The Countdown (The Taking #3)

The obvious is my literary agent, Laura Rennert, who never fails to surprise me with her unfailing support of my work. Thanks also to the fabulous Andrea Brown Literary Agency, just for being such an incredible pool of strong and smart women—I’m proud to be part of your crew. Also to my team at WME, Alicia Gordon, Erin Conroy, and Ashley Fox. I love that you have my back in that mystifying Hollywood world!

A huge thank you to HarperTeen, starting with Sarah Landis, who first acquired The Taking, and Kari Sutherland who picked up where Sarah left off. To Jen Klonsky and Alice Jerman, thank you for all your hard work and cheerleading, and for getting The Countdown to press. To the amazingly talented cover designers who, again, killed it with this cover—it is truly stunning alone or beside its series companions! And again, to Olivia Russo, who is the World’s Best Publicist (you can quote me on that!).

I have to thank my critique partner, Shelli Wells, who was in the room when I first brainstormed the idea for The Taking, and was there again when I thought I’d backed myself into a corner during The Countdown. I hadn’t, I just needed her creative perspective to help me see my way out! And the awesome women of Cave Creek, who let me come back to our annual writing retreat every year even though I’m superstitious about sharing my ideas.

In my real life, I want to thank my friends and family for putting up with yoga pants and ugly writing sweaters and for not complaining when I send your calls to voicemail because I’m working out whether there will be an alien invasion or not. But I have to single out a few people, specifically Molly—sorry I decided to kill your character! And don’t worry, Madeline, your turn is coming. . . .

Thanks to (Mama) Shawn for keeping the Derting household operational. To my book club ladies for introducing me to characters and worlds I likely wouldn’t discover on my own . . . and also for making me laugh. A special thanks to my Amanda, Connor, and Abby, who’ve learned that “I’m busy” is code for “I’m working” even if it looks like I’m just daydreaming. To my husband, Josh, who constantly amazes me with his brilliant insights and support—thank you times infinity.

And lastly to Hudson, just for being you.

Kimberly Derting's books