Garden of Lamentations (Duncan Kincaid & Gemma James #17)

My fellow Jungle Red Writers have been with me every step of the way, and I am daily grateful for your friendship and our online community: Rhys Bowen, Lucy Burdette, Hallie Ephron, Susan Elia MacNeal, Hank Phillippi Ryan, and Julia Spencer-Fleming. Reds rock!

Marian Gracis and Edward and Thomas Miller were kind enough to lend me their names.

Illustrator Laura Maestro has once again provided a brilliant endpaper map which brings the book and its characters charmingly to life.

Thanks, as always, to my agent, Nancy Yost, for her patience (and for the puppy photo encouragement!).

And, of course, many, many thanks to the brilliant team at William Morrow: Carrie Feron, Tavia Kowalchuk, Danielle Bartlett, Lynn Grady, Liate Stelik, and many more.

On the home front, hugs, kisses, and much gratitude to Rick Wilson, Kayti and Michael Gage, and my darling granddaughter, Wren.

About the Author

Deborah Crombie is a native Texan who has lived in both England and Scotland. She lives in McKinney, Texas, sharing an historic house with her husband, three cats, and two very demanding German shepherd dogs.

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