Fall Back Skyward (Fall Back #1)

To Give Me Books. Thank you for organizing the release blitz.

Vanessa Bridges, thank you for taking my words and making them shine. You're amazing and thorough. Thank you for always being ready to answer my questions. To two amazing proofreaders, Fiona Wilson and Jessica Descent. Thanks for making this story better.

To my cover designer, Sarah Hansen (Okay Creations): You blew my mind. Thank you for this breathtaking cover. I can't wait to work with you on the next one.

Megan Baxter, Marian Girling and Rachelle Marie, thank you for giving Spinners Book Emporium & Cafe (Fall Back Skyward) a name. Aslo thanks Elaina Lucia and Tobi Spalla-Beaty for contributing to the playlist.

Thank you Stacey Blake of Champagne Formatting. You have a great eye for detail and you blow my mind with your beautiful work. It's always a pleasure to work with you.

And to you my amazing reader. . . Thank you for taking a chance of me and my stories. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.



Autumn Grey's books