Ice (Elite Forces #1)

"Ah.... Yes. I can trust that. Your legs wrapped around his waist and his dick shoved deep inside you. That's very professional. We could probably solve the nation's problems if we approached them with that mindset." He starts pacing in front of me, only taking three steps each way before he rotates to walk the other way.

I hate that I can't even argue with him. I hate that in the few minutes I've had with him, I've hated him and found him sexy as fuck at the same time. His demeanor demands respect, and it's obvious he feels I've disrespected him and will have hell to pay for my actions.

"Sir, we were in our own private quarters. The others aren't aware of our actions." He stops in front of me once again, his eyes flaring with anger.

"I could hear you. I heard him demand you on your knees. I heard the desperation in your voice before I ever saw it on your face." He moves in close once again. Why does this not get any easier? It's an intimidation move, I know this. I've been dealing with it for years; that's why it shouldn't bother me, but with him it does.

He lowers his head, letting his eyes trace my face. It's causing me to hold back a breath I very desperately need to take. He's too close. He's in my space. Maybe it's my guilt and the fear of what the consequences will truly be that are hindering my ability to cope with his intensity.

"I'm having you both removed from the mission." He rotates on his heel and walks away. "You'll be discharged, and I'll make sure your superior is very aware of the way you handle yourself as a Captain." The air leaves my chest in one long exhale. Did he not hear me? We did nothing wrong.

There it is. My worst nightmare. The exact thing I knew was possibly on the line when I started thinking with my * instead of my mind and heart. I love what I do. I've dedicated my entire adult life to this. It's not a job to me, it's my life.

"Sir. Permission to discuss in detail. Please?" Ugh. I’m not into being nice right now. I should have just shut my mouth and dropped to my knees.

"There's nothing to discuss, Captain. I'm here to make sure this mission is carried out without a single chance of flaw. If I feel you're in a relationship that will hinder your ability to function in that manner, I must remove you from the mission."

"It's not like that, Sir. It was just a..." I pause. How do I tell him it would have been just a quick fuck? That I'm horny and I need sex? Once I get my fill, I'll be ready to go for a while. I mean shit, there's so much stress and testosterone around me at all times, sometimes I just need to take it out on someone, then I'm good. My fingers can only do so much, for god’s sake.

"Finish your sentence, Captain."

I swallow. Here goes everything.

"It would have just been a quick fuck, Sir. We won’t let it interfere with the mission." His eyes narrow as he leans against the wall, like he's taking it all in. He takes his time thinking. I watch the smug look on his face while he processes the situation. He has me and he knows it.

I try my hardest not to look at the size of his arms bulging underneath his long sleeves.

"I guess this takes us back to where we started." The look of confusion on my face causes him to continue. "On your knees, Captain."

"How's that going to make all of this acceptable?" I ask while he pushes off the wall, slowly stalking toward me with a hunger in his eyes that almost equals the anger I'm fighting inside.

"I'm willing to make an exception to the rule in this case." He stands proudly in front of me once again, his eyes piercing through my sensitive skin, chilling me to the bone.

"Who's to say you won't out me, Sir?" I’m not dropping until he answers me.

"You have my word. I mean, you are the best in the squad, on paper that is. I'll have to decide if that’s true for myself." It won’t take him long to see that. I am the best.

My mind shifts back to the matter at hand. Why am I even considering? He's hot as fuck, so it's not like this will be complete torture; in fact, he has me wet just thinking about him using all that intensity on me. I can only imagine how passionately he fucks. The curiosity has me moving toward him. Step by step I watch his face. His tongue traces his lower lip, slowly, tempting me even further.

"I can even promise your fuck buddy will not be punished for his actions in this."

I watch him as I contemplate my move. Is this a test to him? Is he testing my dedication to this team and my career? Is he really willing to let me do this?

I swallow my pride and begin to kneel before him. This won’t be for me. This is for Harris. He takes a slight step back and unzips his fatigues. He pulls out his very large cock, and I close my eyes, open my mouth, and I take him in as far as I can. He allows me to take my time for a few seconds before he takes a hold of my head and fucks my mouth with multiple precise thrusts, hitting the back of my throat each time.

He pauses, lifting my chin so that our eyes meet.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books