Misguided Heart



I never expected the scene that played out before me in my office today. I had definitely underestimated Aston and her willingness to get what she wants. She was invading my every thought lately, and I couldn’t help but wonder if it was just the need of getting what I couldn’t have?

Visions of her long lean, tanned legs kept replaying in my mind. It was her own little version of Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct, but man her legs were far sexier than Sharon’s. It was getting harder to not want to know every little thing she was doing.

What the f*ck?

I knew what I was going to have to do, to get her alone. I wasn’t the type of guy to date. F*ck, I didn’t even really know the meaning of the word. But something told me, she wasn’t the type of girl to just sleep with someone she has never been out with. A small part of me wondered if she was secretly a little freak? I could see it in her gaze every now and then; there was a freaky little seductress in her.

A wicked grin spread across my face as I thought of all the naughty things we could do together. I was willing to put in a little bit of work, but not too much. If this was going to be a “chase me” type of game, I would be out, quick.

I thought of my little devious plan to ask her out, while visions of bending her over my desk took over my every thought. I summoned Ariel, my assistant, into my office and proceeded to tell her to ask Ms. Boyd’s assistant when Ms. Boyd would be available for a “meeting.” I let out a chuckle when I spoke the word meeting. I knew exactly what this was; I was just hoping that she didn’t read too much into it.

I ended up staying later than usual tonight, and I thought I was the only one in the office, until I glanced down the hall. Apparently, Ms. Boyd had some work to catch up on. I tried to just keep walking past her office, but something inside of me stopped me outside her office door. I wasn’t going to knock, I swear it, but my hand was already knocking before I could stop it.


When she opened her door, my mouth went dry. She looked even more beautiful than she had earlier today. Her hair was now all down, and cascading down her back, barely skimming the top of her ass. She barely wore any makeup, but the little bit she had on was now almost gone. Her flushed cheeks made me smile and I couldn’t help but want to invite myself in.

Luckily, when I mentioned takeout she had already ordered some. I was famished and now I had an excuse to be around her, without looking like a stalker. I didn’t want to look like an a*shole, so I offered to help her get through some manuscripts while I ate. Man, I did not miss being an editor one god damned bit. I definitely would never complain about my cushy job ever again. Okay, well at least not anymore tonight.

The sexual energy in the air was thick and smoldering. Something about this woman had me wanting her, bad! After a long and awkward silence, I decided to finally ask her about the “meeting” my assistant was supposed to tell her about. The minute the words left my mouth, I instantly regretted them. She got really quiet and started to fidget. Now, from what I knew of her so far, this was extremely unlike her. Just then realization dawned on me, I did have an effect on her and I liked it.

A short while later, she was finally agreeing to go with me. I don’t know exactly what it was, but being in this close proximity and hearing her laugh, was making my dick twitch. The more we talked, the more I was fighting the urge to rip off every last piece of clothing she had on. I had glanced down at my watch quite a few times, wondering what time it was. When I checked the last time, I realized it was almost one in the morning. I for one wasn’t tired, but I could tell she was starting to fade.

I waited for her to gather her things and then I walked down to the parking garage with her. I knew that tonight wouldn’t lead to anything, but a small part of me wished it would. It had been far too long since I had indulged in someone, but for some reason, my dick wanted this woman.

Damn it!

I quickly parted ways with her and headed over to my car. I know it was an a*shole move, but I didn’t even wait to see if she got out of the garage okay. Once my tires hit the main road leading to the freeway, I started cussing myself out. I must have looked like a lunatic, because the car full of girls next to me stopped at the red light, were hysterically laughing. I shot them a quick grin as the light turned green, and hauled ass home.

When I woke up the next morning, I was still in my suit and hanging halfway off of my couch. I groaned as I searched for my phone to check the time. It was a quarter after seven.


I ran up the stairs as fast as my feet would allow and threw on a new suit. I was already fifteen minutes late and I couldn’t afford for it to be any more than a half an hour; which meant I had to hurry my ass up. I didn’t bother changing the white dress shirt I had on underneath. I just hoped nobody would notice. As I ran back downstairs, I quickly grabbed my keys and ran out the front door, locking it behind me.

When I approached the office, I noticed a fire truck and some extra commotion but ignored it and went straight to the elevator. I knew I was going to hear it from my father, and I really wasn’t looking forward to it. I half ran out of the elevator once it reached the twentieth floor and booked it down the long hallway to my office. When I opened the door and entered, my father sat in my chair giving me the evil eye.

Damn it!

“Dad look, I know I’m late but,”

His hand flew up in front of his face, faster than I could get the next few words out. “Sloan, I don’t have time to listen to your pathetic excuse this morning. I’m sure I can guess why you were late. I have something I need you to do for me. Ms. Boyd’s car caught on fire in the underground garage this morning. I am going to offer to get her a new one that is reliable. She’s been with this company long enough, and I know she isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. All I need from you is to take her down to the dealership, let her pick out whatever she pleases and then sign for it. Do you think you can manage that?”


“Sure, Sir.” Knowing her personality, I knew my father was going to have a hell of a time getting her to accept such an extravagant present. That was my father though, always thinking he can buy whomever he wanted.

Stupid old man!

My father stood, exiting my office seconds later without another word. I simply rolled my eyes and threw myself down into my chair, spinning around like a young child. I swear one day I was going to have to hurt that man. I stopped myself on the last spin and smiled. Today I wasn’t going to need some shitty excuse to be around her. I stood up, straightening my suit and made my way out to her office.

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Amanda Bennett's books