Arranged: An Array Series (Book #1)

“We have a written agreement from King Ezra of Aruna that he will support our decision with filtering out all the tainted parliament members of Telliva,” George informed me, puffing on one of Father’s cigars in the war room.

I peered over the papers I was reading. “Best news I’ve gotten all week.” I handed him one of my mandates. “I have my men investigating Lord Chitwood and his little cronies. We’ll see if anything comes up and, if not, we’ll place doubt with his peers. By the time I’m done with him, he’ll wish he never would’ve listened to his flighty daughter and wasted away his career.”

“Would you like me to consider obtaining new Parliament members?” Reddington inquired. “Might be beneficial to have men from other countries here. We can obtain their ideas, and possibly money for the army.”

George exhaled smoke. “Not a bad idea, let’s see where it takes us.” He looked over at me. “You should go put some faith in your fiancée. She had a run-in today from your aspiring bride this afternoon.”

I frowned at him, standing from my chair. “And you’re just telling me now, George?!”

He simply shrugged. “Wanted to give you the good news before you stalked away all pissy. Ava is a big girl; she handled herself just fine.”

Leaving the room, I made my way to Ava’s. My tired mind started to feel hopeful. We weren’t going down without fighting, hitting Chitwood with everything we had. If he wanted to fight dirty, I would plant evidence on him; I didn’t give a shit. Nothing was going to stand in my way.

Not some overweight piece of shit judge nor imp of a daughter.

Knocking on her door, I waited.


Pushing it open, I walked in, only to find the room empty.

Completely empty.

None of her books were stacked on her bed stand; her perfumes and blushes weren’t on her vanity.

Moving further into the room, my heart began beating out of my chest. I was baffled, not understanding what was happening. She sent me a note last night, telling me that Eve and she were having a girls’ night in, and I took the hint to not disturb them. I’d spent the night playing cards with George, drinking and bullshitting about our plan to take the Chitwoods down.

Confusion turned into panic. Something was wrong.

Marching to the closet, I found none of her dresses or clothing. Her suitcases were gone.

I shook my head. “No.”

Opening the vanity, everything else was missing. Did she move rooms? Maybe she went to my mother’s side of the caste.

No, she would have told me. Or maybe it was sudden.

Making my way to the door, a small note was propped up on top her pillow. Retrieving it, I prayed that it wasn’t a ransom letter of some kind. Unsealing it quickly, I read the contents.

My dearest Garrett,

By the time you read this letter, I’ll obviously be gone. Please don’t be angry with me. I couldn’t let you give up Hara and George by being blinded by your feelings for me. I’m now a liability to keep your siblings safe.

Without you, George would be left alone to fight against men that I believe want to take him down. He needs you here by his side. With your marriage to Sophia, it’ll keep Hara and George safe until you can find other means to rid the Chitwoods altogether.

I would ask you to not look for me, but you will. Please don’t look too long; you won’t find me, my darling. I am safe, I promise to stay that way.

As much as it pains me to say this, I need you to move on. I want you to live a long, happy life, but I know that will be difficult for you at first. Know that when I’m away, I will always love you. You will forever be a part of me; that will never fade. I hope that someday you find peace in knowing that I did this to keep everyone safe and sound.

I will always be yours.

I love you with all my heart and soul, Avie

I read the note twice, not thinking I was reading it right the first time.

She left me.

Without a word or clue. She agreed to my plan, we talked about it, made love, and talked about it some more. Now, suddenly, she changed her damn mind?

I was pissed.

No, I was fucking livid.

I threw the note and left the room, running to get George. I would wring her beautiful little neck. The stubborn wretch didn’t know what the hell she was even talking about. I told her that I would never stop looking for her if she left me, and I meant it.

The only thing she wrote that was correct in that letter was that she was mine. And what was mine wouldn’t stay far from me. I would hunt her down to the ends of the Earth until I found her. And then she would pay. Rough at first, and then I’d take her gently, torturing her sweet, soft body.

The woman was fucking infuriating.

She had nowhere to go but one place.


I found George exactly where I left him, cigar still in his mouth. I slammed the door open, knocking a picture off a wall.

“George!” I hollered. I could feel the blood pumping through me, and I knew I looked like a raging mad man. “She’s gone.”

George didn’t say a word, but strode toward me, gripping my elbow as we walked out of the room.

“Where the hell is she?” George asked, in a stern voice.

I yanked my arm out of his grasp. “I don’t know, but she left a note. All her shit is gone.”

George called for a guard to grab John, and everything after that happened so fast.

Ava and Eve had left on horses, and two of my Elite Eight were missing.

Son of a fucking bitch.

Hazel Grace's books