
To those who gave me help whose names I didn’t think to ask, and those who helped but whom I have forgotten to acknowledge here, please know I’m in your debt.

This book took longer to write than intended, and I’d like to say a special thank you to my publishers—Simon & Schuster in Canada, and Sourcebooks in the United States—and to everyone who works there, from Kevin Hanson and Dominique Raccah on down the line, through all the many people and departments without whom my books would never see the light of day, for giving me their understanding and support and, above all, the gift of time, to write the book the way it wanted to be written.

To my wonderful agents, Felicity Blunt and Shawna McCarthy, my thanks for their loyalty, love, and belief, and for carrying me through a difficult time.

And to all the librarians, booksellers, bloggers, and readers who give my books life—thank you so much for waiting. I’m glad I can finally share Bellewether with you. I hope you enjoy it.

Susanna Kearsley's books