What I Lost

So much gratitude also goes to: Authoress, whose name I will never know, but to whom I owe so much; the Renfrew Center, for its expertise; Alison McCabe, for keeping me together; Write On Mamas, for companionship and inspiration; Kate Chynoweth and Keely Parrack, for their CP skills; SCBWI, for the inspirational workshops; Litcamp, for making me feel legit; Michele DeMarco, for writing advice and lifelong friendship; Kimberley Gregg, for her enthusiasm and positivity; my twelfth-grade English teacher, Liz Moon, who looked into my eyes and told me that I was a good writer and who, with those few words, changed my life; my students—at Bentley School, the Clinton School for Writers and Artists, and I.S. 98—who inspired me with their writing and stories; and all the others whose generosity, love, and support made this wacky dream of mine come true.

And lastly, I’d like to thank my family. So much appreciation goes to my in-laws, Roberta and Phil Ballard, for their continuous love, cheerleading, and writing retreats at the ranch; my sister (in-law) Angela, whose wise counsel and support mean everything; and my brother-in-law Dustin, for his medical expertise and friendship.

My parents, Marlene and Doug Cann, sacrificed and worked harder than I ever have to give me a childhood full of wonderful memories. Thanks, Mom, for being my best friend and confidante, and Dad, thank you for the creativity gene and for being my biggest fan. I love you both and couldn’t have done this without you. Thanks, also, for giving me a brother like Max, whose friendship and occasional couch tackle have carried me through the years. And Max, thanks for marrying Caitlin, who finally got my head out of the cake and in general just gets it.

Callie and Eliza—my smart, strong, amazing girls—thank you for cheering me on with hugs, snuggles, trampoline shows, stories, baked goods, homemade signs, and stories of your own. I love you both more than anything.

And to Chris, my brilliant husband. Thank you, thank you, thank you for knowing that writing was what I was meant to do even when I had my doubts. You’re my best friend and an amazing partner. I love you and can’t wait to spend our springs in Paris, writing in coffee shops.

Finally, no thank-you would be complete without including the dog. Thank you, Riley, for always sitting at my feet.

About the Author

Alexandra Ballard has worked as a magazine editor, middle-school English teacher, freelance writer, and cake maker. She holds a master’s degree in journalism from Columbia University and another, in education, from Fordham University, and spent ten years in the classroom, beginning in the Bronx in New York City and ending up in the hills of northern California. Now she writes contemporary YA fiction and spends her days delving into the magic, heartbreak, and everything else that comes with being a young adult. She lives in northern California with her husband and two daughters. You can visit her at alexandraballard.com, or sign up for email updates here.

Alexandra Ballard's books