Edge of Darkness (Romantic Suspense #20)

‘Adam called,’ Alex told her. ‘He asked us to come.’

‘Excuse me,’ Meredith told them. ‘I’ll be right back.’ She crossed the room to where Adam stood, his face filled with quiet joy. ‘You did this for me?’

‘I’d do just about anything for you,’ he told her.

Her eyes grew blurry and she blinked at the tears. ‘You brought my family and my friends together and all the girls. How do I thank you for this?’

‘You bring everyone together, Meredith,’ he said seriously. ‘I just made a few calls to get them all in one place for you.’ He winked at her. ‘Besides, I’m not doing this for free.’

She laughed through her tears. ‘I thought we tore up my tab for all the home improvements.’ She’d never had so much fun working off a debt.

‘We did. But if you want to thank me for today, you can wear this tonight.’ He gave her a box, wrapped in a silver bow. She lifted one corner of the box to peek inside and felt her cheeks go red.

‘There’s nothing in this box.’

‘I know,’ he said wickedly.

Sure that her cheeks were flaming and not caring a whit, she leaned up to kiss him. ‘You’re lucky that I’d do most anything for you too.’

Karen Rose's books