Say You Love Me

“No.” I shook my head, but inside I was thinking, how would you know some random guy I was dating?

“Anyone you thinking of getting serious with?” he asked again and I looked at him curiously. Hadn’t I just told him ten minutes ago that I wasn’t seriously dating anyone? Had he not been paying attention?

“Not really.” I shook my head.

“Hey, Cody, Mila and I wanted to change. Is it okay if we go in your room?” TJ asked as we just stood there.

“Sure.” He nodded. “No hanky panky, though.”

“Cody.” Mila hit him in the shoulder. “You’re so disgusting.”

“Hey, I know TJ. I wouldn’t put anything past him.”

“I’m not you.” TJ slapped his friend in the arm. “You’re the dirty dog in this friendship.”

“Ha-ha, you might be right.” Cody laughed. “Dude, remember that time in Cancun with those two chicks from Georgia?”

“How can I forget?”

“Should I be hearing about this?” Mila spoke up, looking slightly annoyed.

“Hey, it wasn’t me,” TJ said innocently. “It was all Cody.”

“That, it was.” Cody grinned. “That was a fun night.” He looked at me. “I won’t bore you with the details.”

“Thanks,” I said, my stomach sinking again. Ugh, I hated hearing stories about Cody with other women. It made me feel so insecure and knots twisted in my stomach that made me want to throw up.

“Anyway, let’s go and change, TJ. We’ll be right back, guys.” Mila gave me a sympathetic look and they walked out of the room. “We’re going to have a great time tonight racing those fast cars around the track.”

“Yeah, it’ll be fun.” I nodded and then I looked at Cody and grinned. “You’re going to let me drive first, right?”

“Hmm, not sure.” He laughed. “Are you a good driver?”

“I’m an awesome driver.” I gave him a look.

“I don’t want it to be a bumpy ride.” He tilted his head.

“It will be a smooth ride.” I rolled my eyes at him and laughed. “I’m a good driver...” I paused as his expression changed. “What?” I looked at him curiously. “What is it you want to say?” I asked again as his eyes grew brighter and he grinned at me.

Chapter 2


“I can take you on the ride of your life. The smoothest ride ever,” I said and groaned under my breath as I realized that I’d just made a sex joke to my little sister’s best friend. I could see her looking at me with wide brown eyes as she waited for me to say something else. Something that would clarify my statement, like, “I’m an awesome driver and I’m great with cars. Let me drive you around first and it will be the ride of your life.” Of course, I didn’t say that because that wasn’t what I’d meant. She knew it and I knew it, so what was the point of pretending? I wasn’t even sure why the comment had popped into my mind. Maybe it was because she’d been talking about smooth and bumpy rides and I had a dirty mind. As soon as “ride” had been mentioned, all I could think about was her riding me. Which was highly inappropriate. I knew that. But I was also a guy and always had highly inappropriate thoughts. Even about Sally. Not that I’d ever voiced them before, though.

Normally, I wouldn’t care that I’d made a sexual innuendo. Only, that was with girls I didn’t know. And that I didn’t care about. Sally was different. In a “you’re my sister’s best friend and I’ve known you forever” kind of way. I’m the kind of guy who always gets the girl. Well, at least the majority of the time. I’m also the kind of guy that most girls would call smooth. I’m not going to pretend that I’m not. I’m handsome. Some women call me adorable, some call me hot, many call me sexy. I can’t help it if I’ve been blessed. Only, there are times when I’m not so smooth, not so confident, not so self-assured. It doesn’t happen often, but sometimes, like right now, I said something that was out of place and I regretted it.

“Sorry, what?” Sally asked, a half-smile on her face. “The ride of my life, huh? What sort of ride could that possibly be?”

“Sleep with me and you’ll see,” I said teasingly, continuing to go down a road I wasn’t sure I should be going down. I laughed to show her that I wasn’t being serious, though to be honest, I wasn’t really joking. If she said yes, I’d have her in my bedroom in ten seconds flat. Once TJ and Mila exited, of course.

“What did you say?” The smile on Sally’s face was shocked and slightly unsure. Her brown eyes looked into mine with a confused expression and I burst out laughing as I gazed at her.