The Zodiac Killer

Approaching the body, Darek saw the man’s shirtless form was slumped forward a bit, unable to keep himself upright anymore.

Lizzy walked over and pointed down to the large V that was tattooed in the center of his chest. The words “Alpha” and “Omega” were in a banner just below it. A large slash stretched across his stomach, underlining the tattoo. In his mouth, there was some kind of card, and after snapping a few photos, Lizzy pulled it out from between his teeth.

“A driver’s license for Victor Barnes. The Alpha and the Omega?” She glanced at Darek.

“The beginning and the end,” he whispered.

“Does this mean it’s over?” Lizzy asked and shined a light upon his forehead. “Oh wow, is that a burn?”

Darek’s stomach did a flip. “It’s a branding.”

Victor had been branded, and the mark looked like it was a perfect match for the one Tad had seared into his arm. Darek felt the sting from his own brand burning beneath his shirt, and he forced himself not to reach over and rub the pain away.

Lizzy noticed he was freaking out inside. “If you need to take a minute, please do. I don’t want your puke compromising this crime scene.”

He should have been offended, but too much was already going around in his head. He gave her a tired look. “It’s not that. I’m just thinking.”

The dead man pitched forward, and they jumped back as a large rat scurried away.

“Sorry,” Lizzy said. “My bad.” She’d been trying to see the back of his head and bumped the makeshift chair he sat in.

Victor had been carefully propped up in a semi-seated position, and now, he lay forward as if wanting to show them his back. Darek took a look, and sure enough, there was something carved deeply into his flesh. It was far too messy to read the words, but he knew it was another message. This time, there was no question who it was for. Someone had been trying to send him a message all along.

“We have to get photos.” She waved the camera guy over and had him take a few more shots. “Walk around back.”

The man did as Lizzy instructed, and then he snapped more pictures before a few men came over to help hold him forward so the detectives could get a better look.

“Prepare to bleed,” Darek read aloud. The words might as well read, Prepare to pay. Pay for what they’d done. He thought about the last crime scene and the markings they’d found. The Zodiac tattoo. The Capricorn sign had been first. “Fuck.” He said the words out loud, but Lizzy couldn’t know why.

“Another warning,” Lizzy said. “Shit, Darek. This is too much.” She shook her head and glanced over at him. He turned his head to meet her gaze. She looked back at the dead man and let loose a tired breath. “We’re dealing with a serial killer.”

Darek knew it was more than that. So much more. He thought of Bay’s words and swallowed hard: Bring it on.

To Be Continued…

Wl Knightly's books