Awaken: A Spiral of Bliss Novel (Book Three)

Even though the unknowns are as innumerable as seashells scattered on a beach, the knowns are clear as glass and infinitely more powerful. Now, finally, I feel like Dean and I have reached the shore at the end of a long ocean voyage.


After exploring distant lands, battling unforeseen threats, learning how to navigate rough waters and emerge from storms, we have both come safely home together, fatigued but exhilarated.


I settle against my husband’s chest, into his arms, as he pulls the quilt over my legs and we watch the bustle of Avalon Street outside the window.


We’re here again. We’ve always been here, in our own private world, the space that belongs only to us. We’ve never left.


I run my hand over the quilt, knowing that one day our son will learn about this patchwork history that has shaped my life, all the people and places who have made me the woman I am now.


One day I’ll tell our son about my own mother and father. I’ll tell him about the grandmother I never knew who unknowingly helped me find my own path. I’ll tell him about the warmhearted people who lived on a California commune, about the boy who taught me how to ride a bike, about beaches and the Grand Canyon at sunrise. I’ll tell our son that sometimes people aren’t kind but most of the time they are, and you should give them a chance to prove themselves.


I’ll tell him about the day his father came to my rescue at the university, the day Allie jumped out at me in a scary apple-tree costume, the day I won Kelsey over with a hug and a plate of crepes. I’ll tell him about the aunt who took me in when I needed her help, and a man named Northern Star who reminded me that living takes courage.


I’ll tell our son to be the type of man his father is—a man of intelligence and talent, yes, but more importantly a man of deep kindness, loyalty, strength, and integrity. A man who slays monsters for the woman he loves and stands by her side when she needs to slay them by herself. A man who doesn’t give up, who believes in chivalry and codes of honor. A man who knows what it means to both love and be loved.


There are so many important lessons I’ve learned in my journey to now. Trust your instincts, follow your bliss, make plans, work hard, learn to let things go. Don’t be late. Remember that fortune favors the brave. Live. If you need to run, try and run toward something. Study for tests. Laugh at silly cartoons. Be organized. If you fall seven times, get up eight. Always carry an extra pen. Believe you can do everything. Find your key.


And the most valuable lesson I’ve learned will forever live in my heart, right beside my husband. Love the one who proves to you that happily ever after is only the beginning.












SA Today bestselling author Nina Lane writes hot, sexy romances and spicy erotica. Originally from California, she loves traveling and thinks St. Petersburg, Russia is a city everyone should visit at least once. Nina also spent many years in graduate school studying art history and library sciences. Although she would go back for another degree if she could because she’s that much of a bookworm, she now lives the happy life of a full-time writer. Nina’s novel Allure, Book Two in the Spiral of Bliss series, is a USA Today bestseller, and The Erotic Dark hit #1 on Amazon’s Erotica Bestseller list.


Find out about Nina’s latest news and books at or join her on Facebook at and Twitter at












started writing Liv and Dean’s story alone, and I am both honored and humbled by the number of people who have not only joined me on the journey, but supported and cheered me on to the finish line.


This trilogy would not be what it is without the editorial expertise of Kelly Harms Wimmer of Word Bird Editorial, who has helped me improve both my storytelling and writing abilities. Thank you to Jessa Slade of Red Circle Ink, and to Deborah Nemeth for incredibly thorough and thoughtful critiques. Martha Trachtenberg, you have my eternal gratitude for your meticulous editing of the entire Spiral of Bliss trilogy.


Victoria Colotta of VMC Art & Design has elevated the Spiral of Bliss books to the level of art with her beautiful interiors and cover designs. Thank you, Victoria, for your talent, patience, perseverance, collaboration and for never acting like I’m a neurotic nutcase (even though we both know the truth).


My right-here-at-home friends and critique partners are one of my most valuable assets. Rachel Berens-VanHeest and Melody Marshall, thank you a million times over for all the very perceptive editing and story help, not to mention the much-needed reassurance. Bobbi Dumas, I love being able to always count on both your plotting skills and inexhaustible enthusiasm. Our monthly meetings are one of my greatest joys.


Lane, Nina's books