Spring Training

Spring Training by Parker Kincade


To Peg, for raising me, for always believing in me, and for being my biggest fan. I’m the person I am today because of you. I love you.

To Deni Golden, for your friendship and unwavering support. And for loving Garrett as much as I do!

And, of course, to Garrett. Your wicked smile and smooth southern charm get me every time.


There are so many people that helped put this book together and deserve recognition for their mad skills: Lacey Thacker, thank you for all the writing dates, the reads and re-reads, and for doing the final editing. You’re my peanut butter! JT Lacy, for being my technology guru, book formatter, all around go-to guy, and, most of all, for all the years of friendship you’ve blessed me with. Vanessa North, for the awesome cover. Monette Michaels, for being a great critique partner and not kicking my ass the first go-round. To all the ladies of the Diamond State Romance Authors for their support and counsel.

Mandy Harbin, thank you for your guidance, support and friendship. I don’t know how I did all this before I met you.

Rome, my kids, Ty, and my entire family. You guys rock!

And finally, a special thanks to Brian Bednarz for naming my beloved New York Empire baseball team. Next beer is on me, brother!

Chapter One

Dread coursed through Jessa Montgomery’s body. She rubbed her forehead, hoping like hell she wouldn’t get a headache. She pressed her back against the cool concrete, its chill strangely soothing through her thin blouse.

She had no idea what she was doing here. Standing outside the locker room like a damn groupie. This wasn’t her job. Her father, TJ Montgomery, owned the New York Empire major league baseball team. He had people to do this kind of thing. People that weren’t her.

TJ was known for his unorthodox methods when it came to his players, treating them all like the favored sons he’d never had. He’d only had her. And even though he’d raised her in ballparks around the country, instilling his love for the game deep in her heart, she’d never quite felt as if she were enough.

And it still didn’t explain why he’d sent her here. He’d been adamant that she not be directly involved with the players, and that suited her just fine. She knew the games men played. Especially those who were young, talented, and had their pick of women. Setting aside the fact that she had an uncanny ability to track talent and spot weaknesses in a player’s game, Jessa preferred to be a behind-the-scenes kind of girl. Give her a game tape and a quiet office any day. She handled the administrative side of her father’s life. She managed finances and paperwork from behind a desk. In New York.

She didn’t attend spring training to babysit. Ever.

So, why this player? Why now?

One thing was for certain, TJ had never gotten as excited about anything Jessa had done as he was about the man she was here to meet. Her dad’s new star player.

Jealousy left a bitter taste in her mouth as she glanced at her watch. A star player with a shitty sense of time.

Jessa inhaled deeply and rolled her eyes to the ceiling. God save her from spoiled athletes with more talent than sense. And damn her dad for putting her in the position to deal with a guy who probably thought the world revolved around him. They’d shelled out enough cash to fund a small country to make sure Garrett Donovan played for New York; the least he could do was show up on time.

Parker Kincade's books