
Chance went rock still. "What's that supposed to mean?"

The couple locked eyes, neither looking our way. Unnoticed, I scanned the cellar for anything useful. Spotted the crowbar beside the cask of bones.

Ever so carefully, I edged toward it.

"Do you think I could order your father's men without his permission?" Contempt tinged Hannah's voice. "God, you can be so dense."

Hannah crossed her arms. "I went to Hollis myself, sweetheart. I told him you weren't able to handle this ... situation. He agreed."

"How dare you!" Chance exploded. "You had no right!"

"We couldn't let your weakness of character jeopardize the Claybourne fortune. Or my place in the family."

Hannah's eyes slid to us.

"These meddlers have seen and heard things they shouldn't have." She smiled sideways. "But don't worry, Chancey. I'll take care of the hard part."

My mind raced.


"Baravetto killed Dr. Karsten," I said. "Why? You could've let him go."

Hannah shrugged. Why not answer? We'd soon be dead.

"We couldn't have a credible adult talking to the police. And Karsten knew too much about other things. Catching him with you at your hidey-hole was very lucky."

Other things?

"The parvovirus experiment," I guessed.

Hannah's eyes became saucers. "Who told you about that? Even Chance doesn't know."

"Check my bag," I said. "I found the deposit slips. Candela Pharmaceuticals was paying Karsten to perform illegal research. We know all about it."

Hannah shrugged again. "True. Hollis was paying Karsten to find a cure for canine parvovirus. Candela's next big score."

She turned to Chance. "Your father truly is a heartless bastard. If Karsten couldn't produce a cure, Hollis wanted him to make a designer virus. Doesn't that sound elegant? A designer virus."

"What do you mean?" I said.

"Hollis would've settled for a new disease, one that only a Candela product could cure. He wanted a virus that would infect dogs, so that he could sell new drugs to their owners. The man is a business genius."

"That's despicable. Karsten would never have agreed to that."

"Who knows?" Hannah shooed the topic like a bothersome fly. "Karsten failed and paid the price. Just like you will."

I turned to Chance. "Don't let her do this."

"He's not going to help you." Hannah's eyes narrowed. "And keep your distance, Tory. I saw how freakishly strong you were at the dance. You knocked Jason flat."

"Hannah, give me the gun." Chance spoke firmly. "I don't know how my father brainwashed you, but I'll make him pay for it. I'm going to the police."

"Brainwashed?" Hannah shrilled. "Do you think I'm stupid? That meek, pretty Hannah could never have done this by herself?"

Again, she jabbed the pistol in Chance's face. "I'm not stupid, Chance. No one tricked me into anything. I'm simply taking what is mine."

"And what is that?" Chance's tone was pure ice. "You're nothing now. It's over between us. You'll never set foot in this house again."

Hannah laughed. "It's so cute that you think such decisions are up to you!"

Caught off guard, Chance just stared.

I inched closer to the crowbar.

"Your father and I have an understanding, sweetheart. He trusts me to handle his affairs, not you. He thinks I'm more a Claybourne than you are."

"You've lost your mind," Chance said. "You are not a Claybourne."

"But I will be," Hannah replied. "Your father promised. I will marry into this family and be your wife. Just like we've always dreamed."

Her face hardened.

"It's no longer your decision."


"You're crazy." Chance's voice trembled with rage. "I'll never marry you. Not after this. I don't care what my father said."

"You'll do exactly as you're told!"

Chance recoiled from the shriek.

Hannah was losing control. She could shoot us any second.

I reached the barrel. My fingers brushed the crowbar.

"Don't worry, baby." Hannah's face softened. "We'll get through this, I promise. Once these nosey-faces are gone, we can put this whole ugly business behind us." Hannah beamed her most fetching smile. "I'll be the perfect wife. You'll see."

Hannah's eyes locked onto Chance. For a moment, we no longer existed. Time to act.

Find your power.

I closed my eyes and pictured myself.

Tory Brennan, fourteen. Tall. Skinny. Freckled skin. Red hair. Emerald eyes.

The image crisped.

I added personality traits. Headstrong. Intelligent. Reckless. Loyal.

My mind plugged in memories. Movies and popcorn with Mom. My first awkward meeting with Kit. Reading Aunt Tempe's books on the beach.

Dream Tory solidified in my brain. I recognized her. Knew her.

Shoving that image aside, I searched for the other part of my psyche. My baser self, driven by primal urges rising from my genes.

I sought the wolf inside me.

My head swam.

The tunnel called.

At its mouth a figure waited. Coop, leaping and twisting in excitement.

My mind locked onto the wolfdog.

Kathy Reichs & Brendan Reichs's books