Tyrant (Scars of the Wraiths #2)

“Yeah, babe.” With his hand on my lower back, he roughly yanked me in to the length of him.

“I can’t cancel.” Waleron had never been to the island; therefore, he was unable to Trace here, which meant he had to get on a plane and fly here. This was a big deal. “Are you scared to tell him?”

He threw back his head and laughed. The sound was deep and raspy, and I loved it more than his smug grin. When he finished laughing, he went back to undressing me while he spoke. “You need to get something about me, babe. Nothing scares me. Nothing except losing you. Don’t give a fuck if Waleron loses his shit when I tell him you’re my maite and we didn’t invite him to the wedding.” My dress slipped to the floor. “What I do give a fuck about is that you’re not hurt in the process of me telling him and he loses his shit.” Okay, totally melt-worthy. His hand at my lower back slid up and fiddled with the clasp of my bra. It, too, fell to the floor. “Want to cancel because my girl was wearing a hot pink dress and I want her to myself for the next five hours.”

“Five hours?” Tingles erupted.

He grinned. “We have pasta on the stove, so yeah, five hours.”

“How do you figure?”

“Carbs, babe.” His hands came under my ass and he picked me up. My legs wrapped around him as he carried me from the living room into the bedroom. Then he tossed me onto the white duvet and I bounced once before shuffling back.

“You realize he will be here soon.” He undid the buttons on his shirt. It parted and my gaze trailed down over his inked chest to his hard abdomen.

“He can wait.”

Oh. My. God. “Kilter, his flight lands any minute.” His jeans dropped and he stepped out of them. He moved closer to the bed and lowered his body, palms on either side of my head before the mattress sagged under his weight.

“And he’ll go see Delara first.”

Hmmm, he might be right about that. “Not sure if she’ll let him in, though.”

Kilter snorted. “Not a chance she’s letting him in. Won’t stop him.”

Again, true.

“Love you, baby, but can we stop talking about Waleron so I can fuck you.”

I laughed. Then I reached around, cupped the back of his neck, and pulled myself up to whisper in his ear. “Love you, too, Kilter.”

He groaned and I dropped back onto the mattress as his mouth slammed into mine.

Then he showed me how much he loved me.

I jerked, darting upright when I heard the footsteps outside on the deck before the sliding door opened.

Then Waleron’s voice called, “Ten minutes.” More footsteps and then nothing.

“Oh, my God.” I crashed back down onto the pillow, closing my eyes with a groan. “My dress. My bra. On the living room floor.”

“Yeah. So?” Kilter rolled, taking me with him so I straddled him. “He knows we fuck, babe.” Before I could respond, he dragged me down for another kiss and I melted into him.

When he was done kissing me, he sat up with me in his lap. Then he stood and I went with him. I slid down his body as he placed me on my feet. “Dress. I’ll go tell him.”

My eyes widened. “Now?”

He shrugged. “Babe, I told him you’re mine already. It’s now official in the eyes of the law, but it was official from the moment I told our Taldeburu that you’re mine. What he’ll be pissed about is he wasn’t told we were married on the beach weeks ago.” He cupped my chin, thumb stroking back and forth. “I take the fallout. You stay here. Get dressed. Open the wine.”

God, I loved this man. “Oh. Okay.” Wine. Shit.

He nodded and his hand dropped away as he moved to get dressed. I watched as he tugged on his jeans and his dress shirt. I’d never get used to this. This warmth inside me. The lightness. God, the freedom to love and be loved.

It was time. Not the optimal time, but I had no choice. It was either now or he’d know it the moment I refused the wine. I opened my thoughts and let him in.

Kilter stopped halfway to the door. His back stiffened. His entire body stiffened. Then he swung around and stalked toward me.

I bit my lip.

He reached me. “You serious? You’re pregnant?”

I nodded. “Not official yet, but I know. I’ve felt it for a couple days now.”

“You felt it?”

I smiled. “Reflector, hon.”

“Fuck. You felt it.”

He was quiet for a minute, brows lowered with a scowl. Then the scowl lifted and he said, “Told Waleron to come back in an hour.”

Oh, my God. You don’t tell Waleron to come back in an hour. “What?”

“Babe, you don’t give me news like that as I’m walking out the door. News like that means you’re screaming under my mouth.”

There was an eruption of twinges between my legs.

He put his hands on my hips and guided me backward until my thighs hit the mattress. I toppled over and he followed with his mouth.

Then he adoringly kissed every inch of my abdomen. I watched him, my hands in his hair, catching glimpses of his quiet smile. It was beautiful. He was beautiful. Kilter was my beautiful tyrant.

The End