Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

I then turned to Azmir and chatted about the latest performer and he agreed that it was awesome and told me a story of the first time he’d met her and the work he did with her people. He didn’t fail to continue sharing his salacious thoughts when he said, “I can’t wait to smear that lipstick off your lips. You should refresh it first. The heavier, the more on me when I wake in the morning.” My panties began to become drenched from my liquefied libido. I smiled at him with slanted eyes approving of his sensual talk.

Abruptly, I saw dark nails gripping his round shoulder, trying to get his attention. My eyes slowly trailed the arm up to find a tall, beautiful woman with dark chocolate skin, wearing an azure blue fitted, one shoulder, mini dress with silver sandals and matching silver and diamond accessories. Her hair was full with bouncy curls that stopped just above her shoulders. I could quickly tell she was about her diva. Her eyes beamed in excitement at the sight of Azmir. Initially, she didn’t even look at me, she was so caught up in him.

“Ms. Taylor. Wow! It’s good to see you.” He seemed surprised by her presence. He flashed her a coochie creaming smile that I’d become accustomed to sharing with other women. I still hadn’t decided if it was his charisma or just simple good looks that caused it to be so alluring.

“Hey! We thought we’d fly out and chill. Thanks for putting us on. This place is popping!” she exclaimed, sounding like a valley girl.

She gave clear view of her nicely whitened teeth under her dark red lipstick and alluringly lined eyes. And I could tell immediately she was completely taken by Azmir and all his glory. Could I blame her?

I could find reasons to!

“What a surprise. I thought you guys had had enough of me. Where’s Shayna?” Azmir asked quizzically.

I noticed that he referred to her as Ms. Taylor but her friend by her first name. So this was the woman with the familiar “touch” that I’d picked up over the phone...hmmmmmm. I stood to get a better view and he rose from the chair and remained next to me. That’s when she finally acknowledged me and gave me a once over. I realized I was squinting my eyes in reaction to it.

Azmir must have taken notice to her gaping at me and said, “Ms. Brimm, this is Dawn Taylor. Dawn, this is Rayna Brimm.”

She offered up a snobbish half a smile and I gave a slight nod not knowing how much more I should have given providing she was not happy with having to share Azmir’s air with me.

In that instance another woman joined sides with her with her. This one a lot shorter with straight hair horribly styled, wearing a figure-fitting red dress. She didn’t look as put together as Dawn at all, but she was more pleasant when we were introduced.

“Azmeeeeeeeeeeeeeer!” she sang in anticipation of him being surprised by her being there.

“Hey, Shayna. You two sure do get around the country, don’t you?”

“It’s our job and you better know it!” She acknowledged me right away unlike her friend who still was mesmerized by the Adonis of Azmir. Foolish girl!

“Shayna Bacote, this is Rayna Brimm.” She extended her arm and shook my hand graciously and I returned the favor.

“This place is nice! Do you come often?” Shayna asked. Dawn looked every which way but mine, she made frequent eye stops at Azmir, of course.

Before he could respond I heard, “Yo, Divine, who ‘dis?” Wop and a few other guys came in to break up the reunion.

In the corner of my eyes, I could see Petey standing off at a distance, sipping on his drink closely watching, almost as if he orchestrated the diversion. Wop and the others would never intrude on Azmir's conversation without permission. They respected him like a leader and Petey was his deputy sheriff. Something was fishy.

“These are friends of mine from Atlanta. Show them some Southern California hospitality. Ladies, we’ll be in touch,” Azmir said excusing himself. It was clear that he was trying to end the conversation.

Out of nowhere, Chanell appeared, “Divine, y’all wanna do a round of shots?”

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