
Aiden’s transformation from human to wolf was almost poetic in its beauty. Where I felt clumsy and odd, he shifted with a graceful motion, and before I knew it, the large dark gray wolf stood before me, my Alpha and my mate.


He lifted his head and his tail and walked next to me, brushing the length of my body with his. Instinctively I lowered my head to him. He must have approved of my gesture. Aiden butted me with his head and lapped my muzzle with his tongue.


He yipped at me and then took off into the woods. I didn’t need to be told twice. I took off after him, determined to stay on his heels.


The freedom of running through the forest with the crisp winter air blowing through my fur was amazing. I could’ve run forever, it felt so good. I felt like I belonged there. Truly belonged. I was bounding over rocks and ducking low-lying tree branches with ease. No longer unsteady on my new paws, I kept right in pace with Aiden. He’d occasionally peek back at me and let out a snort or a growl. Though we spoke no words, I didn’t need them. I knew what he wanted, for us to keep going, faster and faster.


We ran for miles before heading back to the wolf preserve. When we returned, I was winded and a little worn out, but completely in love with my new body. The stamina, the enhanced senses, and the warmth of this fur coat were wonderful. So far, so good. I think I could get used to being a wolf.


I flopped down on the ground near the bonfire pit and caught my breath. Aiden trotted up next to me. There was a hint of electricity in the air. Aiden was transforming back. The fur fell from his body and he began to grow back into his human form.


I hoped he’d help me transform back, after the run.


Just as before, he seemed to do this effortlessly. In moments, my man was standing in front of me, naked. Seeing him au natural, in all his glory, ignited something inside of me, and any exhaustion I might have been feeling left. I jumped to my feet and barked excitedly.


“Relax, babe. We’ll get you back to your old self too.”


He reached out and placed a hand on my head, then stopped and turned away from me.


I smelled something familiar coming from my left: patchouli and Aqua Di Gio cologne with a hint of peppermint.


I couldn’t see him, or hear him moving through the bushes, but I definitely had his scent.


Aiden smiled approvingly. “Your nose is good. I smell him too.”


“You did it? You actually went through with it?” Brady sounded shocked as he walked up the path that led to the cabins. “And look at her!” He whistled. “What a fox!”


“Why have you come, Brady?”


Brady held his hands in surrender. “I’m sorry, brother. I was wrong to doubt you. I knew you would follow her if she decided to leave. Micah seemed the next best choice for leader, but he’s a thousand times worse. He’s coming and prepared to execute his challenge.”


Aiden scowled. “You should have had more faith in me … in us. But we will deal with that later. I want to end this now. Where is Micah?”


“He’s coming. There.” Brady pointed.


Then Aiden’s brow furrowed and he glared into the darkness beyond the trees. “Come out, Micah. Your Alpha requires a word with you.”


“You’re not my Alpha any longer.” Micah laughed as he emerged from the darkness. “In fact, you never really were anyone’s Alpha. You claimed the title but never earned it.”


More smells assaulted my nose, and then I saw them. Diana walked up behind Micah.


She’s supposed to be in lockup!


Behind her, more members of the pack were following.


My heart stopped. This had all the makings of a coup d’état.


Aiden stood his ground. “I’ve warned you, Micah. You make this challenge; you will not walk away from it.”


“I’m not worried.” He smirked. “Unlike you, who have only your bitch, I have the backing of the pack. They were quite interested in the concerns I brought up about your mate and her alliances.”


Aiden eyed the crowd beginning to fan out all around us. “How many of you wish to follow in the lead of this wolf? Has he promised you freedom from the threat of the Acta Sanctorum? No doubt he’s poisoned you against any supernatural alliances. He claims the vampires will be our end. How quickly you all forget that they too laid their lives on the line when our preserve was threatened.”


Murmurs and chatter buzzed around us.


“How many of their lives were taken, and how many brave wolves were lost in the last battle? Where is Connor?” Micah was playing that Connor card a little too often. He was beginning to sound like a broken record.


“And remember, it was the vampires who brought the Acta Sanctorum to our doorstep,” Diana chimed in.


“And you think you can protect this pack by alienating us from any other supernaturals in the area? What will you do when the Acta Sanctorum attack again, and you have no one to call on for support?”


Katie Salidas's books