RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy

She pouted. I rolled out of bed, looking for my clothes.

"Oh come on... Didn't we have fun together last night?"

I smiled and nodded. It's not that she was bad looking, even if she was at least a decade older than me. It was hard to tell with these rich older broads. She was toned, buffed and polished to a high shine.

Well preserved didn't even begin to cover it.

Yeah, she was hot. Not just for a cougar. But I wasn't in the mood. I didn't usually go for seconds anyway.

Hell. I never did.

Hit it and quit it was my motto. It served me well. I didn't want any entanglements and I doubted I ever would.

I looked at her, giving my best impersonation of someone who gave a shit.

"Where are my clothes?"

She smiled back and shrugged.

"I really couldn't say."

Fucking hell.

"That's great. Just great."

I looked around the room, lifting cushions and opening drawers. Nada. On the bedside table were my keys, wallet and phone. I scooped them up, thanking God for small favors.

"Have a nice day, Ma'am."

"Wait-you aren't leaving like that!"

I coyly waved bye bye to her and left. I jogged through her palatial house in the buff. The marble floors were cool under my feet. The place screamed mega bucks. But not in a tacky way. It was tastefully done, just like the lady herself.

She was chasing me through the house, becoming less composed by the second.

"Seriously, you can't! What will the neighbors think?"

I stopped at the front door of her mansion, glancing back over my shoulder.

"You should have thought of that before you hid my shit."

She screamed in frustration and threw a vase at me. I heard it shatter against the door as I closed it behind me. Just in the nick of time.

"Damn. That would have left a mark."

I made a call as I strolled down her manicured driveway to the gate.

"Joss, can you pick me up? I need a ride."

I leaned against the wrought iron gate and waved at a neighbor who was walking their dog.

"Take your time."


Joanna Blake

"I'll stay."

Trent looked supremely confident as he held his cards. I doubted he could beat me though, I had three tens. And his outlandish bets were making me laugh. He'd even got me playing along.

So far I'd won every hand. I'd won a puppy, having my car washed, by him, and a years worth of magazine subscriptions. The good ones too. Design and garden stuff. The kind of stuff a woman like me dreamed about.

"What do you want this time?"

"Dinner with me at the restaurant of my choice. When I get out of here, of course."

I shook my head.

"You're crazy."

"What do you want if you win?"

I closed my eyes.

"I don't know. A housekeeper to come and deep clean the place. Just once."

I grinned at her.

"Don't sell yourself so short. Every week. For a year."

"Trent, that's too much."

He grinned at me arrogantly. I felt a little flutter of excitement in the pit of my stomach. That had been happening a lot lately.

Whenever I was around Trent. He smirked at me, leaning forward.

"Doesn't matter. I'm winning this one."

He cocked his eyebrow at me.


I nodded. And watched as he laid down three queens. He had done it. He had won.

I sighed, showing my hand.

He smiled at me wickedly and I swallowed. I had just agreed to dinner with a patient. It was not professional.

Of course, he wouldn't be a patient any more by the time the dinner happened...

He shuffled the cards and dealt again. I picked up my hand, glancing at the cards. I had nothing. Trent was already making a new wager.

"If I win this hand, I get to give you a back rub."

"That doesn't seem appropriate..."

"It's just your back Lexi. Don't be such a killjoy."

I sighed and nodded. I was being reckless. But I didn't care.

Besides, I could really use a shoulder rub.

I drew three new cards. I was having an unusual streak of bad luck. I knew the cards were random but it didn't feel that way. It felt like fate was working against me. Breaking down my barriers.

My protection. From him.

He laid his cards across the desk, grinning at me. Three aces. Then he wiggled his fingers at me.

"Get ready for the magic fingers."

I shook my head.

"If anyone sees you..."

He grabbed the sides of my chair and spun me around. I felt his breath fan my ear. Chills broke out all over my body.

"No one will see."

His fingers brushed the sensitive area behind my ears and I gasped. Then I moaned as his 'magic fingers' went to work. He hadn't been lying. He was very good at what he was doing.

Who knew a back rub could be so arousing?

Trent knew how to give a good back rub.

And then some.

His hands were strong and warm as he pressed them against my shoulders. He squeezed, not too hard, but definitely not too soft. It was perfect.

I sighed.


He worked his way down my spine, pressing and rolling the muscles. He seemed to know exactly where I was tender, or stiff, or sore. And he knew just how to touch me.

Joanna Blake's books