Cage of Darkness (Reign of Secrets #2)

He came all this way to speak to her, the least she could do was listen since he had done so much for her. “Yes, but that is all I can promise right now.”

Kerdan cleared his throat. “My kingdom is facing an internal war. Jana sits on the throne, has the backing of the nobles, and controls a large portion of the army. In order to overthrow her, I need an advantage. Which brings me to my proposition. I consider you to be a good friend.”

“I consider you to be a good friend, too.” She wondered where he was going with this.

He hesitated a moment, glancing at Neco. “Before we rescued you from Eliza, Odar told me he planned to sever your marriage contract.”

Allyssa closed her eyes for a moment, trying to remain calm. She felt like a fool for not seeing that he’d been planning to end their relationship for weeks. Opening her eyes, she took a slow, calming breath. “Continue.”

“I’d like to know if the contract is still intact.”

“You mean if Emperion and Fren are united?”

“No. That’s not it. I…I wish to form an alliance with you through marriage,” he said, his voice soft and unsure. It was strange to see this tall, wide-shouldered man who led an army on the battlefield be so vulnerable. “It is strictly a strategic move,” he assured her. “If we marry, the nobles will have to change allegiances back to me. Plus, with our combined armies, we will be unstoppable.” His eyes sought hers.

She didn’t know what to think of his unexpected proposal. Even though he’d said this was a political move, there was something in the way he looked at her that made her think there could be more to it. Kerdan never did anything without having a clear endgame. “What does Emperion get out of the deal?” So far, he’d only mentioned the advantages for Russek.

“I will execute Jana and sign a treaty promising Russek will remain within its borders. I will also release Melenia from our hold and make no aggressive moved toward any other kingdom, including Fren.”

“Do you wish to merge our two kingdoms, or keep them separate?” While she hadn’t intended on considering his offer, what he said made sense and warranted some careful thought.

“I know you have feelings for Odar.” He stumbled over the words.

She held her hand up, imploring him to stop. “It doesn’t matter what I do or do not feel. The contract between Prince Odar and myself is no longer. I will do what is best for Emperion. Now, please answer the question.”

“I’m trying to.” He took a step toward her. “I can’t offer you my love, nor do I expect yours in return. But I can give you my friendship, support, and honesty. I’d like a partner in life.”

She couldn’t help the traitorous tears that sprang in her eyes. The break-up with Odar was still too fresh.

“However, if you do not wish the same, I understand. I can rule from Russek, and our kingdoms will remain separate while continuing to work together. But, if you would like a partner, we can merge our kingdoms and rule as one.”

“Those are pretty grand notions,” Neco said. “And not something the princess can negotiate with you.”

“I understand,” Kerdan replied.

“We will take the matter to Empress Rema and Emperor Darmik,” Neco said.

“I must return to Russek. My men are waiting for me. Thank you for considering my offer.”

“How should we send word to you?” Neco asked.

“Are you familiar with the Womek estate in southern Russek?”

Allyssa had never heard of that name before.

“I know the family,” Neco replied. “They’re an old Russek family. One of the daughters married an Emperion if I’m not mistaken.”

“That is correct. Send word to the duke there. He can get messages safely to me.”

“I need to ask something of you in return,” Neco said. Kerdan readily agreed. “Keep this quiet. I don’t want Jana to know of the princess’s whereabouts or that we are considering an alliance.”

“Of course.”

“We must be on our way.” Neco went over and untied the horses.

“Thank you for all you have done,” Kerdan replied. “Even if you decide not to align your kingdom with mine, I’d like to remain friends.”

“Me too.”

He smiled wryly. “Who knows? I may need to seek asylum here if I can’t overthrow Jana.”

“I’m sure my father could find some use for a man with your skills.” She knew that he was implying she needed him as much as he needed her. And just like that, things had come full circle, and she was once again contemplating another political marriage to someone she didn’t love. This time, she wouldn’t be fooled into delusions of love and grandeur. She would marry for her kingdom—and she wouldn’t dwell on Odar any longer.

“Be careful,” Kerdan said. “I’m hoping Jana has enough to contend with right now and will leave Emperion alone while we fight over the throne. However, she is ruthless and unpredictable. I can guarantee to keep my company of soldiers out of your kingdom, but I can’t say the same for her. She is determined to destroy your family, no matter the cost.” He whistled, and a gelding approached. “I think the two of us would make a formidable pair—a force to be reckoned with. I look forward to your answer.” He mounted, pulled his hood on, and nudged his horse onward.

Allyssa watched him gallop away.

“That was unexpected,” Neco murmured, handing the reins of her horse to her. “Do you trust him?”

She’d been considering that very question. “To an extent.”

“Enough to seriously consider his proposal?” He helped her onto her horse.

“Yes.” Although she wanted to discuss the matter with her parents in greater detail. In all the commotion, she’d forgotten to ask Neco about her brother. “Is Savenek truly alive?” She held her breath, waiting for his answer.

“He is.” He climbed on his horse.

“My twin brother is alive.” It seemed surreal that she not only had a sibling, but also a twin. “Let’s get moving. I’m eager to return home and meet him.”

Neco maneuvered his horse next to hers. “We’re not going to Lakeside.”

“Are my parents still in Emperor’s City?”

“Yes. However, I’ve been instructed to take you to a village just outside of there to visit a man by the name of Nathenek.”

She’d heard that name mentioned before. “My parents desire this?”

“They do. Your brother has been under this man’s care for the past sixteen years.”

Why did her parents want her to go to Nathenek’s before she returned home? “I don’t think I can be around a stranger right now.”

“Everyone in Emperion thinks you’re dead,” Neco explained. “Even your brother. When your parents received word you were alive, well, let’s just say it was the happiest moment of their lives. However, they thought it best to keep it a secret for the time being.”

“Why?” Weren’t they eager to see her, or did her parents care more for the kingdom and preserving the royal line than they did for their own children?

“In case you chose to remain dead.”

Jennifer Anne Davis's books