Hooking Up (Shacking Up #2)

Lex leans forward, his shoulder brushing my knee as he carefully places my purse under the seat in front of me. The contact is brief. “You can go back to sleep,” he whispers, squeezing my hand.

I let my eyes fall closed again. I want to thank him, but everything feels too heavy and blackness is so much more alluring than life. So I let consciousness melt away.

Awareness returns with a vengeance. I need to use the bathroom. Badly. Also, my neck is sore. As I adjust my position, it becomes clear that Lex has been functioning as my pillow. I don’t really have time to be embarrassed—yet again—because my bladder is literally screaming at me. Also, Lex is asleep, so maybe he didn’t notice my snuggling with his arm.

I fight with my seatbelt, groaning when I don’t get it on first try. I have to kegel like crazy as I finally manage to unbuckle myself. At least I’m not drunk anymore. Or as drunk. Standing only makes it worse and my knees nearly buckle. Lex’s legs are spread wide, hands clasped in his lap. He looks so put together even while sleeping, and with all that five o’clock shadow covering his jaw. I try to shuffle around him, but my foot gets caught on my purse strap and I stumble, falling right top of him. I brace a hand on each of his shoulders so I don’t smother him with my boobs.

He startles awake. “What the fu—” His hands go to my hips. Low on my hips. Fingertips pressing into the fleshy part of my ass. I’m straddling one of his legs and my skirt is hiked up, the lace band of my thigh-highs barely visible. This is the most impractical outfit to fly in. I should’ve just worn my yoga pants, T-shirt, and flats. Who cares if someone saw me. I could’ve bought a pair of sweats or something in the airport instead of crying in the bathroom, but now I’m stuck in this until we land.

Lex’s confused gaze falls on my chest, which is right in front of his face, and then moves down to where his hands are, and then lower.

“So sorry. Need to pee.” My heel is still caught in my purse strap, though, so I can’t escape. I try to bend to get it, but I can’t reach and I’m making this situation worse with the way my chest bumps his face. I can barely think around my need to pee.

“Hold on. Let me help.” Lex’s hand trails down the outside of my thigh. I grip his shoulder, unsure whether the aching throb between my legs is related to my bursting bladder, or if the feel of his hand skimming the entire length of my leg is creating a different kind of ache. He turns his face, his cheek pressed up against my hip as he wrestles with my tangled purse strap.

“Okay, you’re good.” He pats my ass and sits back in his seat.

His eyes go wide, just like mine, but I don’t have time to call him on the ass tap because my bladder reminds me just how precarious my situation is, and how much more embarrassing it could get.

I rush down the aisle, more grateful than I’ve ever been in my life to see that little green vacant sign. I throw myself into the bathroom, pull the door shut, hike up my skirt, and drop my panties. They’re sapphire blue satin with black lace accents. I bought them a long time ago, before Armstrong and his “I only like white lingerie” ridiculousness. Now I get to wear them whenever I want. I wonder if Lexington would like them.

“Stop it,” I chastise myself. I can still feel his hand on my butt, though. It was clearly an accident. I shocked him awake with my boobs in his face. The ass tap was purely reflexive.

I sigh with relief as the pressure in my bladder slowly dissipates, but that ache, the one low in my belly, still remains. I have no idea how many more hours I have on this plane with Lex, but it’s going to be serious torture to sit beside his hotness, replaying the humiliating, albeit clit-throbbingly, amazing moments in which his mouth was connected to mine and his hard-on was between my legs.

As I’m reliving that moment in my head, a sudden bout of turbulence shakes the plane and rattles the door. I hope it’s an isolated event and that this isn’t going to be one of those flights where I spend the entire time white-knuckling the armrests. I rush to finish my business so I can get back to my seat before we’re hit with more turbulence. I open the door, still adjusting my stupid skirt so it covers the damn garters, and find Lex standing on the other side, wearing a placid smile. My cheeks are once again hot as I move past him, muttering “Excuse me” to the man waiting behind him.

I return to my seat and check my phone for the time. We’ve only been in the air for little more than two hours. Awesome. More than fifteen hours to go and the embarrassing moments keep running like ticker tape. I realize I didn’t even let Ruby know I made it through security safely, or that I’m in the air. I quickly connect to WiFi and compose an email.

Made it through security. Full carry-on search—which was awesome considering I packed ALL of my toys and checked the wrong bag. My humiliation is extreme and overwhelming. I also have an interesting seat partner on the plane. I’ll call when I land and tell you all about it.


Anarchy Amie

I fire it off just as Lexington sits back down. The flight attendant stops by with drinks and snacks. I accept some champagne, because it’s free and I might as well get my buzz back. Or fall asleep again if I’m lucky. Lexington orders coffee and water. He’s too well behaved to be the bad boy I originally thought he was.

He smiles wryly at my champagne, pulls out his laptop and a couple of files, and unfolds his seat tray from the armrest. I pretend to leaf through the airplane magazine while I sip my bubbly, watching curiously as he reaches into his messenger bag and pulls out a small case. Flipping it open, he withdraws a pair of glasses and slides them on.

Dear sweet lord of all things panty melting, this has to be the sexiest man to ever walk the planet. The only thing that would make him sexier would be if he was holding a puppy, or better yet, a baby.

“I didn’t know you wore glasses.” It comes out all soft and breathless.

He touches the frames, and for the first time he looks a little embarrassed. “I don’t wear them often, mostly just when I’m on the computer for long periods of time.”

“They suit you.”

That earns me a smile. “Thanks.”