Hell on Heels

Maybe this time, in this book, it is not so much about the man who romances her, but about the woman who chose him.

You don’t need to know his name. He is whoever you needed him to be, just as he was for Charleston. Because the man you choose won’t be perfect; you aren’t either, and more importantly, that’s okay. It’s what makes love all the more beautiful, choice. The great loves are not the ones with whom had no other choices, but the ones who had endless options, yet still chose each other.

I believe that at any given point in our lives there is someone out there for us.

The world is filled with people who will touch your soul in different ways, and that’s part of what makes living so exciting. You could meet someone tomorrow, who would change your life in a way you never saw coming and perhaps weren’t ready for.

We shouldn’t decide to love people because we are ill equipped to love ourselves; rather, we should choose to love others, because we are so full of self-love that we are bursting with the opportunity to share that love with whomever our hearts ache for.

For, you always belong to you before you belong to someone else.

I will leave you, my reader, with this… May you rain down your absolute presence on this world and make no apologies for it. You are a beautiful person, inside and out, and with each step you take, worship yourself. Let them fear you, and let them quake with the urge to touch you, but most of all, let them earn the right to love you.

You are hell on heels to me, and I believe in you.

From my soul to yours,

Anne Jolin


For my beautiful beta readers: Amanda S?derlund, Larni Phipps, Taylor Holbrook, Alycia Sanchioni and Elizabeth Thiele. Thank you for treating this book with such care and for your encouragement. You are a wonderful group of women.

A special thank you to my sister, Sarah. I know this book hits home for you in the way it does for me and I am endlessly grateful to have had your support while writing it. I love you.

Kayla Robichaux, thank you for your flawless work and for never letting me lose my voice as an author. I am incredibly grateful to work with you.

Stacey Blake from Champagne Formats, my formatting whiz. Thank you for yet another beautiful job. It was such a pleasure getting to meet you this year. If possible, I adore you even more. You’re wonderful.

Robin Harper at Wicked by Design. Thank you for taking the vision in my head and making it become a reality with this amazing cover. I really am so in love with it.

Lydia Quintana at HEA Book Tours & PR, my talented friend, thank you for putting up with my crazy and for getting this book in the hands of readers. You’re the best.

For my angels, the best street team a girl could ask for, thank you for all the love and support you’ve shown me.

For all the readers, these books are for you, so thank you for reading. I love you all more than you could possibly know. I wouldn’t be able to create these stories if it wasn’t for you.

To my friends and family, my life is richer and more beautiful because you’re in it. Thank you for everything.


I was born and raised in Ladner, a small farm town just outside Vancouver, Canada.

I never expected to be an author. Writing was something that snuck up on me and rooted itself into my life. It was beautiful to discover that love, and I’m truly grateful to say I’ve found my passion.

If I could leave y’all with one thing, it’s that life’s far too short to not live it out loud. Drown in your passions, hold on tight to the things that inspire you, and chase your dreams relentlessly. I can promise you without a doubt that you won’t regret it. I know I don’t.

Mad love, Anne Jolin

Anne Jolin's books