Southern Beauty

chapter 13

found her,” said Preston, putting his hand on David’s shoulder.

“You found her? Where is she?” asked David.

“Well, I know where she was,” Preston added.

“And where was she?” David asked feeling like they were finally getting closer.

“She was at the St. Charles Hotel down in the French Quarter, but it seems there was an incident,” said Preston.

“An incident, what do you mean by that?” asked David.

“She was introduced to some pirates,” Preston smiled. “I guess she was meeting Malcolm there and instead found herself in the hotel’s basement being harassed.”

“Did they hurt her?” David asked now sick to his stomach.

“Well, yes and no. It seems they were being paid to get information from her. They didn’t touch her if that is what you mean,” Preston said.

David’s fear subsided but was still concerned. “What happened then?” he asked.

“There was a scuffle and she got knocked out. It got hazy from there. No one is sure who actually took her after that,” Preston said.

“Someone took her?” David asked now horrified.

“It wasn’t the pirates,” Preston assured him. “The townspeople refuse to give me any answers. I think they know but wouldn’t tell me.

“Then the St. Charles Hotel is where I am going,” David said determined to get to the bottom of Johanna’s disappearance. “I am going to find someone to give me some answers.”

“Johanna, are you okay? Can I get you anything?”

“Mr. Beauregard, what are you doing here?” Johanna rubbed her aching head.

“I pay a lot of money to keep me posted on everything that happens in my hometown. Nothing gets by me.” He handed her a glass of water. “I am sorry you were put in this predicament. You are safe now.”

“Where am I?” Johanna just now realized she was not at the St. Charles Hotel any longer.

“Miss Johanna, welcome to the Beauregard House,” Rene smiled his most handsome, charming smile.

“I am so confused. How did I get caught up in pirate affairs?” she asked him.

“I have an idea, but we need not think about that right now. Let’s just be thankful you are safe,” said Rene with a look of concern on his face. “I have let Mrs. Jenkins know you are safe and will be my guest for the night.”

“Oh, thank you Mr. Beauregard. I appreciate your kindness,” Johanna smiled and winced from the pain in her head simultaneously. “I don’t want to be any trouble.” Johanna tried to sit up but felt nauseous and had to lie down once again.

“Nonsense, you are no trouble at all,” Rene smiled. “Let’s get you a cup of tea. We can discuss how you are going to return my kindness in the morning.”

Johanna tried to laugh at Rene’s insinuation, but she fell asleep instead.

Rene covered up his sleeping guest and leaned in and gently kissed her on the forehead. His eyes traced Johanna’s beautiful face and he smiled thinking about how lucky he was to find her and save her once again. He was enjoying his new role saving the damsel in distress. She was what he had been looking for. She was feisty and charming, and what he loved the most, she wasn’t going to make it easy for him. Johanna was going to take some real finessing to fall for him. It was a challenge he was willing to take on. He blew out the lamp light before he left the room smiling to himself as he thought of his new conquest.

“Where is she? What have you done with her?” David grabbed Malcolm by the shirt and slightly lifted him up.

“I don’t know. She was supposed to meet me here last night,” Malcolm pulled himself away from David. “I got delayed and she never showed up.”

“Where is she staying? Have you tried there?” David continued to interrogate Malcolm.

“I did. They said she never showed up last night, her friend is very concerned about her safety.” Malcolm said as he straightened his overcoat that David had now let go of.

“If anything has happened to her,” David didn’t finish his sentence. He glanced at Preston. “Preston, could you go there and wait to see if she shows up.”

Preston nodded in agreement and left hastily out the St. Charles Hotel door.

“This seems to be about a lot more than just some military plans to follow her here, should you let me in on the secret?” Malcolm asked David.

David looked at Malcolm with contempt and never answered his question.

“What kind of escort are you? Why did you bring her to New Orleans? You know the Colonel would never step foot here. Unless he wants to leave the Union and that is not happening while Virginia is still part of it.” David asked.

“I only follow orders and Lee said to bring her here. What does she have in her possession that you didn’t get from her in South Carolina?” asked Malcolm.

David considered telling Malcolm hoping he would just leave her alone once he got the map from her. David knew that Malcolm wouldn’t stop especially if he could hurt David in any way.

“This telegram just arrived for you,” the hotel attendant handed it to Malcolm.

“Thanks,” he read it and then smiled at David. “I guess I will get to her first,” Malcolm tipped his hat. “Good day.”

As Malcolm left the hotel David turned to Jacob. “Jacob, follow him, I have to find out what happen last night. I need to know if she is safe.”

“What is she doing here?” Clarice asked Rene. “Are we taken in strays now?”

“Miss Lee is here as my guest, and I advise you to keep your voice down, she should be coming in any time now.” Rene ignored his sister’s question.

“Please tell me you’re making jest. You aren’t seriously into her? You can do so much better, you have many times.” Clarice continued.

“Oh Clarice, don’t be vulgar,” Rene snapped.

“Do I have to remind you her parents fled to Paris in financial ruin and left her here alone, destitute,” Clarice recapped.

“All the more reason she needs friends,” Rene defended her.

“Friends, please Rene, you can’t be just friends with women. Especially that one! She is a Lee.”

“Her uncle is well respected, a West Point graduate,” explained Rene.

“And a Union one, she is a traitor! We have a traitor in our home,” announced Clarice. “I won’t have it. I want her out by morning.”

“We only left the union a week ago,” said Rene with one raised eyebrow at his sister’s ranting. “Clarice you are being emotional. What do you have against her?”

“What do I have against her you say? She ruined all my plans for engagement to the most handsome man I have ever laid eyes upon. He left my party looking for her.”

“Such nonsense from you, you couldn’t be engaged as much as I,” laughed Rene. “We are alike Clarice. There is no one that could entice us enough to only want one lover forever.”

“I thought maybe he could be,” she laughed, “well at least he could be fun for awhile.” They both smiled.

“Well, maybe that is how I feel about Johanna,” said Rene. “I am actually having fun trying to win her heart.”

“Why do you care to win her heart?” asked Clarice curious now.

“She is mesmerizing. I can’t seem to get her out of my mind,” confessed Rene.

“Rene, I am not wasting another minute talking about someone who won’t matter to you by tomorrow,” Clarice ignored his comment. “Listen, my soldier has sent me a telegram and is coming here today, I need her to be out of the house, and I don’t want her to distract him from me.”

“How could anyone be distracted with you in the room?” asked Rene.

“Well, I am sure she will find a way,” said Clarice pouting. “She is a devil that one. She just wants to hurt me.”

“She has too much class to worry about you. She is an angel,” Rene exclaimed sighing.

“Oh Rene, I hardly thinks so,” said Clarice surprised by her brother’s new infatuation. “You need to get her out of here. I don’t want her here, understood?”

“Okay, I will take her out for the day, but she is staying as my guest for as long as I want,” explained Rene.

“Fine, just don’t be here when he gets here,” said Clarice frowning as she thought about them together and left the room.

Johanna approached Rene missing Clarice all together.

“Good morning, I pray you slept well.” Rene said as he sat at the breakfast table holding a chair for Johanna.

“I did, thank you Mr. Beauregard,” she smiled.

“Oh, are we using formal names again? I thought we were friends,” Rene asked a bit disappointed.

“Do you have any idea how I can get in touch with my uncle?” she ignored his comments.

“Actually I sent a telegram this morning to my father letting him know that you were my guest and to contact Colonel Lee.,” replied Rene.

“Oh, thank you, Mr. Beauregard,” Johanna said relieved.

“It is my pleasure to serve you,” he smiled delighted he could make her happy. “What happened to Malcolm? I thought he was escorting you to Arlington?”

“He was, I was supposed to meet him at the hotel, he never showed up,” explained Johanna as she took a bite of her biscuit.

“Well that’s no way to treat a lady,” Rene said.

“No it’s not,” Johanna concurred.

“Why were you in the basement of the hotel anyway?” Rene asked.

“I thought Malcolm was down there,” said Johanna. “I was led by some woman dressed in a cloak.”

“You followed a woman in a cloak to the basement in a hotel?” Rene questioned Johanna’s sanity.

“I know. Not a very intelligent decision,” she slightly laughed. “I guess I just got caught up in all the cloak and dagger secrecy stuff. My uncle insisted I not trust anyone. I had to learn this lesson the hard way.”

“Well, you can trust me,” Rene smiled and Johanna returned the smile.

“Now that I am here in New Orleans, I don’t know how I am ever going to get to Arlington?” said Johanna.

“Don’t worry. We will think of something, even if I have to take you myself.” Rene reassured her as he patted her hand. “Meanwhile, let’s have some fun today. How about I show you around my city? Have you ever road a street car before?”

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