Chasing You (Love Wanted in Texas #5)

With a chuckle, he reached down and turned the radio on. “I need to change so first stop is my place.”

My heartbeat sped up. Oh shit, alone at Grayson’s place. The things we’ve done at Grayson’s apartment. My face blushed as I thought about all the places we’ve had sex in that place. The feel of his hands moving up my skirt as we rode up the elevator after a night on the town. Grayson pushing me up against the wall in the entrance hall as he ripped my panties off because he couldn’t wait a second longer to be inside of me. Grayson slipping a condom on and— “You okay over there?”

My head snapped over to look at him. His blue eyes commanded mine. It’s almost like he knew what I was thinking about. “Yeah, why?”

“Your face is flush.”

My eyes darted to the heater as I pointed to it. “I guess I’m just hot.”

Grayson reached over and turned the heat off. Good thing I had a light jacket on since it was still rather chilly outside and with the truck heater off now, I was surely going to get cold.

“So, where are we going after your place?” I asked, trying to change the subject quickly.

An evil smile spread across Grayson’s face. “You’ll see.”

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest as I let out an annoyed sigh.

Grayson tittered as he placed his hand on my leg and gave it a quick squeeze before pulling it back away. My body instantly came to life. It’s getting hot in here again.

“Don’t be a baby, Meg.”

With a pout, I said, “I’m not being a baby.”

Grayson’s smile caused my heart to skip a beat. I wanted to dream of a future with him, but who was I kidding. The moment I open my heart he’ll stomp on it and move on to Claire.

I decided to stop talking as I pulled out my phone and began checking emails.

“It’s Saturday. Put your phone away.”

“I’m just checking my email.”

“Not today. It’s a technology-free zone today.”

My laugh was somewhere between a yeah right and a hell no as I continued to look at my phone.

Grayson pulled into the parking garage and whipped into his spot. He had two reserved spots for his unit. I couldn’t help but notice the light-blue BMW parked in the other spot. My heart raced as a memory popped up in my head.

I wiped the tears from my face as I quickly walked away from the two guys who had followed me out of my class. Each one had asked me to meet them later this evening. I wasn’t sure how much longer I’d be able to take this. “Come on, Meg. We heard you were the girl to go to for a good sucking.”

Glancing over my shoulder, I yelled, “Fuck you, assholes.”

“I’ll take that as you’re booked up!”

I walked as fast as I could back to my dorm as I fought like hell to keep my emotions in check. Stepping off the curb, a silver BMW pulled in front of me causing me to stop. The tinted window rolled down and Claire Watkins smiled at me.

“Having a bad day, Meg?”

“What in the hell did I ever do to you, Claire?”

Her smile dropped and was replaced with a pure evil look. “You took something that was mine. I don’t play nice when sluts take what is mine.”

My mouth dropped open as I stared at her. “You’re sick. You have a serious problem.”

“Rumor is so do you.” Her tongue pushed against her cheek as her two flunky friends laughed.

I took another step closer and leaned over, causing her to pull back from me. “Some day, Claire, karma is going to come around and I pray like hell I’m there to see it when it happens. Meanwhile, you can spread all the rumors you want, you will never break me, bitch.”

With a raised eyebrow, Claire glared at me. “We’ll see about that.”

“Meg? Earth to Meagan. What’s wrong?”

I swallowed hard as I slipped out of the door Grayson was holding open for me. “Whose car is that?”

Please don’t say Claire. Please.

“Derrick’s. He bought it for his wife for their ten-year anniversary. He’s keeping it here for a couple of days.”

Feeling silly for where my mind had taken me, I grinned. “That’s sweet of him.”

Grayson reached for my hand and laced his fingers through mine. I knew it wasn’t a second thought on his part and a part of me wanted to point out our friend status. Instead, I let the warmth from his touch move across my body.

“Yeah, he’s a good guy. They’ve been trying for a baby for a few years. He’s taking her on a ski trip in a few weeks to some romantic cabin or something. He’s hoping this will be it.”

I didn’t even know this couple and my heart broke for them. “Wow. Is everything okay with both of them?”

“Yeah, he’s thinking it’s the stress of her job and trying for a baby.”

We stopped outside the elevator as a cold breeze blew through, causing me to shudder. Grayson must have realized he was holding my hand because he dropped it. “Sorry,” he said with a wink.