Dating You / Hating You

Erin Billings Service reads every word about seven thousand times, giving feedback from the earliest terrible versions to the final polished one, and she still manages to help us find typos in the pass pages. Seriously, Smister, you are a rock star.

Kristin Dwyer, we dedicated this to you because the adventures we’ve already had seem unreal. Can you imagine the ones yet to come? This is our first book baby we’re doing with the new venture, and we are so excited for all parties involved. Let’s do this!!

Thank you to our Gallery team: Carolyn Reidy, Jen Bergstrom, Louise Burke, Paul O’Halloran, Theresa Dooley, Liz Psaltis, Diana Velasquez, Melissa Bendixen, the Gallery sales force that works their butts off behind the scenes to get our books in stores and with online retailers, and the wonderful art department who so perfectly captured the next step in the CLo look. You are all fantastic, and we hope you’re coming for dinner because we made extra lasagna for everyone.

We can’t do any of this without the romance community. Seriously—the strength and enthusiasm of this group is astounding, and we are so grateful for readers, bloggers, graphic artists, and anyone out there who takes the time to send us a tweet, email, or review. You keep us going, and we mean that with all sincerity. We love this job, and we love you.

Finally, to our husbands, who are both patient and lucky. Patient on the days when the words are flowing, and lucky on the days when they’re not and we decide to bake all day instead. Thank you for being so proud of what we do.

PQ, this one was a doozy, but I feel like it clicked something between us, made us even stronger. Holy smokes this is fun. Let’s do it again.

Lo, this book, man. Some books are easier than others and some are like giving birth. I’m pretty sure we both had to bite down on a piece of leather with this one. I love you like Bella loves McFlurries, and anyone who knew us in 2009 knows that is a LOT. Thank you for being the Lo to my C. Meet you in the front row.