Southern Beauty

chapter 20

must make one stop before we go to the train station,” Johanna insisted. David raised his eyebrows wondering if she could be trusted.

“Here? Miss him already?” David asked.

“I left something here. I will just be a minute,” she hesitated than said, “He did ask me to marry him, maybe I am going to tell him yes,” she announced proudly and got out of the carriage.

Jacob laughed at David’s frown, “You have to love her tenacity.”

David looked up at Jacob with a half smile and then watched her disappear in the doorway.

“Johanna? You are still here in New Orleans?” Rene asked adjusting his shirt. Johanna noticed a woman exiting the room rather quickly.

Johanna had to laugh. “I see you weren't keeping a candle burning for me.”

Rene smiled sheepishly and shrugged his shoulders. “I believe you have caught me,” he didn’t deny it. “If I told you it was to get over you, would you believe me?”

”Absolutely not, I have a feeling you were over me once you closed my carriage door.” She laughed. He laughed too. “I have a favor to ask you.”

“Anything,” he smiled at her.

“The cigar box that I asked you to save for me, do you still have it?” she asked.

“Yes. It is in a safe place. Are you taking up smoking cigars now? You devil you,” he smiled. “Do you want me to get it for you?”

“Yes please, I am kind of in a hurry.” Johanna looked back in the carriage’s direction.

“I will be right back,” Rene left the room.

Johanna felt like it had been a year ago that she was Rene’s guest. Everything had changed. Instead of going to Virginia with Malcolm, (where he was she did not know), she was leaving with David.

“Here it is,” Rene came back in the room and handed her the box. “Is the box what makes it valuable or what’s inside?”

“Oh definitely what is inside,” she smiled. “Oh, by the way, have you seen Malcolm?”

“I thought he was with you,” Rene confused.

“No, we got separated. If you see him, could you tell him that I am catching the next train to Virginia? I feel like I should let him know,” she said.

“He left you again?” he asked. “I told you he wasn’t a nice guy. Yet you left me for him anyway.”

“Rene, you know I didn’t leave you for him, just for Arlington,” she smiled.

“Are you traveling alone?” he asked.

“Oh no, I am not,” she left it at that.

“Would you like me to walk you to the carriage?” he asked with a hint of sadness in his voice.

“No, I think it’s best you stay here, for the last time you walked me out I could barely catch my breath,” she smiled and he laughed his infectious laugh.

On the train David and Johanna sat in silence while Jacob slept next to them, head against the rocking window pane.

Johanna whispered to David, “darling note you left me in my locket.”

David smiled. “At least I didn’t steal your locket.”

“No, I guess I have to be thankful for that,” she frowned. “Why do you think you have stolen my heart?”

“I did, didn’t I?” he smiled, not really looking for an answer.

Johanna ignored his insinuation, “And the telegram? How cryptic can you get, ‘you’re in danger, all will reveal itself in dew time,’ silly don’t you think?” she asked him.

“What telegram? I didn’t send you a telegram.” David insisted.

“Then who tried to warn me?” Johanna asked.

“I wonder,” David seemed to know, but wasn’t ready to tell Johanna quite yet. “How is it you seem to get yourself in to so much trouble all on your own?” David asked her. Johanna wondered the same thing herself.

“I am curious, why did Malcolm think it was quicker for you to take a merchant ship to Virginia instead of the train? It takes weeks longer.” He asked trying to get her to wonder too.

“Oh. I might know,” she said sheepishly. “He wanted me to marry him. I think he was planning on having the captain marry us on board.”

“And you agreed to this?” he asked carefully.

“I said I would think about it,” she answered softly.

“I see.” He wasn’t sure what to say. He felt a little betrayed by her.

“Where’s Preston?” Johanna asked now realizing that he hadn’t been around and quite relieved.

“I don’t know. He hasn’t reported in since yesterday when I asked him to do me a favor,” David answered. “I fear we have lost him. He does love New Orleans.”

“It is a magical place,” she smiled thinking of all that she had encountered since being there.

“Well Miss Lee, we are at our destination,” Jacob took her hand and they departed the carriage.

“I can’t believe I have finally made it home,” Johanna said smiling. “I bet my Aunt Mary will have the biggest feast tonight celebrating my arrival.” She smiled thinking about her aunt’s kindness and astounding hospitality to friends and strangers alike. “It will be so nice to see my cousins once again.”

“Don’t forget our agreement,” David reminded her.

“You won’t let me,” she said.

They were awed by the Custiss-Lee House that sat on a grassy hill, pillars stood tall in front giving it a powerful majestic feel characterizing its owner. Johanna noticed something startling and familiar. No one was tending the gardens or milling around. It seemed to be strangely abandoned. Her heart sank when the door was opened by David who had come from the rear of the building. He saw the shock and disappointment in her face. All Johanna could see while she searched the first floor was white linen covering up furniture. The blur of white everywhere made her feel sick. She continued up the stairs alone. David tried to follow her but Jacob held his arm.

“Let her go,” Jacob said.

Johanna ran through the bedrooms same white linen covered beds and tables. She entered one room realizing the bed had looked slept in. She stepped towards it confused and the door behind her closed. Johanna turned.

“Malcolm?” she was surprised to see him and suddenly felt afraid and wasn’t sure why.

He smiled at her but it didn’t look sweet anymore, it seemed more cunning and his eyes red and baggy, his face pale, as if he hadn’t slept in days.

“I found you,” he said in a whisper.

“What happen to you? Is everything all right?” she asked now noticing the revolver that he held in his grip.

“It is now. I have been riding for days riding ahead of your train. I only made necessary stops so I could save you,” he whispered while he advanced toward her. He leaned in close to her and caressed her hair and then smelled it as if it were a sweet perfume. “Did you miss me?” he asked her.

“Yes,” Johanna afraid of what Malcolm might do with the gun. “What happened to you?” she asked eyes still watching his trigger finger.

“When I met my contact he let me know what Myers was planning, but by the time I came back to save you, you had already escaped. I barely made it out alive,” he now whispering in her ear. “I am so glad you are safe.”

“Did you send the telegram to warn me of danger on the ship?” she asked him.

“What telegram?” he questioned her.

“Who could of it been from?” Johanna’s mind raced trying to think of who would have known of her impending danger.

Johanna didn’t know if she should try to run or run away with him before Jacob and David came looking for her. He continued to caress her. His lips now came gently on her forehead and then her cheeks. It seemed to her he had taken with whiskey, but it wasn’t on his breath. She stood still not making any sudden moves still watching his hand now noticing it shake as if he was shivering from cold. He tried to kiss her lips before she turned her head towards the door, not sure of what to make of the new situation she was in. Malcolm grabbed her chin with his free hand making her look at him.

“Malcolm, what are you doing, you’re hurting me?” she questioned his roughness toward her.

“You have something that belongs to me and I need you to give it to me now,” he stared her down.

“Well, that you will have to wait until we are married,” she came out from his grip.

Malcolm laughed. “I need those military strategies and the map your uncle had you keep for him. I only have three days to return it. Your uncle needs it, its very important.”

“I know Malcolm. You don’t have to worry, I have it here in the house, I brought it,” she felt a little more reassured by his odd behavior. “Where is my uncle? Did he leave word to where I was to go, now that Aunt Mary has left,” she asked worried about her future.

“You have the map too?’ he asked her ignoring her questions.

“Well, I don’t have it on me. Someone else does,” she announced, “And by the way, we have guests downstairs.”

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