The Lost Girls (Lucy Kincaid #11)

“I would really love getting to know you better.” Eden smiled and hugged her lightly. “Thank you for letting me stay. I promise, I’ll be out by tomorrow. There are several nice hotels in the area, and a resort I’ve heard fabulous things about. I’ll find something.”

“You don’t have to leave tomorrow. I’m serious—wait until Sean gets home, you two need to catch up.”

“We’ll play it by ear.”

Lucy grabbed the rest of her things and hesitated in the kitchen. Maybe she should take the day off. Except … she had no time to take. She’d taken so much time off already this year that she didn’t even have vacation for her honeymoon. She’d told Sean they would have to postpone the secret trip. Sean had been planning it for months, but kept Lucy in the dark, which was fine with her. But her fellow agents on the Violent Crimes squad had each given up one of their vacation days to her as a wedding present so she could have a honeymoon. She almost cried when they’d taken her out to lunch and told her. She hadn’t made the best first impression on her team. She got along with some of them, and others were wary. She didn’t blame them. Trouble followed her, and unfortunately touched everyone else. But all of them, including her temporary boss, Noah, had given her time.

Eden stepped into the kitchen and said, “I’m going to take a shower and sleep. I really am exhausted.”

“Give me your phone number and I’ll call you later, see if you need anything.” Lucy wrote down her cell phone on a notepad.

“Great.” Eden rattled off her number for Lucy. “It’s a US number, I have both—comes in handy when traveling.”

Odd, considering how she said she hadn’t been in the States in years.

Lucy left after showing Eden once again how to set and reset the alarm, and reminding her to keep it engaged even when she was inside.

From her car, she sent Sean an email to call her when he had an opportunity. She didn’t want him to worry, so added:

Nothing serious, just have some information for you.

Then she called FBI headquarters to tell them she was running late. As she drove, she was still apprehensive, so she called Sean’s oldest brother, Kane. He didn’t answer, which was par for the course. She left a message to call her. “It’s not urgent, just call when you get a chance.”

Put it out of your head.

She had a full day ahead of her, and worrying about Sean’s sister wasn’t going to help.

But she really hoped Kane called her back soon.