Because of Rebecca

chapter Twenty-Two

Once settled in the carriage, Rebecca laid her head on Jared’s shoulder and closed her eyes, still hearing Josephine’s words echo in her head. “I can’t believe Aunt Josephine was Mariah’s mother.”

“Neither can I. That was the last thing I expected to hear when we joined them upstairs.”

“I know. I feel sorry for her. She has had to carry this secret for so long and to lose Mariah without getting to tell her she was her mother is simply unfair.” Rebecca sat up and looked at him. “When I think of some of the things I personally said to her. How I teased her for her strong beliefs about premarital relations. I am ashamed of myself.”

“Darling, you had no idea. Exactly what did you say?”

“It doesn’t matter now.”

“Come on, Rebecca. Tell me.”

“I said I’d have no problem taking a lover before marriage if he was someone I loved.”

“Is that so?” Jared tilted her chin up with his finger. “Did you have anyone in particular in mind?”

“Oh Jared, don’t read more into it than what it was.”

“Exactly what was it?”

“Words. Simply words. I was teasing her. Still I had no right… When I think of how hard it must have been for her to keep this secret, especially after Mama and Papa died. She could have easily told Mariah the truth, and yet she kept silent. I couldn’t have done it.”

He smiled. “I think your aunt is a very lucky woman.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Well, take Doctor Gordon for instance. He didn’t seem to mind her past. It goes to show how much he must love her to overlook what she did in her youth. Don’t you agree?”

Rebecca nodded. “Yes. You’re right. It does prove he loves her dearly and I’m so thankful for that. Aunt Josephine deserves a man who will love her unconditionally. No matter what scandal the truth might have brought if it fell into the wrong hands.”

Rebecca sighed and settled back in his arms, resting her head against his chest. “I’m worried about Delaney being at Oak Hill when we arrive. Did you by chance ask Higgins if he’d been there?”

“Yes. He’s been there and Mary was feeding him supper when Rory arrived. Higgins left so he doesn’t know if Rory was successful in getting him to leave or not.”

“So we may have a house guest?”

“We’d better not,” Jared growled, squeezing her shoulder.

Rebecca laughed softly. “I quite agree.”

She became silent and soon he realized she’d fallen asleep. He closed his eyes as well and longed for a night spent in her arms, enjoying the splendor of her body. He pulled Rebecca closer and rested his chin on the top of her head. Breathing in her faint verbena scent he chuckled, recalling her offering Amos the use of her perfume, as the movement of the carriage lulled him to sleep.

“We’re home, sir,” Higgins shook his arm to wake him. “Mr. Hollingsworth, we’re here.”

Jared opened his eyes and blinked a few times. “Very good, Higgins. Thank you.”

“Can I help you and the missus to the house?”

“I’ll carry her if you can get her small bag.”

“Very well, sir.”

Jared gently rubbed her cheek with his hand. “Rebecca, we’re home, darling.”

“What is it?” she murmured unsteadily swaying on the seat.

“We’re at Oak Hill.”

“That’s nice.”

Jared climbed down and reached for her. “Come here.”

She moved to the door and he helped her down. Once she was steady on her feet he swept her up in his arms. “May I officially carry you over the threshold, Mrs. Hollingsworth?”

She giggled. “I’m too worn out to stop you.”

“Good, because I am too tired to argue.” He carried her to the verandah where Mary met them with a lantern.

“Welcome home!” she cheerfully called.

“Thank you, Mary. Has our visitor left?”

“Afraid not, sir. The gentleman was most insistent on apologizing again to you personally for mistaking you for Mr. Rory. But Rory said you weren’t to be disturbed this evening so he’s entertaining the gentleman in town at Monique’s. I never heard of the place before, have you?”

“So we have the house to ourselves?” Jared asked, glancing at Rebecca. “Rory’s at Monique’s.”

She giggled. “May he stay there all night.”

“Except for me, sir.” Mary’s smile broadened. “It’s good to have you with us, Mrs. Hollingsworth. This place needs a woman to cheer it. I hope you find yourself at home here.”

“Thank you, Mary.”

“Rory said you’d want a light supper and a hot bath when you arrived. I’ve seen to both. They’re waiting for you in your room and I set up a second tub in your study, Mr. Hollingsworth.”

“Then we’ll see you in the morning,” Jared told her, eager for her to be gone.

“I’ll prepare a hot breakfast for you in the morning when you want it.”

Jared carried Rebecca into the house and up the stairs. “I’ll give you a better tour tomorrow,” he said, “but I think you recall where the library is if you should need a book for reading tonight.”

“I—I don’t think I’ll need one,” she whispered, running her fingers through the hair at the back of his neck. “I have other things in mind to preoccupy me tonight if I’m not sleeping.”

“Perhaps you can share those ideas with me?” he teased, opening his bedroom door. He carried her inside and sat her down gently.

As Mary had promised, a table was laid out with their meal; soft candlelight glowed from the candelabra on the table and steam rose from the tub partially concealed behind a folding screen.

“Would you like to bathe first or eat?”

“Bathe before the water gets cold.”

“Then I’ll leave you to take care of it and I’ll return shortly.” He kissed her lightly on the lips. “Welcome home, Mrs. Hollingsworth.”

“Don’t go far,” she said. “I won’t linger in the water long.”

He slipped out the door and hurried down the hall to his study. True to her word, Mary had another tub brought in, a clean towel and his robe waiting on him.

Stripping out of his clothes, he sank into the hot water and washed away the sweat and dirt from their travels. He wasted little time lingering, even though the hot water soothed the aches of riding all day. He stood, reached for the bucket of rinse water and poured it over his head. Setting the empty bucket down, he grabbed the clean towel and dried himself, before stepping out of the tub to don fresh clothes.

When he returned to his bedroom, he knocked before he entered. Rebecca was already dressed in her gown and robe, and was drying her hair with a towel.

She smiled when she saw him. “You bathed?”

“Yes. Shall we eat?”

She shook her head and hung the towel over the screen. When she turned around, she untied her robe and let it drop to the floor. “I’m not hungry.”

She stood before him in her thin gown, the material almost translucent in the candlelight.

His body hardened at the sight of her. “You’re not?”

She shook her head again and walked to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. “No, I’m not. All I want is you, Mr. Hollingsworth.”

His breath caught in his throat and he lowered his head until their lips met. She feasted on his kiss until she heard him groan. He pulled her closer against him, cupping her bottom and lifting her until she was pressed against his arousal.

The feel of him startled her and she found her body reacting in a very strange way. Heat spread over her and pooled between her legs as he kissed her neck while his free hand fondled her breast. Slowly, he traced her nipples with his forefinger, and they puckered at his touch.

“Jared,” she gasped, tilting her head back. He trailed kisses up her neck, across her jaw, until he came to her mouth again. His kiss was no longer gentle, but hungered and his tongue parted her lips to dart frantically within exploring the depths of her mouth.

She clung to him, kissing him ardently in return while marveling at his strength and the hard contours of his torso. This was the man she loved, the man she’d married and he was all hers from now until eternity.

He scooped her up and carried her to the bed. He let her slide down his body to stand before him, letting her feel his arousal. She untied his robe and slipped it off his shoulders, running her hand down the hard plane of his chest and over his hips. She glanced down between them and then back up to his face.

“I love you, Rebecca,” he said, slipping the straps of her gown off her shoulders. He pushed the thin material down to her waist exposing her breasts. Bending down, he captured one nipple in his mouth and suckled.

“Jared,” she gasped as her legs almost buckled from under her and the heat exploded between them again.

“Shhh. It’s all right, darling. I’ll take care of your need.” His voice was husky and he shoved the material the rest of the way down to her feet. He slowly lowered her onto the bed, staring at her for a long time before he moved to lie beside her.

Rebecca swallowed hard and tried not to stare at his fully aroused body.

“Is something wrong?” he asked, pulling her into his arms.

“Nothing.” She smiled and felt her face warm. “It’s just… I’ve never seen…been with a man before.”

He cupped her face with his hand and kissed her softly. “I know and there isn’t any reason for you to be afraid. We’ll go slowly. I promise to be gentle. It may hurt at first, but I assure you the bliss you’ll feel will make up for the pain.”

He moved until his body covered hers, entwined his fingers with hers, and kissed her again until she moaned. Releasing her hand, he trailed kisses from the valley between her breasts to the flat plane of her stomach. He gently placed his hand on her mound and parted her folds with his finger. He found a wet haven and his finger slipped to her core easily enough.

“Oh my,” she gasped, her muscles tightening around him. Slowly he withdrew and moved his finger back and forth until she writhed against him and the bed.

She reached for him and he moved back to cover her. He kissed her as he parted her legs and positioned himself to enter her. He thrust slow and withdrew. He thrust again and felt the tightness of her barrier. He withdrew and thrust with a little more force, pushing past it.

“Jared,” she cried, clinging to him. Her body quivered and he stilled. He kissed her gently and squeezed her breast and he felt her wetness increase.

“It’s all right, darling. The worst is over,” he assured, withdrawing. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

She shook her head. “No.”

“Good.” He kissed her eyes, the tip of her nose and her parted lips. This time when he entered her, she arched her hips up to meet him as he thrust again and again. She wrapped her legs around him and he thrust deeper.

“Jared. Jared.” Her calling out his name was bliss to his ears and he withdrew and thrust again and again until she cried out in release. He thrust one last time and joined her in the ecstasy of their making.

He collapsed beside her, and pulled her back against him, holding her close. Neither spoke until their breathing stabilized. “Are you all right?”

“Hmmm,” she murmured, taking his hand in hers. “That was like nothing I ever imagined was possible.”

He kissed the back of her neck. “We can do it again whenever you like.”

She turned to face him. “I like.”

He smiled and brought her palm up to his mouth to kiss it. “I’m glad to know you find love making enjoyable.”

“I do.” She kissed him, running her fingers through his blond hair and he rolled her onto her back.

He playfully bit at her lip. “What would you like to do now?”

“This.” She kissed him and ran her hands over his back, enjoying the feel of him. She pushed against him and they rolled until he was lying on his back. His hardened arousal against her leg drew her attention lower than she ever imagined she’d explore. She trailed kisses down his chest, stopping at his stomach.

Touching his arousal seemed almost taboo, but she took a deep breath and traced a circle around the tip. He jerked and he sucked in his breath. She pulled her hand away. “Did I hurt you?”

“No.” He threw back his head and a deep rumble of laughter erupted.

“Then why—?”

“Because I want you.”

“Oh.” She crawled back to his arms and they kissed, making love again and again before finally curling up together. Yawning, Jared reached and pulled the sheet up around them before they slept.

Leanne Tyler's books