Zenn Diagram

So many, many thanks to so many wonderful people:

My original agent, Bethany Buck of Sanford J. Greenburger Associates, who first believed in this book and sold it faster than I could have hoped. Thank you for loving my story and taking a chance on me. You’re wonderful.

My current agent, Wendi Gu, for all of your thoughtful feedback on my upcoming projects. Go Cats!

All the people at Kids Can Press and KCP Loft: Lisa Lyons Johnston, Michaela Cornell, Naseem Hrab, Kate Patrick and anyone else who helped behind the scenes. I’m not sure I’ve ever met a more kind, funny and intelligent group. Thank you for lovingly and beautifully bringing Zenn Diagram into the world.

My amazing editor: the talented, smart and awesome-in-every-way Kate Egan. Working with her has been a dream come true and she made this book so much better. Trust me.

My lifelong friend, Cindy Malin, who has always shared my nerdy love for words and has helped me get this book out into the world.

The talented Cindy Kennedy for taking my headshot (which was probably the most daunting part of this process — no lie).

My friends and “life coaches,” Sara Reddington and Amy Miller, for years of encouragement, support and gentle pushes toward my dream.

The family and friends who have read my work over the years, for being kind, generous and gentle with your feedback: Jon Aguilar, Suzanne Burns, Susan Cain, Kym Garcia, Amy Gold, Pam Griffin, Heather Horita, Rachel and Mollie Hughes, Betty Jones, Dierdre Kelleher, Jackie Kieltyka, Sam Lanham, Chloe Leith, Rebecca Levenberg, Nancy May, Mary Jo Pape, Deb Price, Chris Rayner, Zoe and Wendy Rudd, Mackenzie and Deb Russ, Jennifer Russell, Doug Sabo, Gina Seaton and Eric Zorn.

My loving and generous parents, Barbara and Dennis Walters, who have always encouraged creativity, hard work and balance.

My brothers, Rich and Glenn Walters. We have different talents, but you both understand the desire to make things from the stuff that runs around in our brains.

All of my extended family for their loving support: Jackie, Kit, Evan, Kaylee, Landon and Teagan Walters; Jerry, Ceil, Kevin, Danny, Kathy, Michaela, Joey and Alaina Brant; and Theresa, Pat, Jack, Andrew, Mary and Danielle McCluskey.

My beloved grandparents, who I miss dearly: Fred and Nessie Bartels, Elmer Walters and especially Esther Walters, who loved to read and would be so proud.

Lastly, to my patient husband, Jim, who often gets ignored in favor of a computer screen and loves me anyway, and my amazing children, Emma and Nathan. You guys inspire me to dream big and set an example of what it means to be brave and live fully. Love you forever.

About the Author

At age ten, Wendy Brant wrote her first book, My Mysterious Double, the story of a girl and an imposter pretending to be her. Wendy put not one but two copies of her glorious fourth-grade school picture on the cover. Toni Tennille bowl haircut, yellow turtleneck, denim vest with wide lapels. Brave might be one word to describe her ...

Years later, after graduating with a degree in journalism from Northwestern University and completing the Publishing Institute at the University of Denver, Wendy wrote adult fiction (albeit unpublished) while working as an HR manager and being a mom. But when she started reading the same YA books as her kids, her attention and passion shifted. Now she likes to write about isolated teenagers who somehow find a way to connect with others, and she’s also a sucker for a little romance.

Though Wendy miraculously manages to keep her kids and pets alive and well, she has a brown thumb and kills plants indiscriminately. She likes to bake but not to cook. She loves the smell of coffee but not the taste. One of her favorite things is videos of unlikely animal friends. Wendy has always been somewhat of an introverted nerd, but she was also a cheerleader in high school … so figure that one out.

Wendy lives in the Chicago area in the best neighborhood in America (as crowned by Good Morning America in 2010) with her husband, teenage daughter and son, and guinea pigs Mac and Tosh.

You can find out more about Wendy on her website and blog (wendybrant.net) or on her Facebook page (ZennDiagram), or follow her on Twitter @wendyjobrant.

Wendy Brant's books