
And that’s when the most interesting turn of events happened. Seeing her cowardice like that seemed to enrage the other wolves. They too joined me in the chase, and in moments we had Diana pinned down. Her yelping cries were quickly silenced.


Overwhelming sense of pride filled me as I looked down on her still form. The other wolves who had surrounded me and aided me bowed their heads. It was clear to me that any prior questions of my leadership abilities or animosity about my becoming their Alpha Female were now gone. I’d earned their respect and my place in the pack.


A final yelp snatched me from my moment of victory. I turned to find my Aiden. He lay whimpering on the ground, his back leg at a painfully odd angle.


Micah lay on his back, unmoving.






Chapter 10




Werewolves heal pretty darn fast, especially when they have vampires for physicians. Aiden’s leg had been broken in a few places, but he’d managed to emerge from the fight a winner.


I curled up next to my sleeping man and nuzzled his hand with my cold wet nose. He’d been unconscious for the better part a day while he healed, and I hadn’t been able to shift back without his help, but none of the inconvenience really mattered to me. I was just happy my man was alive and well and had solidified his role as Alpha.


He stirred and groaned.


I let out a soft grunt and nudged his hand with my nose.


Still groggy from sleep, his voice was dry and raspy. “Sorry, babe. I should have helped you earlier.”


Since I had no voice, I did the only thing I could think of to let him know I wasn’t mad. I stood and gave him the sloppiest and wettest lick I could, right across his face.


He squirmed and let out a groaning laugh. “All right, all right, I get it. Thanks for the payback. Come sit by me.”


I plopped my furry butt down next to him on the bed and placed a paw on his chest.


Aiden smiled and shook his head. “You won’t be top dog for long.” He ran his hand up through the fur under my neck and face, then found the spot behind my left ear and scratched.


Now I know why dogs love it so much: the feeling was divine. I leaned my head into his hand, hoping for more.


“I have to say, you make one fine wolf. But I miss my sexy little mate.” His hand moved from the heavenly spot behind my ear to my forehead. “Remember who you are, Fallon,” he commanded.


I did as I was told and pictured myself standing in front of a mirror. I saw my body as it has always been and held on to that image. As before, there was a jolt, like an electric current. I felt it run from the tip of my nose to the end of my tail. It sent a shudder through my body. Then, suddenly, I felt myself expanding. My legs lengthened, my paws elongated into fingers. Such an odd feeling; while everything seemed to be getting bigger, my face contracted. My snout retracted into a small upturned nose. My teeth shrank and so did my ears.


It took no time at all, and other than the feeling of my back cracking and my knuckles popping, the entire process was painless. I smiled and stretched, enjoying the feel of being back in my own body again.


“So, how do you feel?” Aiden asked.


“I should be asking you that,” I replied, happy to have my voice back again. “Your poor leg looked terrible.”


“I’m a big boy, I can take a few bumps and bruises.” He shrugged off my worry. So like a man!


“Well, if you’re all healed, Mr. Tough Guy, then I guess you don’t need me to nurse you back to health. I’ll just be going then. I could use a shower anyway.” I turned away, planning to hop up out of bed and let him watch me and my naked ass walk away, but he caught me before I could execute my devilish plan.


“Oh, nurse, I think I found some swelling you might want to have a look at.”


Aiden’s smile was wicked. He rolled onto his back and put his hands behind his head on the pillow. His eyes darted from my face down to the sheets. “It hurts so bad. Is there anything you can do to help me?”


I followed the trail down his partially covered torso where his swelling, though covered by sheets, was very prominent.


I’d never role-played before; it always seemed a little cheesy to me, though secretly I found it arousing, and could already feel the wetness between my legs. I smirked. Playing the sexy nurse could definitely be fun. I bit back the giggle fit I was about to have and put on my best business-like face. “Oh, you poor thing. I know just the procedure to help relieve that pressure. But I’ll have to examine it further before we begin.”


I stood and walked around to his side of the bed, bent over, and folded the sheet back. That man couldn’t have been any harder—and seeing his throbbing cock quickened my pulse too. I had to fight back the smile again. I gave him a thorough examination, taking him into my hands and gently stroked his hard length. “Just as I suspected. We’re going to have to reduce that swelling soon, or that thing might pop.”


He looked at me with pleading eyes. “Please, nurse, do whatever you need to do.”


Katie Salidas's books