RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy

I sighed and leaned back in my chair.

"Well, I certainly understand how to balance books down to the dime. Years of being dirt poor will do that to you."

He nodded approvingly.

"Good girl. Come on, it's time for your riding lesson."

"If you insist. I still have work to do here."

"Buttercup will get lonely."

I rolled my eyes. They'd given me the oldest, sweetest nag on the estate to learn to ride on. After one encounter, the horse became fixated on me for some reason. It followed me around like a dog.

The sweet old thing was ridiculous. And smelly. But I had to admit I was growing fond of the silly horse.

"Alright, let's go."

I stood and followed Jake. I was already wearing riding breeches and boots. Jake had insisted I be ready to ride at a moments notice when he bought me a whole slew of tailored riding gear. Plus he said he liked the way I looked in the snug fitting pants.

I smirked as I watched his ass move in his tight jeans.

I liked the way he looked in his pants too.

We didn't go right to the stables as usual though. I frowned and followed him. He was up to something, I just knew it. We turned a corner and walked toward one of the other old buildings that littered the estate. This one was set back from the rest of the buildings, with a pretty brick path leading to the door.

He stood in front of the building with a big grin.

"What's this then?"

He just shrugged.

"Open it."

I gave him a distrustful look and reached for the door handle.

"You know I don't like surprises."

"I don't Delancey."

He just smiled wider.

"You'll like this one."

I stepped inside the building and stopped in my tracks.

He was right. I did like it. In fact, I bloody loved it.

Just like I loved him, even if I hadn't told him so quite yet.

The darling man had built me a recording studio.

Six months later

I sat at the bar with a prime view of the stage. Black Diamond was about to finish their second set. And at the end of the show, I had a surprise for the lead singer.

I looked around the room, seeing Daniel and Jackson smiling and talking to other people in the club. All three of us brothers had opened a music venue in the city, partnering with Albacus, an old family friend.

No one was more surprised than I was that things had worked out so well. But there it was. Life was good.

Life was very, very good.

The crowd was chanting for an encore while I made my way up to the stage. I had something hidden in my fist. I smiled as I stopped the band from starting a new song. I winked at the guys and held out two fists.

"Hey guys. I just have a question for Elle that couldn't wait. I hope you will understand."

The crowd roared its response in the affirmative.

I grinned and looked at my beautiful girl. As usual she looked suspicious. She didn't like surprises. I knew that. But I couldn't help myself.

Elle gave me an odd look as I offered her two clenched hands.

"Pick one."

"Really? Now?"

I nodded and she gave me an exasperated sigh.

"Alright Delancey, this better be good."

She cocked her head and tapped my left hand. I opened my fist, holding it palm up.

"Good guess."

Her beautiful eyes opened wide when she saw what it was.

It was a ring. A big honking diamond ring.

I dropped to my knee.

"Will you marry me Eleanor?"

She was already crying as she nodded. I slipped the ring on her finger while the crowd went wild. Then she threw herself into my arms, laughing and kissing me over and over again.

I wasn't surprised when she whispered into my ear, barely audible above the noise of the crowd.

"What the hell was in your other hand then?"

I shrugged sheepishly, pulling back to show her.

"Another ring. I got two, just in case."

She was laughing as I pulled her in for a kiss.

"You're incorrigible alright. But I'll have you."

I murmured into her soft kissable lips.

"Lucky me."


Joanna Blake

Something wet slid against my ear. I brushed it away, still half asleep. It grazed my skin again and I rolled away from it. I tried to wipe it off on the pillow beneath my head, grimacing at the slimy sensation. Now I was awake and I didn't want to be.


I opened my eyes to see a woman bending over me. Her long blond hair brushed my face. I turned my head away.

"Cut it out."

She sat up, glaring at me.

"You didn't seem to mind last night."

Normally, I would have soothed her. Called her by name. Trouble is, I had no fucking clue who the hell she was.

I looked around.

I had no idea where I was either.

"Fuck me."

She grinned at me, tossing that long bleached hair over her shoulder.

"I already did."

Belatedly I noticed that she was wearing some serious lingerie. Black and cream lace. It matched her bedroom. Her very expensive looking bedroom.

I was swimming in a sea of neutral toned sheets and blankets. Silk probably. Expensive, definitely.

"I'd like to again."

I shook my head.

"Sorry babe, I gotta go."

Joanna Blake's books