook his head. ‘No need for that. Consider it a fixed-price job. Five hundred to turn you into a sexpot or your money back.’

It didn’t seem fair when she would be taking up so much of his time, but Claire could tell he wasn’t going to budge. Maybe she could find other ways to pay him extra – like buying groceries … ‘Okay,’ she agreed. ‘Now, one last thing – I made a list,’ she said, bending to fish it out of her bag.

‘A list?’

‘Of things I want to learn.’ She had typed it on the computer and printed it out. She unfolded the sheet of A4 paper and smoothed it out.

‘Okay, let’s see,’ Luca said, taking it from her. To her mortification, he began reading the list out loud. ‘Basic sex, hand job, blowjob, positions, e.g. woman on top, doggy style, sixty-nine … How much of this stuff have you done before?’

‘I’ve had sex but I don’t think I was doing it right – I told you that.’

‘Okay.’ Luca’s lips twitched as he placed a tick beside ‘basic sex’. ‘Hand job?’

‘Um … same thing. I tried it, but it didn’t work.’

‘It didn’t work? What exactly happened?’

‘I tried to do it, but I wasn’t any good at it. The guy … he kind of gave out to me.’

‘What? You were giving him a hand job and he gave out to you?’

‘Yeah,’ she said in a small voice. ‘I think I was doing it too lightly. He kept telling me I didn’t have to be so gentle, but I was scared of hurting him. Plus I don’t have great upper body strength. My arm was aching and he just kept complaining, so … well, I just gave up. He was really pissing me off. I mean, I was doing my best. He didn’t have to be so critical.’ Her cheeks flushed. She could still feel the burning shame. It had been so humiliating.


‘Well, I suppose it’s like you said – if he’d faked it and pretended he was enjoying it, I’d have just kept doing the same thing.’

‘He didn’t have to fake it. He could have just shown you what to do, given you a bit of encouragement.’

‘Anyway, I just left – got out of bed there and then and never saw him again.’

‘Serves him right.’

‘I don’t think he’d have been crying after me, considering,’ she said. ‘He was probably happier on his own.’

‘Wankers usually are.’

‘I’m not telling you this to make you feel sorry for me, by the way. You have to tell me if I’m not doing something right. I want to learn.’

‘I’ll be firm but fair.’ He grinned. ‘Was that the half?’


‘You said you’d had sex three and a half times.’

‘Oh, yeah. That was the half.’

‘What about positions? What have you done?’

‘Just missionary.’


She shook her head.

‘Well, we can start with this fundamental stuff, and later on, when you’ve got to grips with the basics, we can move on to more kinky things, like on your blog.’

‘You’ve been reading my blog?’ she asked disconcerted.

‘Yeah, of course. I needed to get an idea of what we were working towards.’

‘Oh!’ It felt like he had been reading her diary, discovering her deepest, darkest secrets and fantasies – which was ridiculous, since the blog was public. But that was different. Luca knew her. He knew she had written that stuff, and she felt exposed.

‘Hey, don’t look so scared,’ he said smiling. ‘I thought it was great. Some of that stuff was shit hot!’

‘But none of it’s real,’ she said.

‘I know that.’

Oh, well, at least now he knew what a gulf there was between the person she wanted to be and the reality. ‘I know it’s a hell of a leap …’ she began, hoping he wouldn’t be scared off by the enormity of the task ahead of them.

‘I love that you have such a kinky imagination. It makes me think my job is going to be very easy.’

Claire was encouraged by that.

‘Okay, if that’s it, why don’t you unpack your bag and then we’ll finish getting dinner?’ he said. ‘I’ve cleared some space in the top drawer in my bedroom if you want to leave some stuff here. And I’ve emptied a shelf in the bathroom too.’

‘Thanks, Luca,’ she said, touched that he was going out of his way to make an awkward situation as easy as he could for her.

When she had unpacked her things, Claire joined Luca in the kitchen. He splashed wine into short tumblers and they drank while they worked. He sliced onions and mushrooms, while Claire crushed garlic and chopped chives to mix with the crème fra?che. Then she melted a thick slab of butter with olive oil, the steaks hissing as she slid them into the pan and the delicious aroma of searing meat filling the air. She was surprised by how relaxed she felt with Luca, chatting easily in the kitchen as they cooked together. She had felt increasingly nervous about the evening the closer it got, but now that she was there, she was fine – more than fine. She was enjoying herself.

When the food was ready, they took their plates through to the living room and ate at the little folding table, their knees almost touching underneath it.

Luca cut into his steak enthusiastically. ‘This is fantastic!’ he said, raising his glass to her. ‘Thank you.’

‘You’re welcome,’ she said, clinking her glass against his.

‘I think you’re trying to feed me up,’ he said with a smile.

She was enjoying it too. The steak was juicy and tender, the potatoes soft and fluffy, topped with fat dollops of the crème fra?che and chives.

Later they ate bowls of raspberries with thick cream, sitting on the sofa.

‘Are you trying to stupefy me with food and drink so I won’t be able to do anything?’ Luca asked her, his dark eyes twinkling.

‘No, of course not. I’m here to learn.’

‘Good,’ he said sternly. ‘Glad to hear it.’

He put his bowl on the coffee table, and Claire moved to pick it up, but he grabbed her wrist, pulling her back onto the sofa. ‘Leave it,’ he said softly, gazing at her intently now. His thumb stroked gently over her wrist. Then he kissed her, and his mouth tasted of wine and raspberries. ‘Let’s go to bed,’ he murmured, pulling back.

Claire glanced at her watch. ‘It’s only nine.’

He cocked his head to one side and looked at her in silence, a small smile playing around his mouth.

‘Oh! Yes, of course.’ That was what she was here for, after all.

‘Unless you’d rather watch television or something.’

‘No.’ She shook her head.

‘Good,’ Luca said, standing and pulling her up with him. ‘Because I don’t have a television.’

In the bedroom, Luca began kissing her. He took his time awakening all her senses, just kissing and touching her until every nerve-ending in her body was tingling and she was weak with desire. Their kisses became more heated until she was so worked up that she was acting purely on instinct, clawing mindlessly at his clothes, frantic to feel his bare skin against hers, her hips rocking into his, desperate for more. She tugged at the hem of his T-shirt, and he lifted his arms so she could pull it off over his head, and then she ran her hands over his chest, loving the feel of his firm, warm flesh. Lost in a fog of lust, she was hardly aware of her clothes coming off until Luca pulled away from her to remove his jeans and she realised she was only wearing her knickers. Then he pulled off his boxers and stood before her naked. Claire just stared, her eyes raking over his taut, muscular body, taking it all in. She knew she was gawping, but Luca didn’t seem to mind. Why would he, when he was so … beautiful?

‘Can I?’ she asked, reaching a hand tentatively towards his cock, hard and straining against his stomach.

‘I’m all yours.’ He spread his arms wide, and Claire couldn’t believe her luck that she had free rein with his amazing body to practise on.

She wrapped her hand lightly around his cock, and felt it twitch and grow beneath her fingers. Luca sucked in a breath, his teeth clamping down on his lower lip.

‘Sorry,’ she gasped, pulling her hand away.

‘Okay, teachable moment.’ He smiled, grabbing her hand and wrapping it around his shaft again, firmer this time, his hand warm over hers as he held it there. ‘Don’t apologise for getting a guy hard. That’s generally considered a good thing.’

Claire felt strangely proud that she had done this to him, and grateful that he hadn’t made her feel weird and clueless for not knowing how to touch him.

She was glad they were both naked this time when they lay down on the bed and Luca pulled her close. His bare skin felt so amazing against the length of her naked body, her nipples hardening where they rubbed against his chest, the hardness of his erection digging into her stomach.

They made love slowly, and there was none of the awkwardness or uncertainty of Claire’s previous experiences. Luca showed her what to do when she hesitated, sometimes taking her hand and guiding her, patiently teaching her how to touch him. He told her what felt good, and his whispered words of praise and groans of pleasure spurred her on, giving her confidence, making her feel powerful and in control. She understood exactly what they were striving for, both intent on their own pleasure and each other’s, and they worked together to make it happen – Luca changing angles as he moved inside her; Claire thrusting her hips upwards to increase friction, seeking her own pleasure; Luca reaching between them to stroke her * so she came around his dick before he finally lost it, and collapsed on top of her with a helpless groan.

Claire woke the next morning and glanced at the clock – eight fifteen. It was only half an hour since she had last woken up. She had had a restless night. Luca was a messy sleeper, and he had sprawled over her side of the bed, constantly throwing a leg or an arm across her in his sleep. Now she was trapped beneath him, one heavy arm flung across her, pinning her to the bed, his legs entangled with hers. Her limbs were getting numb, and she was aching to move, but she didn’t want to wake him. She had tried gently rolling him off her in the night, but it was like trying to lift a fridge. Sleeping with someone else wasn’t as easy as it sounded.

She was relieved when he opened his eyes, looking at her dazedly, but then he just sighed and nestled closer into her, his eyes drooping closed. He was asleep again in seconds. She lay there for what felt like hours waiting for him to wake up again, but finally she could bear it no longer. She really needed to pee, and she was getting restless, lying there under him. She slid out from underneath him and darted for the bathroom.

She wasn’t sure what to do with herself when she had finished. She didn’t think she’d sleep any more if she went back to bed and, anyway, she didn’t want to risk getting trapped under Luca again. She’d been hoping he’d make good on his promise of showering together this morning. She’d been thinking about that since she’d first woken up. But it didn’t look like he was going to be awake anytime soon, so she decided to get dressed. She hadn’t brought a dressing gown and it was too cold to hang around naked, waiting for him to get up. She toyed with the idea of throwing on one of his shirts, but she didn’t know how he’d feel about that. It might seem like something a girlfriend would do.

Her rumbling stomach settled the matter. She would shower and get dressed. Hopefully Luca would be awake by then and they could have breakfast together. Maybe they could do shower sex tomorrow. As she stood under the spray, Claire thought back to the previous night. Luca was a fantastic teacher. He was so patient and gentle, and she was so lucky to have found him. She had thought it was unbelievably big-headed of him at the time, but maybe it was a good thing he’d warned her off falling for him. It would be all too easy to think you were in love with someone who could make you feel that amazing. Of course, she had Mark to think of, so there should be no danger of that.

She towelled herself dry, then threw on her clothes and went into the kitchen. She flicked the switch on the kettle and glanced at her watch. It was nearly ten. She’d have a cup of tea and wait to eat breakfast until Luca was up so they could have it together. Surely he couldn’t sleep much longer. She was just pouring boiling water over a teabag when she heard noise at the door and froze. She knew Luca had some pretty ropy neighbours, and she hoped it wasn’t someone trying to break in.

But then the door opened easily, and it was obvious that whoever it was had a key.

‘Luca!’ a light female voice called, and then a very petite girl with an elfin face and huge brown eyes was standing in the doorway pulling a little wheelie case after her. ‘Oh!’ She stopped in her tracks, clearly surprised to find Claire there.

Not as surprised as Claire was to see her. Shit! F*ck Luca anyway! She had been adamant that she didn’t want to intrude on his personal life, determined to avoid a situation like this, but he had insisted there were no girlfriends she needed to be aware of. So why was she now confronted with this girl who had a key, who looked for all the world like she lived here, and who was clearly shocked to find Claire in Luca’s kitchen first thing in the morning, her hair still wet from the shower. She looked at the girl’s case, so like the one she had brought with her. Was this the day shift arriving? Had he cleared a drawer for this woman too? Whatever – Claire didn’t want to know. She just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible.

‘Um … I was just going,’ she said, dropping the spoon with a clatter and racing past the girl into the living room.

‘Don’t go on my account,’ the girl said following her. ‘Where’s Luca?’

‘He’s still asleep,’ Claire said grabbing her bag. She pulled on her coat hurriedly while the girl stood watching her with a bemused smile. Then she raced for the door.

‘Bye!’ the girl called after her, laughter in her voice. ‘Lovely meeting you!’

Luca was disappointed when he woke up to find that Claire wasn’t in the bed. He’d enjoyed the best sleep he’d had in ages, and he felt refreshed and ready for more. He wouldn’t mind spending the rest of the morning in bed with Claire, tutoring her. He sat up and heard noises coming from the kitchen. Now that he was awake, he realised he was hungry … and Claire had brought all that food. Maybe they could have a big breakfast first and then he’d lure her back to bed for the rest of the day. Or maybe they could have a quickie and then breakfast …

He swung out of bed and headed for the kitchen, planning to surprise her. She’d probably be shocked at first, and a bit embarrassed about seeing him naked in broad daylight, but he’d win her round, he thought, grinning to himself. He loved overcoming her inhibitions. He padded through the living room and stood naked in the doorway of the kitchen—

‘Jesus! Ali!’ He crouched, covering his dick with his hands. ‘F*ck!’

‘Luca!’ His sister turned her back quickly, shielding her eyes with her hand. ‘Please put that away.’ She giggled.

‘What are you doing here?’ Luca called over his shoulder angrily, as he retreated to his bedroom. He quickly pulled on a T-shirt and a pair of jeans, then stomped back to the kitchen. There was no sign of Claire anywhere. ‘Was there a girl here when you arrived?’ he asked, scowling at her.

‘Don’t worry,’ she said, turning to him. ‘I think I scared her off. The coast is clear.’

‘Scared her off?’ Luca frowned. ‘F*ck! What did you say to her?’

‘Nothing really, I don’t think.’ Ali smiled at him innocently. ‘She was out of here so fast, I barely had time to say anything.’

‘When was this?’ Luca looked towards the door, wondering if he could still catch Claire. It was her Saturday off, and he’d told her he could devote the whole weekend to her. He didn’t want her to think he was reneging on the deal. Besides, he’d been looking forward to spending all day in bed with her. It was nice to be able to relax and cuddle between bouts of f*cking, without having to worry that she’d get the wrong idea and start thinking it meant something.

‘About ten minutes ago.’

Luca picked his mobile up from the counter and punched in Claire’s number. ‘Seriously, Ali, you can’t just barge in here whenever you feel like it,’ he said as Claire’s phone went to voicemail. ‘Hi, Claire, sorry you had to run into my sister this morning. She has serious boundary issues.’ He sighed. ‘See you later, yeah? Call me.’ He hung up and tossed the phone onto the table.

Ali was staring at him, her mouth open. ‘Okay, who are you and what have you done with my brother?’ she asked.

‘It’s not what you think.’ Luca sighed again. ‘Anyway, you haven’t answered my question. What are you doing here?’

‘Well, that’s a lovely welcome home,’ Ali said archly. ‘I just got back from London this morning. I told the taxi to drop me here because I’d missed you, and I thought we could spend the day together. I was going to take you out for breakfast.’

Luca smiled, softening a little. He could never be cross with Ali for long. ‘Okay. Or we could have breakfast here if you like. There’s loads of food.’

‘There is?’ Ali pulled open the fridge. ‘Wow, there really is! Seriously, what’s got into you? You’re letting girls stay overnight, you’re buying food …’ A smile spread across her face.

‘Not girls,’ Luca said crossly. ‘A girl.’

‘Weirder still.’ She pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes, scrutinising his face. ‘We’re going to talk about this over breakfast,’ she said. ‘But first I need to pee.’

She dashed off to the bathroom and Luca started taking things out of the fridge. Minutes later, Ali reappeared. ‘You have conditioner in your bathroom,’ she said gleefully, as she came back into the kitchen. ‘Girly conditioner. And moisturiser.’ She grinned slyly at him. ‘Luca Ffrench-Carroll, do you have a girlfriend?’