No Easy Target

“Yes.” She instinctively moved closer to him. “I always did, even when I thought I couldn’t trust you.”

“And do you think I’d ever give that up? No one has ever given me a gift like that.” He held her eyes. “So go and study your pink dolphins. Go and see your friend Eve. Have an adventure or two and let yourself heal. But don’t ever think that I’m going to let you go. I tracked you for over a year and I found you when I didn’t even know you. Do you think I won’t find you when I have a reason like this?” He kissed her again and then let her go. “No way.” He turned her around and gave her a gentle push toward the taxi stand. “Call me if you need me. Otherwise, I’ll hold out as long as I can and then come after you. Good-bye, Margaret.”

“Good-bye, Lassiter.” She walked slowly to the closest taxi. She felt dazed and confused, and something less identifiable that was gradually rising to the surface. Then, as the taxi driver opened the door for her, she realized what it was.

Sunlight. Warmth. Joy.

Filling both her and the world with radiance.

And why was she running away from it, when she had sworn she was through with running?

She turned and looked back at Lassiter. “Hey, you sound like some kind of stalker. All that high drama and mega effort.” Her brilliant smile held a touch of mischief. “Don’t you know that all you’d really have to do is find out from Patrick when I’m going to come to pick up Juno and the pups?”