The Purest Hook (Second Circle Tattoos #3)

To my husband, Tim, and his masculine ways. He is a total inspiration. (And that is the first and last time I agree to let you write your own acknowledgment!) And no, I will not put #throbbing at the end! Or cowbell analogies.

This book touches on themes of abuse. There are many great organizations, like the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (R.A.I.N.N.), that offer support for those affected by this. If you are in need of advice, please find one of them. Or call the National Sexual Assault Hotline 1.800.656.HOPE (4673).

About the Original Song-Living Without You

I wanted to say a special thank-you to recording artist Bishop (Damon O’Hara) who wrote the song that Dred writes for Pixie. As a singer, songwriter, and student of the British and Irish Modern Music Institute (B.I.M.M.), I didn’t meet Bishop in a concert hall, which would be way cooler than the real story. I met him in a fish shop of all places. Yes, a place where you can procure raw fish. Yeah, we think it’s funny, too.

The song has been recorded with the help of some fabulous musicians and singers who are fellow B.I.M.M. students including William “Billy” Bell, Sarah Featherston, Danny Heath, and Nicola Tuffy. I got the chance to go spend the afternoon with these talented individuals during rehearsals and I was blown away by them. So thank you, each and every one of you. You left a permanent imprint on a very important song, making it richer by your presence.

Thank you to Louis Lawson and Aimee Fordham, the engineers who made it sound so good.

And finally thank you to B.I.M.M. for providing the space for rehearsals and for creating such an incredible environment for musicians to collaborate. Without this kind of access, this song would never have come into being.

Links to the finished song can be found on my website:

About the Author

Born in England, SCARLETT COLE traveled the world for business and pleasure, living in the United States before settling in Canada where she met her own personal hero. Now a proud Canadian and British citizen, home is wherever her husband and two children are. When she isn’t writing, Scarlett can be found working out to offset a legendary candy habit, searching for the perfect pair of shoes, and promising her family that she will get around to cooking dinner in a minute. Visit her at or on Twitter @ItsScarlettCole. You can sign up for email updates here.

Scarlett Cole's books