Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

In the midst of all the shouting over the music my senses were acute. I couldn’t help but observe how Dawn’s eyes were locked to Azmir, though we were now a couple of feet away from her and Shayna who had become swarmed in by members of The Clan.

“Oh, nah. Ms. Brimm here has seen enough for the night. I’m gonna take her upstairs now,” Azmir responded to Chanell over the music, causing me to snap out of my eagle eyeing mode. I saw so much was going down at one time, even if I wasn’t exactly able to piece it all together right there on the spot.

“Okay! Im’ma see y’all tomorrow at brunch at the restaurant, right?” Chanell asked.

I looked up to Azmir, who now had his hand splayed across my belly cradling me against his hard thigh, causing my backside to be nearly buried in his pelvis had he not been so tall. I could swear was lifting me to make his target.

“Yeah, twelve thirty, right?” he answered.

“Yup. Peace y’all,” Chanell bode.

Azmir released me just enough for me to hug her goodnight. He’s in an unusually jolly mood. He even playfully lifted me in the air gently swinging me like a rag doll over to Kim so that I could do the same.

Kim and I both agreed to sit together at brunch the next day and Azmir chimed in saying, “Only if I can sit on the other side of her.” Kim slapped him in a maternal manner on the arm before reaching up for a hug. He obliged, but didn’t let me loose from his left fastened grip. He and Petey nodded at each other but didn’t do anything more, which was extremely weird, almost unheard of. As we exited the VIP section, I tried looking back over to Dawn Taylor but couldn’t find her.

In the elevator Azmir gave me a penetrative gaze with his tongue pressed into his molars. I shot a gaze right back at him as his long frame rested into the corner of the elevator. I was on to him, even if I hadn’t quite figured out what had just taken place. He tilted his head to the side suspiciously gaping as if there was a problem.

“You barely had one drink tonight.”

Ahhhh! He was also observant. “I think I drank enough the last time I was with you. I could use a little dry time,” I tried hiding my discomfit from the episodes of the club.

“Ahhh-ha,” he nodded.

I lied; my reason was experimental. Why I abstained from drinking was because I was familiar with the way my body succumbed to Azmir’s expert sexual skills, but I needed to know that the influence of alcohol had nothing to do with it. I knew that Azmir and I would be intimate that night, I just had to see just how much he contributed to my sexual arousal and satiety.

Once at the suite, Azmir moved to the side so that I could use my card to open the door. Again, I wondered had he been to the suite at all. I’d guess this meant he hadn’t. I pushed open the door and walked in to find an immediate glow from a pathway of candles lit from the door to well into the suite. I turned around to ask Azmir for answers to have him close the door and pin me up against it and kissing me breathlessly. I was shocked by his abrasiveness considering I was still coming down from the various suspicious incidences that took place downstairs, but warmed up to it almost immediately when his trained tongue swept against mine. I eventually became cognizant of the effort he must have taken to surprise me with the romantic set up there. At that moment nothing else mattered, no one else was considered or was a factor in our solitude. Our bubble.

Ripples of pleasure moved fiercely from my feet to the top of my skull and within just seconds I was caught up in orbit with him. Our tongues wrestled furiously, expressing things mere words could not. This man wanted to devour me; he needed me even more than I needed him. It was certainly one of those moments when I couldn't deny his unadulterated interest in me. Even if I didn't understand it specifically, the emotion was undoubtedly there.

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