chapter EIGHTEEN

“I’m tired of being your clean-up man,” Ivan said, shaking his head over the body count.

“Let’s hope this is last time.” Sergei laid down the shotgun and confronted Kate. “Vhy did you let him vail on you like that?”

“Easiest way to take a man down is with his ego.” She dropped the Ulu on top of Perry’s body. “What did he mean by, ‘where’s the money’?”

“The arms deal in Afghanistan. I couldn’t let Perry keep the money.”

“This has all been about money?”

“Nyet. This is about love, Katja.”

“How much money?”

There was a look exchanged between Ivan and Sergei.

“Thirty million.”

Thirty million. Again, she was nothing but a pawn to be played with between two dangerous men. Pain pounded in her chest, making it hard to breathe. “Where’s the money?” she repeated Perry’s dying question.

“In an off shore Cayman account.”

“And you’re living here as a handyman?”

“I don’t need the money, and I like to fish. I told you it vasn’t about the money.”

She turned on Ivan not able to look at Sergei. “What has the last two years been about? You egging me on to go after Sergei?”

“You didn’t need any egging, Kate,” Ivan scoffed.

“What is your role in this?” She hadn’t even met Ivan until after Afghanistan. The twisted trails started to make a map that she could now see from a different angle. “I can’t believe I ever fell for that bullshit. You weren’t sent from some government outreach program to help traumatized agents readjust to society.”

Ivan shrugged. “Sounded plausible at the time.”

“If you’re his comrade why don’t you have an accent?”

Ivan smiled. “I assimilate better into your American society as I’m not as untamed as this guy. More cultured.”

“I sent him,” Sergei said. “To vatch over you. Keep you safe since ve suspected Perry vas still alive. Katja, you must understand, Perry knew you vere falling for me and that I cared for you more than I should. The order to kill each other vas test. One that I am glad ve both failed. He liked the hero vorship, and vanted more from you, but knew you vere beginning to see the rust in his armor.”

“You’ve been spying on me? Sending babysitters?” She gestured to Ivan. “Why didn’t you come yourself?”

“I couldn’t contact you. Keeping avay from you kept you alive. Besides, you veren’t ready to see me again. Not vith how you blamed me. You needed time, Katja.”

“F*ck time. Who the hell are you to manipulate me, decide what’s best for me, and use me as bait to lure out Perry, leaving me in the dark?”

“Okay, I’m out of here,” Ivan said. “I don’t want to get between the two of you and your domestic dispute. Besides, it’s Christmas Eve. I wouldn’t mind being home with my kids and wife by morning to open presents.”

“I’m going with you,” Kate said, turning for the stairs.

“Nyet, Katja.” Sergei grabbed her arm, pulling her into the side of his body. “Pozhaluista.” It was a whispered plea in her ear from deep within him that caused emotion to choke off her throat.

“Perry vas vatching you,” he added. “Ve couldn’t prove it, or fish him out. Leaving you in the dark kept you safe. Kept you alive.”

She’d been sent to kill him. Ordered by her government, or so she’d believed. “Why take the risk that I would have killed you?”

“I couldn’t vait any longer. I love you. The only thing I had to build on vas your vengeance. I had to know if you could love me in return.”

“You son of a bitch.” Her voice broke on the last word, taking the heat out of it. She hurried up the stairs to gather up her belongings.

Tiffinie Helmer's books