Beren and Lúthien

Rivil River rising in the west of Dorthonion and flowing into Sirion at the fens of Serech, north of Tol Sirion.

Sarn Athrad The Ford of Stones, where the river Ascar in Ossiriand was crossed by the road to the cities of the Dwarves in the Blue Mountains.

Serech Great fens where the Rivil flowed into the Sirion; See Rivil.

Shadowy Mountains, Mountains of Shadow See Iron Mountains.

Shadowy Seas A region of the Great Sea of the West.

Sickle of the Gods The constellation of the Great Bear [which Varda set above the North as a threat to Morgoth and an omen of his fall.]

Silmarils The three great jewels filled with the light of the Two Trees of Valinor, made by F?anor. See pp. 36–7.

Silpion The White Tree of Valinor, from whose flowers there fell a dew of silver light; also called Telperion.

Sirion The great river of Beleriand, rising in the Mountains of Shadow and flowing southward, dividing East from West Beleriand.

Taniquetil The highest Mountain of Aman, the abode of Manw? and Varda.

Taurfuin, Taur-na-fuin, (later -nu-) The Forest of Night; See Mountains of Night.

Tavros Gnomish name of the Vala Orom?: ‘Lord of Forests’; later form Tauros.

Tevildo The Prince of Cats, mightiest of all cats, ‘possessed of an evil spirit’ (see pp. 49, 69); a close companion of Morgoth.

Thangorodrim The mountains above Angband.

Thingol King of Artanor (Doriath); earlier name Tinwelint. [His name was Elw?: he was a leader of the third host of the Eldar, the Teleri, on the Great Journey, but in Beleriand he was known as ‘Greycloak’ (the meaning of Thingol).]

Thirsty Plain See Dor-na-Fauglith.

Thorondor King of Eagles.

Thousand Caves Menegroth: The hidden halls of Tinwelint (Thingol) on the river Esgalduin in Artanor.

Th? The Necromancer, greatest of the servants of Morgoth, dwelling in the Elvish watchtower on Tol Sirion; later name Sauron.

Thuringwethil Name taken by Lúthien in bat-form before Morgoth.

Timbrenting Old English name of Taniquetil.

Tinfang Warble A famous minstrel [Tinfang = Quenya timpinen ‘fluter’.]

Tinúviel ‘Daughter of Twilight’, nightingale: name given to Lúthien by Beren.

Tinwelint King of Artanor; See Thingol, the later name.

Tirion City of the Elves in Aman; See K?r.

Tol-in-Gaurhoth Isle of Werewolves, the name of Tol Sirion after its capture by Morgoth.

Tol Sirion The island in the river Sirion on which there was an Elvish fortress; See Tol-in-Gaurhoth.

Tulkas The Vala described in the Quenta as ‘the strongest of all the Gods in limb and greatest in all feats of valour and prowess’.

Tuor Cousin of Túrin and father of E?rendil.

Túrin Son of Húrin and Morwen; named Turambar ‘Master of Doom’.

Uinen A Maia (See Ainur). ‘The Lady of the Seas’, ‘whose hair lies spread through all the waters under sky’; named in Lúthien’s ‘lengthening spell’.

Ulmo ‘Lord of Waters’, the great Vala of the Seas.

Umboth-Muilin The Twilight Meres, where Aros, the southern river of Doriath, flowed into Sirion.

Umuiyan An old cat, the doorkeeper of Tevildo.

Ungweliant? The monstrous spider, dwelling in Eruman (See Gilim), who with Morgoth destroyed the Two Trees of Valinor; (later form Ungoliant).

Valar (singular Vala) ‘The Powers’; in early texts referred to as the Gods. They are the great beings who entered the World at the beginning of Time. [In the Lost Tale of the Music of the Ainur Eriol said: ‘I would fain know who be these Valar; are they the Gods?’ He received this reply: ‘So be they, though concerning them Men tell many strange and garbled tales that are far from the truth, and many strange names they call them that you will not hear here.’]

Valier (singular Vali?) The ‘Queens of the Valar’; in this book are named only Varda, Vána and Nessa.

Valinor The land of the Valar in Aman.

Valmar, Valimar City of the Valar in Valinor.

Vána The spouse of Orom?. See Valier.

Varda Greatest of the Valier; the spouse of Manw?; maker of the stars [hence her name Elbereth, ‘Queen of the Stars’].

V?ann? The teller of The Tale of Tinúviel.

Wingelot ‘Foamflower’, E?rendel’s ship.

Wizard’s Isle Tol Sirion.

Wood-elves Elves of Artanor.