
The bullets passed inches from my head.

I hit the ground, rolled, and popped to my feet directly in front of Hannah.

Startled, she raised the gun level with my face.

Squeezed the trigger.



I moved like lightning, slapping the gun aside with one hand as I swung Heaton's thighbone with the other. The femoral head smashed into Hannah's temple.

Her eyes lost focus.

I swung again, this time gripping the shaft like a baseball bat. The bone connected with a sickening thunk. Hannah crumpled, unconscious.

I dropped my macabre weapon and slumped to my knees. My chest heaved and tears ran down my cheeks. I couldn't believe what I'd just done.


My flare withered and died. I was too exhausted to care.

"Not bad, Tor." Hi leaned against the wall, the fire gone from his eyes. "Those were some primo Matrix moves. But a real hero would've dodged three bullets."

Shelton and Ben emerged from the racks. Their eyes had also returned to normal.

"Nice work." Ben picked up the femur. "Poetic justice, I'd say."

"Hiram!" Shelton ran to Hi's side. "Aren't you bleeding? I thought she shot you!"

"Red wine. When I saw it running everywhere, I played dead." He winced as Shelton poked his belly. "But I'm not leaping off any more shelves. That was pretty stupid."

"Whatever, Superman!" Shelton slapped Hi's shoulder. "That was money!"

Hi chuckled. "No one outmaneuvers the flying blob!"

I glanced over at Chance. He may have worked against us, but he'd tried to save us in the end. Like Karsten.

Ben put two fingers to Chance's throat. "He's got a pulse."

"I'll call a doctor!" I rushed to the pile of cell phones and dug mine out.

"No signal." I started up the stairs. "Shelton, you and Hi help Chance if you can. Ben, hog-tie Hannah and secure the evidence. I'll call an ambulance."

"And the police." Shelton said.

"And the police," I agreed.

I fired up the steps and along the service passage.

As I crossed into the kitchen, an arm circled my neck and a hand yanked my head back, causing me to choke. A gun barrel kissed my throat, forced my chin up.

"Going somewhere?" The raspy whisper was right at my ear. "Looks like I'll have to do clean-up myself."

Baravetto dragged me toward a corner, out of view of the window.

"Never send a kid to do a man's job."

The gun moved to the side of my head.


My elbow slammed into his ribs.

Air exploded from Baravetto's mouth. His arm relaxed a hair.

I flexed a leg, kicking backward and connecting with his crotch.

Baravetto screamed and collapsed to his knees.

I yanked a rolling pin from the wall beside me.


Baravetto went down. I whacked him a second time just to be safe.


My head swam. Stars danced behind my lids.

I stumbled outside, hunting for a cell signal.


I dialed 911. The operator asked if my call was an emergency.

"Ambulance," I panted. "Terrorists are attacking Claybourne Manor!"

Then I fainted dead away on the grass.


"Tory!" Hi shook my shoulder. "You okay?"


Blink. Blink. Blink.

"Whaaa?" The best I could do.

I lay beneath a mammoth Magnolia, a dozen yards from the kitchen door. Every window in the mansion was aglow. Red and blue lights pulsed from somewhere beyond the garden wall.

"We've been looking for you!" Hi's face was frog-belly white. "Hold on, I'll tell everyone you're okay! I'll bring a doctor."

"Wait." I sat up and tried to clear my thoughts. "First tell me what happened."

"The cops are here." Hi helped me to my feet. "We found Baravetto in the kitchen and got pretty freaked. No one knew where you were."

"I fainted." Everything came crashing back. "Chance! How is he?"

"He's ... okay." Hi frowned. "I mean, he's alive, if that's what you're asking."


"The bullet barely grazed him. He should be fine."

Hi trailed off.

"But?" I prodded again.

"But he won't respond to anyone. He just stares off into space. I think the whole situation messed him up pretty bad."

Not to mention what Hannah said, I thought. And did.

"How long have I been out?"

"Maybe thirty minutes," Hi said. "The cops burst in not long after you went upstairs. They thought the building was under attack or something. They kept us cuffed until just minutes ago."

"Did they arrest Hannah? Baravetto?"

Hi nodded. "When the medics revived her, she totally flipped, started cussing everyone out." He smiled. "Especially you."


"She was completely out of control," Hi went on. "Basically admitted to everything. That's why they let us go."

Good. Let Hannah talk her way into prison. Fine by me.

"Baravetto was unconscious when we found him," Hi said. "What'd you do to the guy?"

"Kicked him in the balls, then brained him with a rolling pin. Twice."

"Punted and pinned. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. FYI, Hannah is claiming Baravetto killed Karsten. She even told the cops where to find his body."

Kathy Reichs & Brendan Reichs's books