Because of Rebecca

chapter Twenty-Three

Rebecca woke smiling the next morning. She stretched, feeling sore in a few places, especially her backside from being jostled by Rufus’ horse on that mad chase ride. Sighing, she rolled over and saw Jared’s housekeeper on the opposite side of the room.

“I hope I didn’t wake you, Mrs. Hollingsworth,” Mary said, sitting down a pitcher of water at the washstand. “Mr. Hollingsworth asked me to bring this up to you first thing.”

“He’s not here?” Rebecca sat up, the sheet slipping from her. She quickly grabbed it and pulled it up to her neck.

“I’m afraid there was an emergency that called him out to the Paxton’s, but he said he’d be back as fast as he could and for you to stay in bed until he returned.”

“He did?” Rebecca’s cheeks heated. She propped a few pillows behind her and pulled her knees up to chest. “Has something happened to Isabella or the baby?”

“No ma’am. They’ve been right as rain since the birth,” Mary offered. “It actually had to do with Rory and that Mr. Delaney fellow. I’m not sure what transpired, but it must have been urgent if Mr. Hollingsworth left you before you woke. Can I bring you a tray while you wait?” Her eyes twinkled as she spoke. “I noticed the food wasn’t touched last night. You must be starving.”

Rebecca’s stomach rumbled in protest and her cheeks further heated. “A bite to eat would be nice, but are you sure I can’t dress and come downstairs?”

“No ma’am. Mr. Hollingsworth was adamant that you stay put until he returned. He was mumbling something about keeping his promise to you if it was the last thing he did as he went out the door.” Mary winked.

“Oh.” Rebecca smiled. “He promised to kiss me awake each morning. Isn’t that sweet of him?”

“Yes ma’am, it is.” Mary returned her smile and loaded the tray with last night’s dishes. When she finished, she gave Rebecca a thoughtful look. “He’s a changed man since meeting you. I thank the good Lord for it too. I’ll be back with some biscuits and preserves and a little coffee.”

When she was alone, Rebecca got out of bed and put on her robe from the foot of the bed. She wondered if Mary had picked it up off the floor or if Jared had before he left.

Walking behind the screen, she poured water from the pitcher into the bowl and washed her hands and her face. After a quick sponge bath she put on her robe and began to brush the tangles from her hair.

The door opened again and she looked up to see Jared.

“I thought I left instructions for you to stay in bed?” He smiled at her.

“You did.”

“And yet you chose to disobey me?” He frowned but there was no mistaking the twinkle in his eyes.

She smiled. “I wanted to be presentable when you returned. If you had tarried a little longer I would have been back in bed waiting for you.”

He crooked his finger at her and she went to him. “I made you a promise that I intend to keep, Mrs. Hollingsworth.”

“And I intend to hold you to it.”

He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her snug against him. “I missed your kisses.”

“Is that all you missed?” She ran her hand up his arm to his shoulder. “Or did you perhaps miss all of me?”

“What do you think?” He captured her mouth with his and hungrily kissed her, his tongue slipping into her mouth and matching the kisses from the night before. As they kissed, his hands roamed over her body renewing the feel of his caresses. Her robe fell to the floor around her feet and he ran his hand down her stomach and touched her mound, letting one finger trace a path until it sank into her wetness. He rubbed circles around her * and she moaned. Sweeping her up into his arms, he prepared to carry her to the bed when a knock sounded at the bedroom door.

Without waiting for a response, Mary pushed open the door and entered with a breakfast tray. Her eyes widened when she saw them and she looked away quickly. “I didn’t hear you come into the house, sir. I had no idea you’d returned.”

“Obviously.” His tone reflected his annoyance. “Leave the tray and go, Mary.”

“Yes, sir.” She hurried across the room, put it on the table, and retreated with the same speed. “I’m sorry to have disturbed.”

As soon as the door closed Rebecca giggled. Jared laughed as well. He carried her to the bed and laid her down.

Unbuttoning his shirt, he pulled it from his trousers and tossed it onto the floor. Sitting down he pulled off his boots and socks before he unfastened his pants. Discarding them he joined her on the bed. “Now where were we?”

“I’ll never be able to face her again.” Rebecca hid her face against his shoulder.

“Don’t give it another thought. She’ll try to forget it as well. In a few days no one will remember it.”

“That is easy for you to say, darling. You weren’t the one naked.”

“I don’t think there is a more beautiful sight than you naked.” He picked up her hand and began to nibble kisses at her fingertips, her palm and her wrist. “In fact, I think I’d like to keep you in this room…in my bed…just as you are.”

“You would, would you?”

“Yes.” He looked up at her. “And do you know where I’d be?”

She shook her head and made her eyes go big with mock innocence.

“I’d be right here with you. Feasting on your beauty. Making love to you night and day.”

“I’m sure you’d lose interest eventually when I became all sluggish and fat with child.”

“Never.” He pulled her to him and kissed her again, rolling her until he was lying on top of her.

She wrapped her arms around him, shifting to adjust to his weight. “I love you, Jared Hollingsworth.”

He nibbled kisses at her mouth. “I love you and I need you more than I ever thought I could need anyone ever again.”

“I know what you mean, darling. The feeling is overwhelming.”

He smiled, slipping a hand under her bottom and brought her leg up over his hip. His entry was effortless as he sank into her wet depths, but he took it slow and enjoyed the way she tightened around him. He watched her lips part and her eyes close as he moved in and out. Her back arched and she moaned.

“Oh Jared. Jared.”

“Yes, darling.” He squeezed her breast and she bucked against him. He kissed her as she climaxed. She wrapped her legs around his waist and she climaxed a second time as he came. He collapsed on her, rolling them over until she was lying on top.

She sighed, trailing kisses up his chest. “If we were to start every day like this I may not want to get out of bed either.”

A rumble of laughter escaped him. He held her secure against him and turned them onto their sides until they were facing. He brushed a tendril of hair away from her face and ran his finger down her jawline. “What shall we do today?”

“We have to prepare for Lucas,” she reminded him.

He nodded. “I haven’t forgotten, but I was hoping to postpone that a little while. Delaney is coming back and I’d rather he be gone before we send the carriage into town to fetch him, Charlotte, and your aunt—if she decides to come live here.”

Recalling his departure from their marriage bed, Rebecca frowned and asked, “Why is Delaney returning? And what was going on at the Paxton’s that called you away this morning?”

He propped himself up on his elbow. “Rory got the man drunk last night and they were thrown out of Madame Monique’s. They walked back to Oak Hill, but got themselves turned around in their drunken stupor and ended up down at the field hand quarters. My men were not happy when they were disturbed from their sleep at four this morning. Paxton was roused from his bed and so was I.”

“Where are Rory and Mr. Delaney now?” Rebecca asked.

“Passed out in the stables where Paxton and I dumped them. Hopefully they will sleep it off until noon giving us more time together.”

“And will Delaney leave then?”

Jared shook his head. “He told me he wanted to talk to me.”

Rebecca sat and pulled her knees up to her chest, hiding her face in the sheet. “Why can’t that man move on? Don’t you know what it does to me to have to see him? Knowing what he did to sweet Mariah? If he were to find out about Lucas—”

“Shhh. I’m sorry, darling.” Jared sat up also and rubbed her back. He kissed her shoulder and she looked back at him, kissing him. He pulled her into his arms and lay back with her, holding her close.

A knock at the door disturbed their solitude. “Who is it?” Jared called, getting out of bed. He reached for his pants and put them on.

“Rory,” a voice called from the other side of the door.

“Go away,” he called. “I’m not ready to see you again today.”

“Come on, Jared. How many times do I have to say I’m sorry for disturbing the Paxton household or your field hands?” A solid knock sounded on the door. “I’m not going away until you open this door.

Jared turned to Rebecca. “I’m sorry. It looks like we’re going to have to…”

“I understand.” She moved from the bed and picked up her robe off the floor, putting it on.

He opened the door and braced one arm on it. He placed the other on the doorframe, blocking any attempt by Rory to enter. Glaring, he demanded, “What’s so damn important that you couldn’t wait for me to come downstairs?”

Rory shrugged. “Sorry, but Delaney is insisting that he speak with you and Rebecca before he leaves. He doesn’t care that it was your wedding night last night since he thinks he bedded her first.”

“He what?” Jared’s question rang down the hallway. “Where the hell is he now?”

“In the dining room having breakfast.”

“Tell him to be patient. We’ll be down momentarily and I’ll speak with him.”

Rory nodded and tried to see past Jared into the room. “Sorry, Rebecca.”

Jared slammed the door. Rebecca came from behind the screen wearing a cream colored frock with a pale green sash that tied at the back. Fury or embarrassment stained her cheeks bright pink, and her hand seemed determined to choke her hairbrush.

“I hope you know I never slept with that man. Of all the nerve…”

“Has anyone told you how beautiful you are when you’re angry?”

She blinked and shook her head. “No, and I have no intentions of starting my married life being angry.” She smiled and added, “But you may tell me how beautiful I am as often as you like.”

“I’ll tell you every day if you wish but mine is a biased opinion.”

“One I’ll gladly accept,” she said with a laugh then her smile vanished and she cast a glance at the untouched tray. “I don’t want to hurt Mary’s feelings, but I don’t think I can eat until we finish this business with Delaney and send him packing.”

“Just coffee, then.” He poured from the carafe into the lone cup and drank before refilling it and handing it to her. She drained it and set it on the table. “That will do for now.”

Jared took her hand. “Let’s go face Delaney and see him off. Then we’ll have a proper breakfast.”

Leanne Tyler's books