Wicked Need (The Wicked Horse Series Book 3)

“What kind of work would you want to do?” I ask her, thinking I’ve got contacts in this area. Maybe I can help her out that way too.

“I’ve only ever done two things to get by in this life, Rand,” she says softly with just a trace of bitterness. It sucks to hear that tone the first time she calls me by my name. “And that’s dancing and fucking.”

“Dancing?” I ask, because I can’t bear to think of her prostituting herself to make a living. Although really… wasn’t that what she was doing by marrying an older man?

I mentally curse at myself for letting my head go there.

“I was an exotic dancer in Vegas,” Cat says with a grim smile. “That’s where Samuel met me.”

I’ve seen Catherine naked many, many times and yeah… she has a dancer’s body. Long limbs, soft curves in just the right places, and breasts that are spectacular. I bet she put on a fucking fantastic show.

But that wouldn’t benefit her here in Jackson as there aren’t any titty bars and the thought of her returning to Vegas isn’t all that appealing to me either for some weird reason. So I point her in the next best direction for now.

“I suggest you work on finding out more about your legal rights,” I tell her with a pointed look before lifting my cup to my mouth for a sip.

“My legal rights?” Her eyes blink in confusion.

“Well, yeah. I mean… you thought Samuel was going to take care of you, then some attorney shows up and tells you to get out of your house. Did he even show you a copy of the will giving him that authority?”

Cat shakes her head, cheeks turning red with embarrassment. “I didn’t ask. He was pushing me hard to get my stuff packed and to vacate.”

Even though I may not have gone to college and only have a degree from the school of hard knocks, I know enough to know that doesn’t sound right.

“You need to go to that attorney’s office and ask for a copy of Samuel’s will,” I tell her. “As his wife, you’re entitled to see it. I seriously don’t think they can just kick you out like that. I’m sure there’s some long process they have to go through or some shit.”

Cat’s cheeks turn even redder. “I didn’t even think to ask for a copy. God, I’m so stupid.”

Before I can stop myself, I take one step to her chair, grasp her chin with my hand, and squeeze slightly to get her attention. “You are not stupid. You’re in a bad place and that attorney took advantage of that. But now you’re on solid ground and I’ll help you figure this out. Okay?”

For a moment, I think she might cry on me, and I brace myself for it. I don’t do well with tears. I’m a sucker for them. If I see one drop spill, I’ll pull her in my arms. At that point, I’ll really have to take shit from Jake that I can’t seem to help myself when it comes to a lost woman.

She surprises me though and nods against my grip. “Okay.”

Though I’m loathe to release her, I do it anyway. “Okay then. I think your goal for today is to go to that attorney’s office and ask for a copy of Samuel’s will.”

“Just show up without an appointment?” Cat asks with hesitation.

“Yup. Just walk in and ask for it. You shouldn’t need an appointment for that.”

I think. Fuck, I don’t know, but it’s a start.

“I can do that,” she says as she stands from the chair.

For the first time since last night, I actually see a glimmer of hope in her eyes that perhaps things will turn out okay. I don’t know that they will, but I know for sure I’m not going to abandon her.

Jake’s going to give me so much shit.

Chapter 2


So I have a plan.

A temporary one, but at least I have a plan.

I also have a roof over my head for the time being, and since Rand told me to help myself to anything in the apartment, I will also have food in my belly. While he takes a shower, I make use of the carton of eggs in his refrigerator and scramble some up for both of us. I have a plate waiting for him when he emerges from the bathroom, wearing nothing but a pale blue towel wrapped low around hips.

I know that body well. It’s tall and lean with just the right amount of muscles gracing a broad chest and strong arms. I happen to know when he flexes his abs, they’ll tighten into a six pack, just as I know his pierced tongue feels good between my legs. I know well those green eyes that will stare at me with frenzied lust and the soft brush of his blond beard against my skin.

Rand is a beautiful package, no doubt. He’s edgy with his golden hair shaved on the sides but long on top. He often brushes his fingers through it, pushing it away from his face. I find it amusing that he always seems exasperated by the length, but he never cuts it any shorter. Add in a multitude of tattoos over his chest, back, and upper arms, a silver ring through his left nostril and a matching one through his left eyebrow, and you have a man who’s edgy, cool, and sexy all at the same time.