Infinite (Incarnate)

Jill Roberts, my mom, who always believed in my dreams—sometimes more than I did. Thanks for never doubting me.


Jillian Boehme, an amazing reader and an even more amazing friend. I can’t imagine what my life would be like without you. Thank you for always being there when I need you. (Sorry I typoed your name in Asunder. I love youuu!)


Joy George Hensley, for being such a steadfast friend. Your support and enthusiasm keep me going. And maybe we should make Pride & Prejudice & Cupcakes Day an annual thing. Or biannual. Or weekly.


Kathleen Peacock, one of the most humble and fiercely loyal people in the whole world. I’m eternally grateful that we are friends.


Myra McEntire, who is one of the strongest, most determined people I know. You are an inspiration.


Sarah Schaffner, my sister, who really should have been mentioned in previous acknowledgments as well. Thank you for your “give me more Ana and Sam” threats. I mean, encouragement. You’re the best sister in the world.


A few people whose friendship and encouragement has meant the world to me:


Amanda Downum, Bria Quinlan, Brodi Ashton, Celia Marsh, Cynthia Hand, Elizabeth Bear, Francesca Forrest, Gwen Hayes, Hannah Barnaby, Jaime Lee Moyer, Jeri Smith-Ready, Kat Allen, Kevin Kibelstis, Kristen-Paige Madonia, Lisa Iriarte, Mandy Buehrlen, Nina Nakayama, Phoebe North, Rae Carson, Robin McKinley, Stacey Lee, Valerie Cole, Wendy Beer, and many, many more. I’ve been blessed with so many amazing people in my life that I couldn’t possibly fit everyone in here. If I (shamefully) neglected to mention you, here’s a blank space for you to write your name:


The Apocalypsies, for continued support and camaraderie.


The Pub(lishing) Crawl girls, for being such an awesome force for good in my life.


Team Incarnate, with a special high five for Julie, who keeps this thing running.


My book bloggers (you know who you are) who continue to post and tweet about the series and recommend it to friends. Love you guys. Never change.


Countless booksellers, teachers, and librarians who get books into the hands of people who will love them. You are incredible. Thank you for all that you do.


God, who I will never be able to thank enough for this wonderful life and all the incredible people who surround me.


And as always, you, the reader, for picking up this book. I’ve been so fortunate as to receive heartwarming notes from some of you, and to even meet a few of you in person. You make this whole experience real. Thank you for caring. Thank you for reading. Thank you for being you.















JODI MEADOWS lives and writes in the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, with her husband, a cat, and an alarming number of ferrets. She is a confessed book addict and has wanted to be a writer ever since she decided against becoming an astronaut. You can visit her online at


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