Misguided Heart



After secretly stalking Aston for a little over a month now, I decided it was time to make the first move. She hadn't shown any interest in me thus far, but that was about to change. I pretty much had her routine down and I usually did a "walk by" once a day.

Today when I walked by, I was completely surprised at what I was witnessing. For whatever reason, her and Annie were having themselves a little fashion show. It's a good thing it was me walking by and not my father, or he would have flipped his shit. I sat back and watched, laughing my ass off at her trying to do so many things at once. She was eating a bagel, reading a manuscript and drinking coffee, all the while trying on a very unflattering plum colored dress. I shook my head just as she was shaking hers at Annie.

I laughed to myself for having the same taste. Minutes later, she has finally put down her handful of crap to try on another dress. She disappeared behind some small partition and came back out in a floor length navy number. It only had one shoulder and it was embellished with some type of beading. I couldn’t tell from this far away.

I nodded my head and licked my bottom lip as I watched her twirl around in the mirror in front of her. Just looking at her through a window, like a pervert none-the-less, got me all hot and bothered. Man, I was going to have to start taking cold showers at work if this was how my dick was going to spend its day.


I quickly made my way over to her office. I was through with trying to get her to notice me just by walking by; I was going to make my presence known. She had just hit her second spin when I interrupted her precious girl time.

“Is it dress up day?” I made sure to give her a very stern look. I didn’t want her questioning my authority, yet.

I must’ve startled her because she almost face planted into the corner of her desk. Luckily she caught herself. Worry took over her expression and I bit my tongue, holding back my laughter. She began apologizing and a part of me felt badly, but not really.

“Well, let’s get back to work.” She shook her head fiercely and I almost deterred from the plan and pulled her into my aching arms. Even though I told her that the guy who got to see her in that amazing dress was one lucky guy, a part of me wanted to be that guy.

When I exited her office, I could feel her stare as she watched me walk away. I made my way back to my office and began scheming on how to get her to have lunch with me. I knew she frequented the delicatessen across the street, so I took my plan in that direction. I made sure to slip out of the office before she did and try to find a table, which was going to be near impossible this time of day.

It must have been my lucky day, because I just so happened to grab a table just as a couple left. Like clockwork, okay a few minutes past clockwork, she came walking through the glass doors. My mouth literally hit the floor when I watched her walk through the lobby. She looked even more beautiful in her white linen suit. Her hair was pulled over her left shoulder in a low braid, showing off her long kissable neck. I pictured my tongue gently sliding up her neck, caressing every inch of her skin, stopping just below her earlobe.

Damn it!

I pulled myself together and shouted her name. The first time she either ignored me or didn’t hear, so I shouted it again. This time when she finally turned around, her emerald green eyes instantly locked with mine. I could tell by the confound look on her face, I was the last person she expected to see here.

After a few inane questions, she finally sat down across from me. I couldn’t help but stare at her and her amazing figure. Not that her face wasn’t just as amazing, but either way, I was definitely checking her out, and I’m pretty sure she was doing the same to me.

I could feel the tension rise when our waitress came, completely ignoring Aston. I quickly glanced over at the below average girl standing to my side, giving her a cross look and then focused all my attention on Aston.

Out of curiosity or need I wasn’t sure, but I had to ask her what the dress was for. Her answer was definitely not what I was expecting. Apparently she was going to an ex-boyfriend’s wedding. Odd! Through the confusion in my mind, I couldn't help but focus on the fact that whomever she took with her was going to be around her all night, and in that dress.

I continued with the personal questions, trying to get a feel for what this girl was all about, and was pleasantly surprised when she actually answered them, all of them. After we finished our lunch, I felt the need to be with her a little while longer. Even if it was just to walk back to the office, I was in.

Just before she stepped into the street, I reached for her hand and held it firm as we crossed the busy intersection.

Seriously? Who even holds hands anymore?

It would seem, that I did. Her skin felt just as I had imagined it would, like butter, soft, smooth, supple butter.


I was relishing in her touch, when suddenly she dropped her hand from mine. I glanced down at the overwhelming distance between us in confusion. When the elevator doors binged open, I waved my hand in front of me for her to step in first. The way she was pounding on the buttons, you would’ve thought I was trying to kill her.

My hands twitched at my sides. I wanted to touch her, in all the right places. I wanted her to scream my name. I smiled at myself, knowing that it was inevitable. I would have her screaming my name one day very soon. She gave me a small wink as she exited the elevator and I winked back. I would take that, for now. We parted ways and both went straight to our offices, doors slamming.

Amanda Bennett's books