Chasing You (Love Wanted in Texas #5)

Missing his touch, I gave him a silly grin. “Friends hold hands.”

The elevator opened as Grayson guided me in. I backed up against the wall as he leaned ever so close to me. My breathing began to increase as his eyes searched my face. He was going to say something when he quickly stepped back and practically stood on the other side of the elevator. Letting out the breath I didn’t even know I was holding, I wrapped my arms around my body.

This was going to be one hell of a long day.


FOCUS. FOCUS ON anything but her.

Meg wrapped her arms around her body and I knew she was trying to push away the same feelings I was. I needed to prove to Meg I thought of her as more than just a fuck buddy, and I couldn’t do that if I told her how much her touch drove me crazy.

The door opened and Meagan practically raced out of the elevator. She walked quickly to my door and plastered on a fake smile.

Pushing the door open, I motioned for her to go in first.

“It’s freezing in here, Gray!”

“Damn. The heater must have quit working again.”

Tossing my wallet and keys on the coffee table, I pulled my phone out and called the manager of the building. After telling her the heater was out again, I set my phone next to my keys. “I’m going to get out of these clothes I’ve been in for two days and take a quick shower if you don’t mind.”

Meagan looked at me with a confused look. “You didn’t come home last night?”

I could see the panic in her eyes. She probably thought I spent the evening with some girl.

I began unbuttoning my shirt as I made my way into the kitchen. “Derrick and I worked all night on a case.”

“What? Gray, you must be exhausted. Why in the world do you want to spend the day with me if you’ve been up all night?”

I shrugged my shoulders as I took a drink of water. “I got a few minutes of shut eye last night. Besides, I want to spend the day with you.”

The look of happiness that passed over Meagan’s face made me smile. I knew I was going to be exhausted later, but that one smile was worth the misery I would go through later this evening.

“Help yourself to anything. I’m going to jump in the shower.”

Before I walked into my bedroom, I saw a sweatshirt sitting on the sofa. I picked it up and tossed it over to Meagan. “In case you get cold.”

With a laugh, Meagan took her light jacket off and slipped the oversized sweatshirt on. My dick jumped seeing her swallowed up in it as she pulled her brown hair up and twisted it in a bun.

Turning before I jumped her, I headed to take a cold shower.

“It’s snowing!” Meagan said as we pulled out of the parking garage of my apartment building. I’d showered and quickly got ready for our day.

Perfect. I knew a cold front was blowing through and there was a chance for some snow. It’s about damn time. The last week was mild for January in Colorado.

“Well this makes the first thing on our list even better.”

Meagan glanced over and I could practically see the smile beaming off her face. If there was one thing I knew about this little Texas beauty, is that she loved snow.

“Please tell me, Gray! Where are we going?”

The excitement in her voice had me excited. I should have been exhausted but how could I, hearing how thrilled she was.

“First up is ice skating.”

With a fist pump and a small shriek, Meagan bounced around in the seat as I attempted not to think of her doing that while sitting on my face.

Shit. Focus on anything other than sex. Or her lips. Wrapped around my dick. No . . . stop this. Damn it.

“Gray, are you okay? You look pale.”

With a quick glance over to her, I smiled and said, “What? No yeah, I’m totally fine.”

“Are you sure you’re not too tired?”

I reached for her hand, which I knew was not part of the friend-only zone, and placed my lips softly on her skin. “I’m positive. Today is all about spending it with my best friend.”

Meagan’s eyes lit up. “Best friend, huh?”

I hadn’t meant to say it, but it was true. If there was anyone I wanted to do stuff like this with, it was Meagan. Now that it was out in the open, I was going to run with it.

“Yeah. I mean I think we have fun together. Don’t you?”

“Are you talking fun sex, or fun hanging out?”

My stomach flipped at the mention of sex.

Focus, Gray.


“Fun hanging out. Don’t get me wrong, sex with you is fucking amazing, but since we’re now in the friends zone, yeah . . . you’re my best friend.”

I stopped at a red light and looked her way. Meagan was staring at me while chewing on the corner of her lip. With the cutest damn smile I’d ever seen, she scrunched up her nose and said, “You’re my best friend too. Well I mean, after Grace, and Taylor. Oh and Alex and Libby.”

My smile dropped. “I’m at the fucking bottom of the best friend list.”

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