Ice (Elite Forces #1)

Oh my god. What the hell have I done? I just fucked my Commander. My warped mind let him strip me bare then fuck me hard. “Jesus, Jade,” I whisper, bending to snatch my t-shirt from the floor and quickly pulling it over my head. Doing the same with my fatigues and my boots, I scatter my eyes around the room, making sure I’ve left no signs of evidence behind whatsoever. I’m out the door mentally chastising myself all the way to my tent.

“What the fuck happened?” Harris stands outside the entrance with his arms folded firmly across his bulky chest. He looks pissed. 'Well, fuck you very much,' I desperately want to say. I don’t though; he has no idea what the hell I just did, and he never will if I can help it.

“You don’t want to know.” I pull open my tent, letting the flap fall. For once, I’m thankful for the darkness all around me. I respect Harris, I truly do, but if he saw the look of disgust and disgrace I’m sure is plastered all over my face, he would know I’ve committed the worst kind of sin, broken every core commandment I’ve pledged.

“Damn it, Jade. I do want to know. This isn’t just your life that may be drying up like piss in this desert. It’s mine too."

I spin, ready to take my anger out on him, opening and closing my mouth several times before deciding to lie.

“I told him he caught us right before we actually started to fuck.” Which in reality he did. Therefore, not really a lie. Harris is silent for the longest time. I know his eyes are slicing into mine. His stare is hard. Disbelief swarms the confines of my tent like a vulture swirling, circling before it swoops down to attack its already dead prey.

“Bullshit.” His voice is low, dark, and threatening. This fuels my anger even more. I’ve been threatened enough tonight. No more. Fucking men. Right here, in this moment, I would give anything to hate them; however, the way my * is still on fire, clenching, trembling, and thanking me for quenching her thirst, there is no way I could.

“Listen,” I say tentatively. Not because I’m afraid of Harris. I want him out of here. I need to think. I need to try to catch and hold on to every thought I can. My Commander, whose name I don’t even fucking know, has single-handedly reeled me into a scandal that could cost both of us our jobs, if not our lives. And the bad part is, I fucking loved it. I've never been fucked like that in my life, and I know I'll always want more of the kind of shit he just did to me. I've always wanted a man who's not afraid to fuck me. I mean, shit, I'm not a damn weak bitch who will break. I need fucked, leave the making love to the other bitches. I’ve never been in love with a man to know the damn difference anyway.

“He chewed my ass out, basically called me a whore, and told me I was in jeopardy of a reduction in ranking. He went easy on me, Harris. Why? I don’t know. I’m sure as hell not going to question it, and speaking as your friend, I highly suggest you let it go.” His hand lightly caresses my face. I lean into him. His hand is warm, rough, and calloused.

“I hope for both our sakes you're not lying to me, Elliott.” A chill runs down my spine, despite the dry desert night heat, when Harris removes his hand, his silhouette disappearing out of sight.

“I’m lying, Harris, for both of our sakes.”

I’ve been trained by the best to be a light sleeper, to always manage to be aware of what's happening around me. Sleep didn’t come to me at all last night. Fatigue mixed with exhaustion, anger blending with anticipation all makes a mean cocktail amongst my weary brain when I make my way from my tent to the dump, a horrific stench of a wooden box where we dump our waste. I may spend every waking moment with these men, demand they treat me like I belong here, but there is no way in hell I will take a shit or piss in front of them.

I toss my bag onto the pile, hike my backpack onto my shoulders, turn, and face the desert sun. I close my eyes, letting the intensity of the giant sphere beat down showers of heat even this early in the morning. Thank you to the maker of sunglasses. Tipping my head back further, I soak the scorching temperature into my already bronzed skin.

“Ma’am,” Army Specialist JJ McPherson acknowledges me when he approaches. I tilt my head upright to stare at the twenty-two-year-old young man who is smarter than anyone I have ever met. He’s a true leader, a sharp shooter like myself, and has been nothing but kind to me since my arrival. He stands at least two inches shorter than my five-foot-seven-inch frame. The little man can shoot a bullet straight through someone’s skull from a mile away, I swear to god. I have never seen a more perfect shot than his, not even mine. That in itself tells you how much respect I have for this man.

JJ and I are the two snipers recruited for this mission; we’ve trained every day since we’ve been here. We’re experts and have the ability to train other members in our team. Our capabilities are endless when it comes to every weapon we use along with the weapons of our enemies.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books