Bluffing the Devil

chapter 10

What the hell was that?

I have to admit, things have been weird inside my head for a while, but that dream was just about to take some sort of trophy. Now I am dreaming of drop-dead gorgeous women who speak in circles. At least my dreams had some sizzle to them, I guess.

I lay in my bed, grouchy because I knew I hadn't been asleep for more than fifteen minutes. I got up and decided to have another pastry, and maybe sit on the balcony for a little fresh beach air. That always perked me right up.

I wrapped my giant fuzzy hotel robe around me and padded toward the kitchen. Everyone else was in bed, no lights were on anywhere. I was about to enter the kitchenette when I heard a gentle tap on the suite door. My first thought that it must be Rhea. Perhaps she forgot her key or she was trying to get in without waking anyone, so I went to the door and opened it, without checking the peephole.

Not Rhea.

Rey stared down at me. I tried to close the door in his face, but he stuck one very expensive Italian leather shoe in the jam before I could complete that task.

"I know this is very strange to you for me to be here. I apologize for the hour as well, but we need to talk."

Typically, that sentence would make people worried or frustrated, it just made me mad. "And what, pray tell, would you and I have to talk about?"

"Please Alexia, your life is in danger." The concern and sincerity on his face took me by surprise. I knew a liar when I saw one, but he was telling the truth.

"Oh, okay," I said still sounding slightly hesitant, but too worried to care about how it would look if anyone woke up to see him in our suite. "Come in. We can talk over there." I nodded my head toward the couch.

"No. Not here," he started and then quickly put his hands up and added, "I am not up to anything, I swear it. Things are not as they seem and I am not even sure who is who, and what is going on, but I need privacy to be completely honest with you and I cannot do that with your brood stalking your every syllable."

He had a good point. No matter how low we talked, at least one of them was going to be awake, hearing the entire thing, or something. Rhea might even have the place bugged and recording everything just so she can brush up on her security. The woman was a machine and never rested, seriously.

"Fine, where then?" I asked feeling suspicious, nervous, and anxious all at the same time. The feeling was actually quite nauseating but I kept a strong stance.

"Somewhere neutral works for me. Just meet me at that diner off of California Avenue?"

"Why can't we just go there now together?" I asked before I realized.

"You would chance being seen with me?" his eyes never left my face.

"Well yes, I'm a big girl and can come and go as I please, and leave with whoever the hell I want to."

The gush of breath as I said my words showed that he had been holding his breath waiting for my answer. A tiny grin teased the corner of his mouth. Gone was his cocky exterior and even the creepy glimmer from his eyes was less predatory and more tender. It was weird for me to notice those things at that specific moment, but maybe my mind was clinging on to hope that he wasn't going to take me down some abandoned alley and gut me for fun.

"Give me two minutes and we can go," I told him as I hurried across the suite to change my clothes.

I grabbed a ponytail holder, baggy sweatpants, a t-shirt, and some old sneakers. I didn't have anyone to impress, and I was going out near the beach in the middle of the night. I feared there might be a chill, so no need to be cute with shorts or something like that. I snagged my rainbow hoodie and stepped out of the room to find Rey pacing in the living room area.

"Let's do this," I partially whispered at Rey.

His eyes snapped up, "Oh. It's been two minutes already? You are quite fast. I don't know any other women like you."

"I am not sure if I should feel sorry for you or be happy that you don't have to suffer such things!" I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

His head hung a bit and then he looked up and said, "Okay, let's get out of here."

"Lead the way!"


The diner was truly only a few minute walk and we were there before either of us realized. The walk there was quiet and tense. I started to feel like I was in high school and my boyfriend was about to break up with me or something. It was a strange feeling to have, especially in reference to the guy I was walking with, but who can truly explain emotions properly?

When we got to the diner, true to form, Rey held the door for me.

"You don't…"

"Have to?" he finished my sentence for me. "I know, I don’t have to, but I like to be good at something and this is the one thing I know I can do properly. Please let me."

"Okay, thanks," I quickly slide my way into the diner and made a beeline for the back, corner booth. That part of the diner was always deserted, especially at four in the morning.

We sat and the most adorable waiter came over to greet us, offer us coffee, let us know what the specials are and what foods to truly avoid, and then sashayed away from our table to fetch us both a coffee.

"I'm a demon," Rey muttered abruptly.

"Ummmm, excuse me?" I asked incredulously.

"Yes, I have no idea how to do this, I've never told anyone what I am before, but I need to tell you and get this off of my chest. I feel horrible and I hate myself, I just can't do this to you!" His words had started to roll together, but fortunately, being a girl, I was well versed in say-as-much-as-you-can-in-one-breath. "I was sent here to stop your success by any means necessary. To throw temptation at you, and ultimately try to earn your soul for my master, but I just can’t do it. You are a really great person and I've just never seen such a tough woman before. You never fall for anything I say or do and you are so loyal and honest that I just don’t know where these emotions are coming from, but I can't do that to you. I have never even had emotions before, so this is really new to me. Usually, I am contemplating on which person I can use the most efficiently, ruin their name, and run off happily into the night. Even if I could figure out a way to do one of those, you would handle me before I could do the rest. You and your friends are a force to be reckoned with and even someone of my standing doesn't want to come between that."

A pregnant pause hung heavily in the air as our waiter showed back up with the coffee.

"I forgot to tell you guys that I am Bo and I will be your server. I mean, I am obviously your server, I just brought you coffee, but I also forgot to ask if you want cream or sugar, so I brought all the essentials for coffee including vanilla and caramel flavoring. I like my coffee like I like my men, sweet and creamy!" He smiled and then trailed off to talk to the cook that had just come out from the back.

"Sorry for my ignorance and laugh at me if you would like to, but what the hell?" I asked. I was sitting at the booth with him, my mouth agape and eyes round. I was holding my hands in that classic "What the!?" hand stance. I wasn't sure what else to do.

He chuckled, but the happiness never reached his eyes. "I knew you wouldn't believe me, but I have to try. This might take a minute to explain, so get comfy. You wore the right outfit for this conversation for sure!" His joke was a nice try and good touch for a mood lightener, but I was way too interested in what else he had to say. I brought my legs under me on the seat and leaned in a bit so I could hear him. I also managed to finally close my mouth and put my hands down. See? Success happens in the little things.

"About thirty years ago, I was killed in an accident. I was on my way to tell my girlfriend at the time that I wanted to break up with her. I had heard a rumor that she was cheating on me and I just didn't want to be embarrassed or humiliated by her anymore." He looked up to meet my eyes to make sure I was listening and nodded before continuing. "I didn't feel any pain in the accident. God immediately rushed in, pulled me out, and tried to take me home to Heaven with Him. On the way there though, the Devil showed up and asked questions, putting false hope and thoughts into my head and gave me a choice. I could make a choice, go to heaven and live a happy eternal life there, or I could get a second chance on Earth. I could make the one that hurt me pay for her betrayal and then serve the Devil as a sort of sidekick here and there when needed. When I agreed to take the bargain, I had no idea that it would be forever, nor did I know that I would be asked to hurt people on purpose that are truly good inside. She's never asked me to do something like this and I took the job thinking that you were some sniveling, underhanded bitch, but after learning more about you, I can see what kind of person you are and I don't understand who would want to hurt you."


"The Devil is a woman, Alexia," he stated bluntly.

"Right? And that bitch wears Pradas, and acts all high and mighty. She must want me to take my earrings off and get all ghetto up in here, shoot!" Bo had returned to warm up our coffees and see if we wanted anything else, and had heard a bit of the conversation.

I chuckled and agreed, "Right? She probably hates my sweats and hoodie look. I might get in trouble."

Bo turned to walk away and looked over his shoulder, "Girl, ain't it the truth? Devil always be up in our fashion sense and whatnot. I'm all like, don't hate me 'cause you ain't me. Okay?"

I turned my attention back on Rey and got serious again, "Watch how loud you say things, geez!"

"See why I wanted to go somewhere private?"

"Okay, point taken, but… okay, so the Devil is a woman, interesting. Why would she send you after me? I’m nobody special, and have done nothing that I know of to anger anyone."

"I still don't understand it entirely myself. I was just sent to do a job and usually I just do it, In and out, no big deal. Something about you made me question for even just a moment and then all Hell broke loose in my mind. Pardon the pun."

"So, what you're saying is, you were sent to harm me, but can't do it 'cause you think I'm attractive? That's lame."

"It's not your beauty that makes me not want to do my job, though it's a nice perk for once. It's your life and your friends and how you carry yourself that make me question. The people before that I was asked to handle were bad people that hurt many and only thought of themselves. You are not that sort of person. I don't understand why you were chosen, but I want and need to know why before anything else goes on."

"Very well, I see that and appreciate that you didn't want to just off me or my friends. Awful sweet of ya," I giggled nervously.

"Thanks, I have my moments," he said stiffly.

"Don’t we all?" Bo showed back up. "You sure you guys aren't hungry? A couple like you probably worked up a hell of an appetite before getting here. And look at that hour. I know you two must be exhausted. What about a slice of pie, or sandwich? It won't take but a minute."

"I'm far too exhausted to eat, just the check, please?" I asked.

"A check for plain ole coffee, no way you guys just enjoy your night," Bo said as he gathered our cups and sugar packet remnants and turned to walk away. I jumped up, shoved a $10 bill in his hand and told him to have an awesome night, snatched Rey by his hand and forced him to follow me.

"Aww, you didn't have to do that, hun! Thank you! You two behave now!" Bo shouted after us as I dragged Rey behind me. We went around the side of the diner and down the road. I cut through some shrubbery and other random things and suddenly we were on the beach.

He looked down at me a little shocked. "How did you get here? That was crazy."

"I am drawn to the water and I needed it. Also, this is a very safe and free place to have conversations without a room full of losers being able to freakishly hang on every odd word we say.

We both sat on the still-warm sand. I drew my knees to my chest and laid my head down for a moment, trying to soak it all in. Rey sat almost directly in front of me instead of at my side like most people would. He wasn't interested in checking me out he was there for the talk.

"Okay, so…" I began.

"Please, ask anything you want, I'm sure you have a million questions," he interrupted softly.

"Actually, I'm curious. The Devil, is she like 5'10", legs for days, brunette, brown and gold eyes, sexiest thing I've ever seen?"

"She's come to you?" The venom in his voice reminded me of why he and I had never been friendly before. Something about him had always scared me.

"I knew something was off about that chick! I just dreamed about her right before you showed up. She talked to me and asked me what I wanted most in the world and.."

"Oh God, did you answer her? Please tell me you didn't answer her!"

"No, of course not, she was asking me to choose between my career, my friends, and Devin. There's no way I could make that choice right now. I mean, I love my friends and I don't think they are going anywhere. I'm great at what I do, but could live without it, and Devin, well, he's not even real."

"Devin," he said flatly.

"Yeah, don’t worry about that. He's just this guy I dream about from time to time, no big deal."

"I know."

"Wait, what? You know what I dream about?" I said and quickly stood up, sending sand particles all over the place. A bunch went straight into Rey's mouth and he spat and stood also.

"I am very powerful and am privy to most things that go on in your life so I could have the best line of attack against you. That's my job."

"What is with all the negativity about Devin? Wait, he is a person!? Like a real, living, breathing person? And you know him?" My excitement must have tasted bad because Rey's face scrunched up like he wanted to cuss, but didn't.

"He's very much real and yes, I know him."

"Oh." Finally letting it sink in what Rey was telling me to be true and remembering that Rey is a demon made me sad suddenly about Devin. He must also be a demon. "My dreams have never been better and I've been sleeping more, finally. That must be his skill. Trying to lure me as well, I feel like such a moron. Of course I would dream of a great guy and he turned out to genuinely work for the Devil. Wow. I have a fantastic batting average with men. Some just die, others are completely off limits. I should give up!" I huffed out the end of the sentence and put my face in my hands.

"Alexia, I…"

"I'm sorry, Rey. I just don't even think I have the brain capacity to finish this conversation right now. Can we meet up tomorrow before the game and finish? I need some rest and, I don't know, some peace or something. This is insanity!"

"You will still play in the game?"

"Yes, of course I am going to play. Are you trying to stop me from playing? Is that your ultimate job? Seems like a waste of time. It's just a little bit of cards, nothing major."

"No, sweet, being able to play poker with you is a perk of the job. I was tasked with making you fail whenever possible. Build you up then break you down as many times as I could until you crumbled and gave in."

"You will have to explain that more to me later. Right now everything is blending together and you're starting to sound really far away."

"Are you okay, love?" was the last thing I heard before the lights went out.

C.L. Foster's books