ueen Fae (NYC Mecca #3)

Silence washed over the crowd, and these weird looks of pity and respect began to roll in. I hated their pity, but I was empowered by the clear evidence that I was reaching them. Some of them anyway.

“Selene robbed me of my crown without proper evidence, started a needless war between the wolves and the bears … so yes, I killed her. Kade and I restored the mecca, which was the only shot we had to stop the fae from attacking. I don’t want to rule again by force. I want a democracy. I want change. The ways of old are dead and I want a new stronger pack for all of us!” I roared and they roared right back.

I opened my arms. “I leave you with a choice. You can join Kade and I as we embark on this new adventure of having a bigger, stronger, combined pack. We’ll open the borders to the five boroughs and share the mecca. I will be your queen and he your king, and you will all have a chance at finding your bonded mate.” The crowd was deadly silent. “Or you can hold another Summit, choose from the next batch of heirs, and stick to your old ways. I will live in Staten Island with the bears and wish you nothing but love and good tidings.”

I dropped my hands and let one hot tear fall down my cheek. I hoped they could feel the emotions I was projecting, how much I loved them, how much I wanted for my people to prosper and love and be happy. I felt them all inside of me, through the mecca, each beautiful soul.

Bianca made her move then, pushing through the crowd, making her way over to where I had Torin pinned on his knees. People were murmuring, talking about what they wanted to do, and I just stood there ready for any outcome they chose. The Boston alpha stood behind Torin and in a single swift move unsheathed her sword slicing it across the councilmembers throat. Torin fell forward, his blood flooding out in a rush.

The Boston alpha turned toward the crowd. “Long live Queen Arianna!”

Thousands of voices echoed her call and I lost it. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I heard the cries of my people. “Long live Queen Arianna! Long live King Kade!”

The majority were screaming. A few dozen wolf shifters began to walk away, the old council members with them. Good. Let them go. Leave New York City and never come back.

Kade wiped a tear from my cheek. “The people have spoken.”

Violet crossed the stage, and in her hands was the wooden box that held my mecca crown. I had no idea how she had managed to retrieve that, and it was probably better not to know. Taking a deep breath, I opened the box and since I was the only one who could touch the mecca piece, I settled it on my head. The crowd went wild, and for the first time the wolves and bears began to mingle, shaking hands, introducing themselves, walking around to both sides. I had no misconceptions that this joining was going to be easy, but clearly enough people had been following the journey of me and Kade. They could hear the truth in what I said. They wanted change.

Kade, Violet, and I remained on stage. Calista and Baladar soon joined us. We were all smiling, and I was just about to call for celebrations when a popping came from behind me. I whirled around to see a portal opening. Baladar and Violet rushed in front of me, hands raised, ready to defend us. A single figure pitched forward from the swirling mass of energy, and I let out a cry when I saw Dalia slumped across the stage. An unnatural silence descended across the crowds behind me; no doubt all of them were waiting to see what had happened. Pushing my people out of the way I dropped down beside Dalia, who was not moving. I turned her, tears springing to my eyes at the sight of her stomach sliced open, too much blood seeping free.

“Someone heal her!” I screamed as I placed two hands over her bleeding abdomen. A snap of energy signaled that the portal was gone.

The fae’s lips were worryingly pale as she tilted her head back to see the crown atop my head. A weak smile lit up her face, before a frown slowly replaced it. She leaned up a little, and whispered in my ear. “Darkness… and the Winter Court… coming for you.”

I gave a sharp inhale of breath. Violet was there then, her healing energy flooding into the fae, but it was too late. Dalia gave one last shuddering breath, then her vibrant eyes turned dull and glassy.

Sorrow bloomed in my chest as I met my best friend’s gaze. She looked both stunned and horrified as she tore her eyes from mine to glance back at Dalia. As I got to my feet, Kade’s hand at my back, I realized the crowd was very noisy again.

Someone shouted out, “What did she say, Your Majesty? What happened?”

I moved to the edge of the stage, hands bloody, heartbroken. I had promised not to lie to my people anymore. “The Winter Court is coming. They have attacked our allies, but we will be ready for them. We will take them down and they will regret ever stepping foot in our boroughs!”

The swarm of shouts and screams filled the hill, echoing out into the ocean. In that moment, with Kade at my side, and my people out there before me, I almost believed we stood a chance.