Four Hearts (The Game of Life #4)

“The body of an unidentified female was found at Yeppen Lagoon early this morning. However, it’s not believed to be the body of missing mother and wife Morgan Banks.”

The video clip changes from the stretcher to that of Detective West, striding towards the front doors of the police station.

“Can you tell us if you’ve found any leads concerning Morgan’s disappearance?” Gregory, the news reporter who interviewed me, is holding out a microphone.

“We’re doing all we can, and we hope to return Morgan to her family safely.”

“The body this morning, can —”

“No comment at this time.” West strides through automatic doors that part and then close behind him.

“Morgan Banks is still missing, but as you just heard, the police are holding onto hope that they will be able to return Morgan home safely soon,” Gregory’s blue eyes look straight through me.

“Nothing. We still have nothing.” I shake my head.

“They’re doing all they can,” Kylee says quietly.

“It’s not enough. Turn it off.” I twist on my heel and stomp towards the kitchen.

Maloney is on the phone when I make the kitchen table.

He must spot me, because he turns and walks towards Morgan’s sitting room.

I wait, glaring at Maloney’s back. I press my neck forward, trying to understand what he says. I can’t hear anything.

Maloney turns in slow motion. His hand drops to his side, still holding the phone in his grip.

“Max.” My voice shakes.

He steps towards me. “They’ve deployed two tactical teams to search. It’s a big area, Reid. All you can do now is pray.”

“Two teams.” My voice heightens. “Where?”

“I can’t tell you. I’m sorry.”

“Where?” My voice raises.

“Reid, come on. They have men on the ground; it’s all I’ve got for you.”

“Why isn’t everyone out searching?”

Maloney scratches his forehead. He’s hesitating. Why?

“Conditions aren’t great. It’s almost sunset. They’ll have every officer out, come morning.”

“Not good enough,” I bark.

Maloney throws his hands in the air and then shrugs. What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

“We’ll bring her home.” Maloney’s head bobs.

“And what if they don’t? What if he’s already—” I can’t even say it.

“Pray, Reid. All you can do is pray.”

Tonight will be the longest night of my life. The storm that started all this seems to play out again, and when the swing on the veranda smacks into the foundation of the house, I look to Maloney and feel like I’m starting this nightmare all over again.

Waiting, wondering, wishing, and fighting—fighting to find my wife.

Belle Brooks's books